Since the two teams were going to be short players, and they didn't want to forfeit, the powers that be thought we could pull players from other teams to add to the forfeiting teams so that they wouldn't have to forfeit. (Remember, the win is not important. It's about the girls having fun)
I had never even heard of such a ridiculous idea. I told the errand girl that I was 100% against it. she started crying and saying that her family was suffering since she was spending sooo much time doing softball stuff. (NO kidding. . . . . .then don't take on the job!) She said it was her idea and it's for the girls blah blah blah.
I told her it was different in the Majors than it was in the Minors 9-10 and Juniors 13-14.
It was the same cut-throat way in the boys Major League only worse.
I had told them that I was perfectly fine if they pulled players up from the Minor league to add to the teams. There are 12 yr olds in the Minor league they could even use. Ace Whole said that that was against the rules.
How hypocritical is THAT?! He is the one who scoffed at me when I asked about using the safety rule about bats. and scoffed at me for asking about the pitching rule, and scoffed at me when asked about me wearing a shirt that matched the team. and scoffed and yelled at me when I asked his team to quit screaming at my pitcher while she was pitching.
Yeah, now he's all concerned about the "rules".
Ace Whole called the Regional office to see how to handle the forfeits.
They sent him the "alternate" proposal which is exactly what they wanted to do in the first place.
I am dumbfounded!!!!!
It doesn't make sense to me at all. AT ALL.
So, that's the last I heard about any of it till my game at 5.
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