Sunday, April 29, 2012

I found a Kauri's funnies.

She found the dishwasher looking like this and said the bowls are

Two years ago this month. Age almost 5.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

People are clueless,

and I get that. I do.
But, my assistant coach , no less??!!!

I spend usually 3 hours working up a lineup for my team.
I try to make sure the same person is not sitting the first inning every game, or batting last every game, not playing outfield the whole game, etc.

I worked and reworked this lineup to finally get it to my standard of fairness for the girls.

I showed up at the game, and my assistant coach (who, mind you, coaches another team right now and has coached several teams throughout the years) informs me that his daughter got hurt by a dog the day before, doesn't feel good, so she won't be playing in the game.
He knew this for how long, and waits till I get there to tell me? RUDE!!!

I frantically sit down on the grass while my team warms up and rewrite my whole lineup and positions.

As I get it done, the girls tell me two more players are not here yet with 10 minutes before the game.

Cross that one out and start over! Then one girl shows up and I only have to rewrite the lineup minus that 1.

The game started before I had it finished. I had to finish it while my team played. I didn't even get to watch them.

At the end of the inning, one mother came over and told me that the one girl that wasn't here would not be coming; she had forgotten to tell me. U G H!

We won the game with not too much drama. Some funny things were that some of my new girls would run all the way home from 3rd base, get scared or confused and run all the way back to 3rd base.

I did discover that the girl that tagged my girl so hard a week ago that she pushed her off the base, did so on purpose. Pushed her off the base, I mean.
She did it again last night. My girl was standing solidly on the base, and the girl shoved her off with the ball in her mitt. Luckily, the umpire saw it and was ready for it, cause he yelled, "No, you can't push her off the base." ( I had talked to my friend, the head umpire, about it the last time it had happened.) So, yeah, I will be ready for her antics next game.

Kinzie hit a hard grounder to 3rd base that the girl couldn't field, so Kinzie felt good about her game.

It makes a WORLD of difference when two of your less tough players don't play! My big guns didn't have to take a turn sitting out and they were able to play short stop for one inning each. They usually take turns catching and sitting, and don't get to play short stop. And, we get our big hitters up to bat more often.

Yeah, for GP! she is my "undraftable" cause no one would pick her. She played 1st and made several outs for us. She picked up several grounders and touched her base like a pro! THEN, she hit the ball down 3rd base line and got an RBI!

One of my girls that never hits the ball, hit it hard up the middle for a double.

My teeny tiny niece finally unleashed her bat during a game on her 3rd time up to bat. I think it was because her dad could finally make it to a game and had just shown up.
She swung at all strikes and missed all 3, but when the catcher didn't catch the 3rd strike, she ran to 1st base and got there SAFELY and got an RBI in the process.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Vegas trip

Can I be rotten for a minute?

We were hoping to not to run into Christopher's mom in the hospital. But, we did.
I was only hoping for one thing... to be smaller than her. Dumb, huh?

Well, I was smaller. She has at least 40 pounds on me. She greeted Hubby like they were best friends. He didn't want to see her, because he doesn't like being reminded about that part of his life.
Her sister, that Hubby refers to as a little crazy, hugged him, THEN SHE HUGGED ME! I have never met her before. I didn't even know who she was. The only thing I know of her personally is that I remember being in high school and she came up to me and threatened to beat me up concerning a girl that was on my basketball team.???? So, apparently, her name is no longer Lynn, and Hubby shouldn't call her that. She had it legally changed. Hahaha. sounds crazy to me...

Christopher's step dad was at the hospital, also. Greeted Hubby like they were good friends......NOT.
Hubby was happy to see that the guy weighs 60 or so pounds heavier than him. He was also wearing a WIFE BEATER TO THE HOSPITAL to see NEW babies!!!
At least put on some sleeves.
No one wants you holding their brand new baby in your hairy armpit!

Okay, I feel better now.

It's a strange world. Chris's wife's family are mormons. Chris's dad's family are mormons. Chris's mom's family are Vegasian's through and through.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Scouts is up and running

in my new ward apparently.
We have been in this ward for almost 9 months, and they have a court of honor every 3 months!
Yeah, me, the scouter woman, JUST FOUND THAT OUT!!!

They also have a board of review every 3rd Sunday after church. NONE OF MY BOYS KNEW THAT!
I asked several other parents and boys if they knew about it, and none of them did either.
They think they are doing such a wonderful job. How do you do your job if the people you are serving don't know anything about what you are offering???!!!!!!!

So, apparently, my boys didn't get awarded all their merit badges  and awards that they had earned in the previous ward, so they were going to get them tonight at the court of honor.

Oh, yeah, by the way, we are having a court of honor tonight... We found this out at 12:30 pm.
The same parents I quizzed about the other info knew nothing about the court of honor tonight as well.


Ugh, our previous ward was envied by other wards for running such a good scout program, and now the ward that was known to not have enough adult leaders' or parents' support that they couldn't even go on scout camp outs was telling me that I had somehow not done my job. Oh, the things I could say right here... besides the fact that we have been in your ward for 9 months and you have failed to inform even the scoutiest of scout families about these meetings that were taking place.

The scoutmaster had come up to us a week ago asking for ideas. He said some parents were thinking he wasn't doing his job right, since their boys were not advancing. They thought that by sending them to scouts, it was all magically getting done, kind of like cub scouts. They have no idea that boy scouts requires so much parental involvement. And, to top it off, the parents are not even being informed.

I felt all powerful by boycotting their court of honor. We didn't have a choice. We had other plans. :)

Saturday, April 21, 2012

I'm not ready to grow up!

It is his last high school formal.
I didn't even get to see him all dressed up before his date.

We were playing soccer all day, then I had practice for my softball team.

It was pretty fun. Some of the girls wanted to try hitting off the pitching machine at its fastest speed. That was 61 mph. Some of them were crankin' them out there. ( That means hitting them well for my 3 readers who don't know.)
Then I taught them how to properly execute a pickle situation.
Oh, boy, don't tell the umpire. He would have a fit about that one! haha
(in order for that last statement to make sense, you have to read my last post.)

So, Kyson had a full day. He reffed soccer for $10 hour from 8-12, then he went on  his day date from 12-3. Then, he reffed more soccer 3-5. then home to get ready for pictures by 5:30.

I'm not ready for my family to start splitting up, but God gave Kyson an attitude and a temper to help ME  let him go.   :)

I can't SLEEP!!!

I am too excited and HAPPY!

We had the most unbelievably good game tonight.

WE WON!! By 3 points.

24 Hours Earlier.....
The pink team played the maroon team and beat them by 16 points.
We struggled with that maroon team both times. we only beat them by a couple of points.

I knew we were going to lose to the pink team tonight. I just knew it!!
They are 4-1 and so are we. They have creamed all the other teams, and we just barely squeak by them.
I knew we were going to lose.

We were first up to bat. Our league has a safety net that a team can only score 5 runs in one inning. That is unless the play is still going on, then  you count all the runs that scored.

We had scored 4 runs already and we had runners on 2nd and 3rd. The catcher overthrew the ball to pitcher and we scored both runners on that play!
They got up and scored their 5 runs. Then they got us 4-up-3 down two innings in a row.
I knew we would lose, so I wasn't fretting too badly.

They scored a few each inning, so we had our last up-to-bats down 7-10.
We scored 3, then my pitcher and her sister the catcher were amazing.
It was tied at the end of 4 innings. So we had to go an extra inning.
Their pitcher, who is crazy fast and sometimes crazy wild but her catcher is 5' 9'' (and 12 years old) and stops everything walked a lot of my bottom-of-the-line-up batters, and we scored 5 runs the last inning. They were at the top of their line-up, and we held them to 2!!!

They have a batter that hits best with bases loaded. She hit two grand slams the previous night.
We had a signal for tonight, and we intentionally walked her without her knowing it was intentional!!!
The one time our pitcher gave her a strike was in the last inning and she hit it to right field. My right fielder was one of my more solid fielders for this inning on purpose! She picked that ball right up and fired it to 1st base.
Fortunately, her throw beat the all-star catcher/batter to the base.
Unfortunately, her throw went over the first baseman's head.
INSTINCTIVELY, I took a couple of steps toward the ball to back up the  play and retrieve the ball. I even stuck out my hand to stop the ball!
Fortunately, my mind clicked back to reality before I touched the ball.

Hubby saw the whole thing, knew exactly what had happened to my brain, and turned around to laugh his head off!!!

Anyway, the play ended up that the catcher got to the ball quickly and fired it to 3rd base to get the girl who was stealing. Kinzie caught the ball, applied the tag, and we were happy.

Two dropped third strikes later, and tag-outs before they knew what hit them, and we were out of that overtime inning with a WIN!!  ( at 10:15 pm no less)


My highlight of the evening was when Kinzie was up to bat with two strikes on her and 1 runner on base, and she hit that ball down first base line!
I mean, it followed the chalk line right down to 1st base. Then it bounced off the base and kept going.
She got a straight up triple!!! and an RBI!!

(The girl on base hit the ball right up the middle where no one was and had gotten a triple herself.) Kinzie earned her an In n Out burger for that hit.
Then Hunter Alld. gets up, more than 120 lbs lighter than the pitcher, scared to death of her pitches and SWINGS THE BAT at two of them. She struck out, catcher dropped the ball, Hunter ran to first, almost beat the throw, and scored an RBI for taking the attention off Kinzie so she could score! Yippee!

This was the team I kyped Kinzie off of to make my team. So her hitting against them is such sweetness.
Kinzie almost caught a pop fly that was over her head at 3rd base while running away from the infield. It was just barely out of her reach or she would have caught it. She LOVES pop flies.

More highlights include our new cheers that I made up spur of the moment.

We are the Tidal Waves:
 HIT 'EM HARD...tsuuuuuuuuuNAMI!!!  Ha Ha get it? and we all throw our hands from the middle of the circle straight up.

and FLOOD 'EM, TsuuuuuuuuuuNAMI!     (when we were up to bat.)

The Umpire...Hates me!
Hates the fact that I know the rule book better than he does!
Hates that I question him when he knows he's wrong:

He called a strike on one of my little girls for swinging the bat. Picture this: the bat went from her shoulder and stopped somewhere by her back/right knee, sort of like a golf swing. The bat never penetrated the strike zone. She clearly changed her mind about swinging and stopped the bat. But, no, mr. umpire didn't want to hear about it; he yells back at me, "I CALLED IT A SWING!"

Next example: the umpire didn't know that if the pitcher fake throws it at a runner while the pitcher has the ball in the "circle" she is not automatically out.
THEN: he tells me that these girls are only 11! And that he is not going to have an 11 year old catcher throwing out her arm throwing to 3rd base!

Yeah, I didn't completely understand that one either, and I stood there staring at him like he was from Mars.

I think he was referring to another of my games when the catcher kept throwing the ball to 3rd to stop my runners from stealing from 2nd.

Here's my issues with the first half of his comment:
If these were boys, you would never hear anyone complaining that you are teaching them too much too soon!!!
 No one would ever say, "Oh, poor boy, he is going to throw out his arm, cause the other team keeps trying to steal the bases...."
These girls are in the Major League. They need to learn the game before they get up to the Junior League(13-15 yr olds). Junior League will eat you alive if you don't know how to play.

The boys in the Major league are OOOBER competitive.
So are their coaches. But Heaven forbid you teach these girls too much too soon!
Cause, for sure, they don't want to know how to play!!!

By the way, I've not had one parent complain to me that I am teaching them too much too soon.

Sorry, this is long and all my audience of 3 will quit reading my posts, cause softball isn't your thing. It's a mental thing, it helps me sleep after such an exciting night.

My assistant coach, that always gets in yelling matches at these games, was out of town, so I had Hubby help me base coach. Funny thing, he knows the umpire. Hubby works with his brother!

I was bouncing more than Kinzie was all the way to In n Out! Bouncing the whole time we were eating! Bouncing the whole way home!
It was a good game even if we had lost, which I knew we were going to.

Okay, I tired enough to sleep. Yay!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

WHEW!!! That was a close one!!

Not talking about my game per se. We lost that by 1 point.

After my game, I had to take Kinzie home to babysit during Koby's and Kashton's game.
Cause Kyson was freaking out and yelling at me on the phone.
What else is new?
Kyson was babysitting, and had no plans. but then I am 10 minutes late with Kinzie and all Hell breaks lose. (It's a place, people. An accurate description of of Kyson's stress tantrums also.)
On my way back to watch Koby's game, I was in the middle of chewing Kyson out on the phone for his lack of babysitting skills and patience with the younger kids, and I didn't notice I was going 12 miles


The cop did.

Dang it!!
I have no idea why he didn't give me a ticket OR a warning.
Well, he did give me a verbal warning, "slow down."
So, whew, that was a close one!!!

Koby knocked a double over center fielder's head, and got 2 RBI's.
Of course, that was BEFORE I got back. Three innings of batters I watched, and I didn't even get to see Koby or Kash bat.

My game was pretty close as well. We lost by 1 point or 2 points, my scorekeeper counted a run that scored on a 3rd forced out.

My kids did the same dumb little errors, and some would've, could've, should'ves later, we lost by 2. (Really 1)
The umpire called the game after 3 innings, and I had to remind them all that we had to go 4 innings. AND we have to know that it IS THE last inning, so that we can score more than 5 runs if need be!!!
Dang it.

We had a runner, that was walked on a passed ball, run to 2nd with a person on 3rd.
We were very surprised to have the other coaches calling us "bush league".
I looked it up when I got home. It means amateur or unprofessional, inferior, or second-rate, and not belonging in the major league.
That is the first time we have heard of stealing a base on an opportunity as a bad thing.....
I think the other coaches were totally out of line.
When these kids get to the All-stars, you can bet the other teams
are going to take every chance they can get to advance.

But, to end a "dang it" night on a good note:


Saturday, April 14, 2012

Too close for comfort.

Wow! That was a close one last night!!
We won by 1 point.
Their pitcher was sick and not there, but their shortstop was a better pitcher, I think.
This was the last team we played that gave us such a good game.
They are the ones that the 3rd baseman only plays 3rd base, the 1st baseman only plays 1st base.
That's okay until you consider the little tiny right fielder
only plays right field, and bats last every single game!!
These girls ALL want to play infield.
No one at this age wants to get stuck in right field every game.

Not only was this team missing one of their better players, they were also missing two of their worst players. That makes a big difference in the game when you consider that those 2 weaker batters didn't have a turn at bat on the two occasions that they would have, and we faced their better batters more often since they were gone.

Wow, we made some bad errors. Easy to catch balls, not caught.....

Two of my best batters struck out TWICE each.

One inning they got us 3 up 3 down. I knew we would lose at that point.

But, my girls can hit the ball, and they did in the end.
We scored 5 runs in the last inning, and the other team scored 4.
The other team's tying run was on base, and my
stinkin' good pitcher struck out the top of the lineup batter!

I just need to add for my peace of mind (again) that if my first string players played the same position for the whole game and never took a turn to play outfield or to sit out, the outcome of these games might not BE SO CLOSE.

Dang it! I just want those other coaches to realize how hurtful it is to these girls' self esteem to be labeled bench-warmers so early in their life. They just want to  play.

I think my girls are having fun, I hope.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Kauri isn't going to school on Monday!

She found out that her school got a new principal, and she started bawling.

Some at our elementary school will be thrilled that she is gone, but not Kauri.
She told me she is not going to school on Monday, cause her principal won't be there.

Never mind, that my boys are all thrilled. They won't even get Mr. Staheli as their principal, but they are still thrilled about it.

I am pretty stinkin' excited. It's been a long time coming, and we are finally getting the principal we deserve!

Cheers for Burke! and Welcome to your neighborhood's school.


The goal: to get as far away from his family as possible
yet stay in Utah to qualify for his Utah Scholarship.
How about LOGAN!!!


He is still 17, but drove himself to Logan to tryout for the Aggie cheer team.

He discovered that an old swim teammate is going to school up there, so he stayed in his dorm on the couch.

He got there in time to take a nap before going to a stunt clinic put on by the school.
The next morning, he took a tour of the school campus.
That afternoon, he went to the cheer leader tryouts.
There were 40 girls and 12 guys trying for 8 spots each.
None of the guys got cut the first day, but they cut the girls down to 15 for Saturday.
Tryouts started at 10 am for Saturday.
By 12 noon, I was a nervous wreck.
"No news" is not good news! I figured he was mad about the outcome,
and was letting off steam and was delaying his call to me. By 1:51 pm, he called me.


I was about sick to my stomach at this point, and I almost couldn't believe him.
He told me a little about it, but we were on our way to a Easter picnic, and I lost signal.

They didn't allow anyone in to watch the tryouts,
so it wouldn't have done any good for me to go up there with him.
It would be easier and cheaper for him to find a place to stay for just him.
It would also be a good experience for him to go by himself.
Hubby kept saying we sent off our boy, and he was coming back a man!
That "manness" only lasted for 30 minutes, and he was sick of us again.

Friday night just happened to be a Full moon.
The tradition of becoming a "True Aggie" is that you have to kiss a "true Aggie" on Aggie Rock after midnight of a full moon.
Check that one off his list! His swim buddy became a "true Aggie" that night also.
They don't even know the girl. "Her name is Katelyn."

I'm not convinced that you can become a "True Aggie" before you make the cheer team, but I will not mention it out loud to him...

If he didn't make the team, he wouldn't have enough money to go to USU.
He would have stayed here and cheered for our local college.
But, he already has an Associates from this college and he is sick of being here, and there is not a lot of classes left in his major to take here.
I really wanted him to stay close to home, so that I could watch him cheer, but I also wanted him to follow his dream.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Kyson is solid with his "lib".

But, a lot of the other guys trying out can do twist-ups with the girls.
His chances are not looking as good as we thought they would be.
Dang it.

One more win and it always feels good!

We have beat each team once, which was my goal. I would like to take any of the credit for my teams wins, but heck, if you have two girls that can pitch like my two players can pitch, then you probably don't get to take much credit.

It was a close one tonight. We made just enough errors to make it close. The other team made the same errors, just not as many of them.

Holy cow, if the base umpire was blind he could have made better calls than he did tonight. My first baseman dropped the thrown ball and picked it up with her mitt, and the umpire says she was bobbling the ball.

The runner had to go around my 1st baseman, who was  holding the ball in her mitt while standing on the base, in order to get to the base. It was so "not close" that you can't even call it a judgment call.

I told my assistant that you can't argue a judgement call and he responded loudly, "There has to be judgement in order for there to be a judgement call!"  hahaha

The other team played the same infield player at the same position for the whole 4 innings. They were all strong players, and were placed in their positions well.

My team: every player has gotten a chance to play infield in every game. I don't like to put my lesser players in the outfield and forget them. If I had just my strong players playing infield every game, it would be interesting as to the outcome. And everyone takes a turn sitting, even my all-stars.

Back to paragraph one. Thank Heavens for these sisters that pitch. They moved here from out of town just in time for me to get to coach. They have been getting better at each game, and one of them is only 11! What I realized tonight is that the one is an awesome catcher! Wow! Every passed ball, got turned into an out at home.
What really stinks is that they live in another high school's boundaries, so if there is not a change in boundary alignment before they get there, then my kids' high school is gonna have some problems.

We won by 3,  but I thought the tying run was on 3rd base at the top of their lineup with one out. Whew, it would have put them down by two had she scored.

Hubby coached my other two boys in their Pony League game at the same time again. Dang It!
And Kortie had a game at the same time as us also. I missed all three of my boys playing tonight. I hate that!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

We did it again.

We won another softball game.
This one was not dramatic at all.

Except for the time I had to set the umpire straight,
when he said my runner could not steal home since the pitcher had the ball inside the circle.
Which she had not gotten back into the circle at the time my runner started running.
There is no way for the umpire to know anyway, he wasn't watching for that. The other coach was the one to yell that she wasn't in the circle. My runner got to score.

My highlights include the play made by the daughter of the pro player,
who scooped up a batted ball to 2nd like she did it everyday,
and without even thinking, threw a perfect ball to 1st base
for the third out with bases loaded.
It was her second game of her life. Her first time playing second.
She is trying hard not to shot put it every throw.
Her dad was in the crowd and got to see it.

Also included were plays made by Kinzie.  She had just scooped up a grounder at 1st base and tagged her base, then the next batter hit a pop fly, and Kinzie quickly put herself in line with the ball, and easily caught it for the 3rd out. Later, a grounder to Kinzie at 3rd, where she scooped it up and threw it to 1st for the out. She also got hit by a pitch and got on base by a dropped third strike. Which she claims to have done on purpose. She had 2 strikes on her and 0 balls, and she decided that she would swing at the next ball that was uncatchable, so that she could steal 1st. Where in the world would she learn something like that?
Well, actually, I taught her that.  :)

I really had expected more of a fight from this team. They were the first place team last year.
We won 12-8. We did not get our last at bats, or it could have been more. That's what I hate about being home team. Either you are stressed that you HAVE to score, or you don't even get to have your turn at bat.

The worst part of my night was when I found out that Kashton had played 3rd base, 2nd base, and pitched 2 innings and I had to miss ALL of it, cause I was coaching Kinzie's team at the same time.

A highlight of his game was when the ball was hit to him, he scooped it up, didn't know it was in his mitt and spent the whole time looking for where the ball had gone. So did everyone else. When there was no ball to be found, he finally looked in his mitt, and THERE IT WAS!!! hahaha

I also missed Kort's game cause I had to go to a cheer parents' meeting to hear the rules of the squad that I already knew.   :(

Koby didn't get to play in his game, since he jammed his fingers warming up for cheer tryouts.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Kyson declared himself an adult today.

Until I asked if he was old enough to VOTE.
He is counting down
the days he has left
live at home,
do chores,
have a phone curfew,
turn in his phone at night,
have access to mostly free transportation,
have free food,
have younger siblings to keep him company,
play with and/or torture Kamarie,
be in high school,
have his own room,
have a clean room,
free laundry facilities, etc.

First track meet of the year was at PV.

In order to try out for most college cheer squads, the boys need to have a "lib".
Here is what it looks like!
He just learned it.

Now, he just needs a place to sleep at night,
April 5, 6, while he tries out for the Utah State team.
 so it doesn't cost us an extra $160 for hotels.
Does anyone live by Logan that can offer him a room? 
He can shower at the school's gym and he will feed himself.