Friday, April 29, 2011

Word of the Day

From Kauri:

She said," Yummm, this strawberry is the best, most succulent strawberry I've ever tasted!"

I have never heard a Kindergartner use the word succulent.
She told me what it meant and then explained that she'd seen it on a princess movie where everyone  brought the princess presents. One of the presents was a succulent strawberry.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Picnic !!

What you don't se here is how many "takes" it took to get any of these shots!
Me with laryngitis trying to yell at the kids to look at the camera and quit distracting the baby!!!
Coming soon will be all the out takes of Kyson
while I try to get a decent shot to post!

Friday, April 22, 2011

Kauri has a funny friend, so she made my blog today.

The friend only hangs out with adults, so she is very articulate for a 5 year old.
Kauri was on the phone with her and made a rasperry sound with her mouth.
Her friend asked her if she just farted.
Then, the friend made arrangements for Kauri to come over and play for awile before the friend plays with her cousins.
Kauri had to wash her face and feet and brush her hair first.
While she was doing those things, the friend calls back and says,
 "Can I start over for asking you to play, cause I forgot to ask my family first."

Then she told Kauri that she CAN'T play with her.

Then Kauri said, "You mean that I got ready for NOTHING?"

Then a 10 minute conversation about how bad they want to play with each other today. Funny

It's not completely Koby's fault he made my blog

I don't think any of my kids have seen me boil potatoes in their skins before.
I had just boiled two pots full of eggs to color for Easter. (Remember, we have 7 kids that want to color eggs.)
I was boiling the pot of potatoes for potato salad.
Koby peeked into the pot and asked me with a big puzzled look if we were going to paint potatoes, too.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Kauri's Commentary

Kyson declared that he was having a staring contest with Kauri cause she was looking at him.
They stared at each other for a few seconds and when Kauri blinked, Kyson told her that she blinked and declared himself the winner.
Kauri didn't want to accept defeat, so she said,
"I blinked inside my brain."

We were going to swim team practice one day last summer, and Kauri was sick, and I wasn't going to let her get in the water. I told her we needed to get her some medicine to get her better and she told me,
"The water IS my medicine."

Kashton's funnies

We were all headed to ball games in one vehicle since gas is now reaching $4.25 a gallon for diesel in the truck.
All the kids were already seated when I got to the car, and the only place left was in the back seat of our Suburban.
So they LET me sit in the back.
Kashton always complains when he sits in the back, but he moved his seat to let me climb past it and told me to  let him know how fast my legs get CONSTIPATED. Ha Ha
I think he meant cramped or claustrophobic. lol

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Kortie did it again! (made my blog)

He wanted to use the humidifier tonight, cause he is stuffed up.
I saw him in the storage room getting it out, stuggling with it cause it was so heavy.
He managed to get it out of the room and dropped it as soon as he did.
I told him to stop, since it was not a humidifier.
It was a bread making machine.

It sucks to be sick

on your 17th birthday!!!!
Sorry, Kyson.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Kortie's Funnies

Yay, Yay, Yay,
Kortlen FINALLY made my blog!!!

Kort's NintendoDS has a broken hinge, which means it doesn't work.
We have the parts to fix it, but it is in the halfway done phase. 
This is torture for an 8-yr-old.

Hubby was playing a DS this morning, and I asked if Kort could play that one if Kort's room was clean.

He nodded to me, so I told Kort that dad had nodded his head.

Kort had the most innocent look on his face as he asked me,

"Which way?"
as he unintentionally mimicked a bobble head doll.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

My science experiment: Dingy whites to whitest whites

I read somewhere (and I don't know if it is true) that garments are DYED WHITE. So, when they are bleached, the bleach takes out the white dye and makes the garments dingy grey!!!

So, buy some white dye and dye them white, right?

What WMart carries in the Rit dye section is not really white "dye", but it claims to whiten and brighten dingy whites.

Well, the ingredients have some of the sodium and hydrowhatchamacallits that are similar to my oxidizer powder.  I'm not a chemist, but I was hoping there was a big enough difference to make a bigger difference.

I've tried using the oxidizer powder on the dingy garments to no avail. But, it makes sense that the oxidizer won't make the dingy whites whiter if the dye has been all bleached out of them...

So, I followed the directions on the "whitest whites" rit dye,
I even used hot, almost boiling water.
I stirred it for 12-15 minutes,
and rinsed them with warm water.

What I was hoping for was to NOT to have to spend $50 to replace the dingies.
You know, so I feel like I can wear white t-shirts again
and not feel like I don't know how to do laundry
(which apparently, I don't.)

The experiment was a waste of my time and the $2.20ish that I spent on the ritstuff.
Not completely a waste of my time, I guess, cause now, I know.
I don't mind the "now, I knows" as long as it didin't cost me too much.

I guess I am going to make that trip to the DB (DeseretBook) on Monday to get me some whitey whites.
I guess I did figure out how to get the whitey whites after all.

Hubby says to try spray paint...
maybe I will.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Kauri's Commentary: riddle style

Brushing her own hair, she tells me, "I'm trying to make that white stuff on the top of my head."

What is it?

Kauri's turn to fold the stuff that goes in the kitchen drawers, and she says,
"I can't do the ones with the ropes."

What is it?




















A part.

An apron