Tuesday, July 31, 2012

I hate it when I lose stuff!

Especially when it’s a wheel. 
Off my camp trailer.
In the dark.
At midnight.

100 miles from home.

I don't mean just the tire,
I mean the WHOLE wheel fell off.

As we pulled into Mile-and-a-half campground, 
something started scraping the ground big time.
 We checked to make sure our back trailer jack was still on there. 
(We had dragged it over several bumps and tweeked it.)
 It was fine.
 But one of the dual wheels was gone. 
We parked our trailer as soon as we could and put the kids to bed.
Then Hubby and I drove back up the road to see if we could find it.
We couldn't, so we drove back to our tilty trailer.
Our bed tilted really badly towards our pillows,
 so we slept in our bed backwards so our heads could be uphill.

Earlier in the evening,
we had driven up the right road, but thought it was the wrong one
 when nothing looked familiar.
Then, we drove up the wrong road for 5 miles before we realized it,
then had to turn around with a 26 ft. trailer.
We went back to a familiar spot to start over looking for
"the spot." 
We got back to the same right road, and still nothing looked familiar,
but we decided to stay there anyway, 
cause it was late.

I had a flashlight 
and was scanning the area for a place to park the trailer,
when my light picked up two shiny objects close together. 
The objects didn't move for several seconds. I thought it must be two shiny pop cans. 
Hubby threw some rocks in their direction, and then the spots moved a little. 
They were eyes!
 I got the chills. 
Hubby got nervous.
We hurried back to the car.
 We turned around and headed back to familiar territory elsewhere. 
Just as we pulled into the familiar campground,
we started scraping the ground.

The next morning Hubby left at 730 and went looking for the wheel. 
Kash went with him since he had slept in the car. 
They went all the way up to where we had been lost the day before. 
They found nothing. 
Hubby came and unloaded the car and put the trailer's 
spare in the back to take to town to get a new tire put on it.
(Our spare tire was shredded.)

  I asked if we could just spend 10 minutes looking with a few more eyes and legs. 
We went immediately to the ravine that I had suspected earlier. 
Kinzie and I looked from the top of the ravine for about 50 yards
 before Kyson got out and helped look.
 He grumbled at me,
"Why are we looking right here since we could see all this from the car."
 I thought he was being non-helpful, 
but I asked him facetiously if he wanted us
 to go look in the bottom of the ravine, and he did. 
Kort got out of the car, and I had an idea to have him look on the edge
 of the road to see if he could find any of the lug bolts that had been lost.

By now we had covered 100 yards. 
After a minute Kort had found a lug bolt, and it had been sheared off. 
He took it to show Hubby and sure enough, it was ours. 

That was a huge clue, 
since the wheel could not have come off before the lug nut and bolt did,
 so we knew it had to be in the ravine. 
All the kids got out, and we scampered down the ravine to look around. 
The ravine was about 50 yards down at about a 30 degree angle. 
 Not too steep but slippery in some spots and had trees and fallen logs 
to break the fall of a wayward tire. 
We had looked for less than 5 minutes when Kyson spotted the wheel. 
We had missed it from the top.

 It was almost right below where Kyson had suggested going to the bottom of the ravine. 
The wheel was about 50 feet from the road.  
Hubby loaded the lost wheel that had a shredded hub and took the spare shredded tire 
and went to Kanab to have them combined.

 At least we didn’t have to buy a new tire. 
The one we lost and then found was pretty newish. 
Hubby was gone about 2 hours, and it cost about $40 to have the wheel fixed
 instead of $120 if we had not found that tire.
Kyson grilled us some hot dogs
since Hubby was gone.
I had forgot to bring ketchup, so we used a lot of mustard.

Kash got out the bows, arrows, and the target.
Someone got really angry with him and took it away- only to find out later that
 the stuff wasn't his to be taking away.

I started a puzzle while Hubby
was gone. I got bored before it got finished, so
I took a nap. I guess my two oldest boys got into quite a fight
over the last piece. I slept through it.
(When Kyson was little, he used to take a piece of a puzzle
and hide it in his pocket so that he could put the last piece together.)

Dinner time, 
I cut up 4 pounds of chicken before anyone told me that it stunk.
 I have the most sensitive nose in the house, 
and I stuck my nose right in the chicken to see if it was still good,
 and it didn’t stink to me. 
But it did to a few others. 
When I got to the last piece it could smell it. 
So, Hubby took it away and buried it. 
I forgot
 to bring a big pan,
so I had to cook corn for 9 in 3 small pans.
I had thrown a case of soup in at the last minute, 
so we had corn on the cob, soup, bread and butter, hash browns, 
cottage cheese Jell-O, and slushy root beer.

We happened to bring a Cuttco demonstrater with is, 
so we sat through a practice round.

After the demo, after the sun went down, we got out the 
ice cream.

It got cold eating ice cream, so we went inside the trailer and had hot chocolate.
Hubby had spent several hours earlier trying to fix the generator with no luck, 
so he had to hook the trailer up to the car battery so we could take a shower.

During the night, Kort's sleeping bag fell of the top bunk; how do you lose a bag you are sleeping in?

I found it, cause I had to go potty.
It turned out to be a good thing 
that I had to turn on the light to help him, 
cause I found Kamarie completely uncovered and freezing.

Then, I couldn't sleep.
I had little league running through my head.
(that's another story)

One of my kids woke up in a bad mood and had PMS big time all day. 
When he gets these pms episodes, (which is often)
I am not allowed to breathe, eat, be alive, talk, or anything else 
that would distinguish me from a corpse.

Someone assured me that going away to school
for a year will make a big difference.
All I can do is hope. 

Some random cute pics of my kids.

Around 10:30 it rained. The kids took down the hammocks. 

We went to this place where we usually take pictures then we came back and loaded up.

On the way to what we call the "family tree," we found a campsite with a swing, 
We are SO gonna stay at that site next time.

We pulled our trailer to a camp spot close to the family tree, ate sandwiches,
 and took pictures of us at the tree.

The tree in the center is the tree that broke off due to the cable choking it for so long.

The tree swing is just not 
as fun anymore since the cable fell off a few years ago.

Someone has turned this meadow into a road, but they have no idea of the history they are passing on their way past the "tree."

Some random pic I found on my camera after Hubby
 got a hold of it.
silly hubby.

Cute pants, huh? I found them in my closet. 
I don't remember buying them.

Sunday, July 22, 2012


                 It was like pulling teeth, but we got me to the lake!

Two years ago, we didn't have much work, and the reverse gear shift cable quit working on our boat, so we parked the boat in the garage.

Last year, we still hadn't caught up to what 2008-2010 did to our finances, so we didn't fix the boat or take it out.

This year, we got estimates to fix our boat, and the old man that does it in his front yard, and back yard, and side yard gave us a better rate than the boat fix-it shops, so we had him order our part.

He said it would take a week or two to get it in. When we called back in a couple of weeks to check on the part, he said he was now super busy with lots of boats ahead of us and gave us another date to bring in our boat 3 more weeks away.

Three + weeks later, we called him to find out why he hadn't called us to tell us when to bring in our boat, he was confused about who we were and thought he had already fixed our boat.

It turns out that the part for the boat came in, and he put it on another boat thinking it was our boat.

So he ordered another part, and we could bring our boat to him in a week and a half!

As he took my boat to his yard he told me that this part might not work right in my boat, cause the company that makes my part had been bought out by another company and it no longer makes parts for our motor....

We finally got our boat back, and tried to register it online so we could take it to the lake that weekend. then we found out that since it hadn't been registered for two years that we had to do it in person. By now it was too late to go to the DMV.

Then, for the next few weeks, we had one or more kids missing at things such as cheer camp, scout camp, girl's camp, job training, car washes, etc. So, one day we decided that we would just go to the lake with who we had at home. Hubby had said that he would register the boat on his way home from work since he was working out by the lake. He forgot to do it and thought that I would take care of it. I thought that he would do it the next day since he spends mostly every day out by the lake doing concrete.

It didn't get registered, so we weren't able to go to the lake while we had all of the cousins in town!
It would have been fun. It just did not work out.

The forecast was for scattered thundershowers for the next 7 days,
but I was gonna go no matter what till the lightning kicked us off!

Well, guess what.

The lightning kicked us off!!!

but, not till 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

A call in to Uncle Jeffrey as told by Lisa Terry Hardy

I had called my Uncle Jeff not knowing he would be home, so I was prepared for an answering machine- but he answered the telephone.
I had said, "Uncle Jeff, this is Lisa-your niece."
He said, "Well Lisa, it wasn't too long ago we just seen you."
I replied, "I know, and I'm sorry to bother you, because I know you are so busy."
He said, "No problem-what's on your mind?"
I mentioned that a very good friend of ours is sick and I wondered if you could put his name in the temple for all the apostles.
He said, "Sure, there's a special prayer circle that we read the names individually. I'd be happy to. What's the name?"
"Danny Alldredge."
He said, "Danny Alldredge from St. George? That went to school with my brother? He's about 50-60?"
"Yes, more than likely, that's him. He's been diagnosed with kidney cancer, and it's spread to his lungs. He has less than 3 months- maybe even weeks to live."
He said, "Oh, shoot! Oh, no! I'm sorry to hear."
"Can you also bless their children on missions-they have 2 (on missions), and the whole family?
He said, "You bet! I'd be glad to. Be glad to. I'll take care of that right now."

Sometime between April 15th and July 1996.
Danette's really good friend from college, Val Hardy, married Lisa Terry from Enterprise. 
Lisa's mother's sister is married to Jeffrey Holland.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Oh, the politics of LittleLeague...

I have heard that the all-star coach plans on pitching his own daughter 
at the tournament and no one else.
That's what I hear from a mother on the team.
There was a contest to see who could pitch the most strikes and that person would pitch at the tournament.
When my player from my team pitched the ball, the catcher would intentionally drop her pitched balls and call them balls when they were strikes. Then the catcher's friend (coaches daughter) was pitching and they were all strikes even though the catcher was all over the place trying to get to the pitches.

So, according to the coach, since his daughter pitched the most strikes, she was the one that was going to pitch in the tournament.

The mom of the pitchers on my team says every time she shows up to practice, her girls are running the bases. All the other girls are in their playing spots and her girls are just running bases. She thought it looked as though the coach would bench her girls.

The mom is mad. She feels like her girls won the league with their pitching and now the coach won't even let them pitch in the tournament, and it looks as if they will just sit the bench.

I feel the same about the winning the league. If those girls had not pitched for my team, we would not have won ANY games. The girls did not win by themselves, cause we had to have hitters as well, but we would not have won if it weren't for them. So, I agree with the mom.

The mom also told me that every coach in the league is at most every practice except for me.
She had called to find out why I wasn't the coach-to see if it was my choice that I wasn't. She thinks it is so wrong that I am not the coach. (I am the only coach that does not have a daughter on the team.)

The catcher is another issue. She is the best player in the league. She is the one that can peg the center-fielder in the forehead if she wants to. She pulled my best player J aside in front of the all-star coaches and all the players and told her she wanted to teach her how to run the bases. Besides the fact that she intentionally dropped the pitches from T, she is always bossy and snotty to them both. (J and T are sisters.) She is a bully and yells at and puts down anyone she wants to that is not her friend.

I told the mom to keep track of the games herself, because I didn't think the coach would play the girls fairly. The mandatory play rule says that each player needs to play 2 defensive innings and bat at least once. 

The team had a game last night. J only got to play defensively for the 4th inning. It was clearly a violation and the consequence is that the coach gets suspended for two games. (The mom kept track in her own score book.) Well, the coaches are adamant that J got to play 2 innings. (I've been talking a lot with the mom on the phone and this is what we think happened: the coach made the change and either forgot to tell the girls of the change or they didn't hear him tell them.) It is written in the score books that J went in in the 3rd inning, so no one will believe her. The mom called the Wash. LL pres and told him. I knew he would not take it further, so I did. I called the district guy and he had someone check it out. They determined that it was in the score book as being subbed, therefore she played it. They lost the game anyway, so the only thing that mattered was getting the coach his just consequence.

As it turns out, they had a game today also. Since they wanted to pitch the coaches daughter both days, they could only pitch her 2 innings yesterday. So T got to pitch 2 innings yesterday. She didn't do very well, and the catcher was yelling and yelling at her to pitch strikes. Then the catcher would turn to the coach with her hands up after every pitch and roll her eyes. Softball is mostly mental. How can she pitch strikes to a big ol bully like McKenzie is? Especially when she is yelling at her so bad. No, the coaches didn't stop her from yelling at he pitcher. 

I haven't heard about the game tonight except they played Parowan and beat them by 13 runs.
And J hit one of her specialty home runs with two girls on base.