Monday, March 28, 2011

Ward Conference

Both of the counselors in the Stake Presidency are in our ward or have been.
The one that was our bishop for a year 13 years ago and not in our ward anymore made his way to the front.
As he reached the stand, he looked like he just saw the biggest ice cream cone in his life!
It was fun for me to see that.
He immediately went over to where Koby was playing the prelude music and offerred him his praise.
Afterwards, both counselors made their way over and offered their praise to ME.
That was fun, too.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

V Day 2011

Kamarie Funnies

Last night, Kamarie wanted me to put her to sleep,
which means sit in my rocker recliner chair and nurse her to sleep.
We were by my closet when she was making her wishes known to me.
 This usually consists of her whining, pointing at the chair, and her doing her lithalithalitha thing with her tongue.

She could tell that I was undressing to get ready for bed, so she started to help me:
I have these favorite lounge pants that I wear A LOT.
(warm, thick, cozy, big, comfy)

She reached into my closet,
grabbed hold of these lounge pants that were under a nice size pile of other clothes,
pulled them out,
and handed them to me.

Kamarie has been very sensitive to gas in her intestines since she was born,
therefore, I sleep with a hairdryer next to my pillow.
When she has a gas problem in the night and can't get back to sleep,
I turn on the hairdryer and she usually settles right down.
She also like to nurse during the night when she wakes up.
I don't always want to nurse her in the night,
 cause it makes it hard for me to fall back to sleep.
I have started turning on the hairdryer when she wants to nurse.
A few times it has made her fall right back to sleep,
and I have gotten to go back to sleep as well.
The other night,
she was whining to nurse,
and as I reached above my  pillow to turn on the hairdryer,
she grabbed my arm and yelled at me:
(She didn't want me to  put her to sleep without nursing her.)

Smarty pants.
She is only 18 months old.

Monday, March 7, 2011

church funnies

Bro So-and-so bore his testimony and added that he was also grateful he was the scoutmaster; the boys have taught him so much.

The top baseball player at our high school gets up and sings praises to the local trouble-maker saying how he is so nice to him, you know, the one I've been having problems with ever since I asked his mom to stop letting him drive with my kids in the car while he doesn't have a license. The athlete's father is also the baseball coach and decides who makes the team and who plays in the games, so of course the trouble-maker is going to be butt-kissing, brown-nosing nice to them.

Then, theYM leader of the Teachers Quorum gets up to bear his testimony (he had t-m in his class so knows him well), and states that this is a church of MIRACLES! Since Bro. Soandso can be "grateful" to be the scoutmaster, and said trouble-maker can be a role model.

LOL      LOL         LOL
        LOL       LOL         LOL

PS. Then t-m gets up there to the pulpit of testimony meeting and thanks the girl in our ward for asking him to the girl's choice dance.
LOL classic.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

This night is not the same as last night.

When I asked Kauri about throwing up last night at 5 AM (this was the other day),
 she said, "THIS night."
I said what do you mean THIS night?
and she reminded me that she did not throw up LAST night, but that it was THIS night that she did.

meaning: it was still dark so it was "night," but it was more toward today than last night, so it was "THIS" night.

It makes sense to me...

We are going "viral."

Four weeks ago I made a trip to the Dr. four nights in a row for 4 different kids with ear infections.
We have had the on and off cold symptons most of this winter.
I don't think I even know Kyson without a cough.

Last Friday, Kauri came home from her soccer practice feeling sick and throwing up later.
Monday and Tuesday, Kauri had no school for the Parent Teacher conferences.
Tuesday, Kamarie woke me up at 6 am throwing up. Every 30 minutes for the next 7 hours.
Wednesday, Kauri was all dressed for school with her coat on ready to leave when she told me she was "freezing." Checked her temp and it was 102. she was devastated to have to miss school 3 days in a row.
She spent the day on the couch watching Bubble Guppies with Kamarie.
Thursday, Kauri's temp. was 103, so she stayed home again. She spent the day with a bucket next to her for her off and on spurts of throwing up.
Friday morning I heard her throwing up at 5 AM, so I checked her temp and it was 105.5. Gave her some ibuprofin and let her watch tv. She didn't even complain. Fri. night, Hubby told me that she had a sore throat and maybe we should check her for strep. I knew it couldn't be strep if she hadn't complained about a sore throat all day every day, but I got a flashlight and checked her throat. Holy Cow! I had never seen anything like it before. Her tonsils were the size of quarters and they were covered with white patches of cottage cheese looking stuff. The nurse told me it was a virus and not to bring her in.
Friday night, Kort started throwing up.
Saturday morning, Kinzie felt like throwing up, but played her soccer game anyway.
Kamarie's eyes started gooping up, also, and we immediately started treating her for pink eye.
She only gooped up a couple more times, so we think we got it under control.
When we got home, Koby felt sick, too. He started throwing up later that day.
Last night we took Kauri and Kamarie to the Dr. and got prescriptions
for Kamarie's pink eye and for her ear infection?
Yeah, we never would have known about her ear infection if it weren't for Kauri's swollen lips.
Kauri's swollen lips and 104 fever helped us decide to take them both in.
First, Dr. Karl ran a strep test on her that came back negative.

Dr. Karl listend to Kauri's symptoms: very high fever for lots of days, swollen and cracking lips, swollen tonsils, pink tinted around her eyes and then he said, "Let me see your hands."

When he said that, I said, "You are not checking to see if her fingers are peeling are you?"

He said that he was.

Dr. Karl is the one who diagnosed Kashton with Kawasaki Disease 11 years ago.

A few differences are that Kauris fever actually goes down with ibuprofin.
And her mouth hasn't been sore, sore, sore, and has not been complaining about her whole body hurting.
Dr. Karl said he wasn't going to rule it out, but does not think it is Kawasaki.

So, three or four different viruses at our house right now.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

My annual "too busy for a day" post.

2:30 Kinzie Parent/Teacher conference.
5:30 L.L.softball tryouts for Kinzie
5:30 L.L. baseball tryouts for Koby and Kashton
5:30 L.L. baseball tryouts for Hubby since he is coaching and has to pick a team.
6:00 Cheer banquet for cheer leaders and parents.
6:00 Parent meeting for Koby since he is doing the college/high school program next year that Kyson has been doing.
7:00 Kort's first Pine "View" Derby. (pinewood derby)

Our 21st anniversary!