Bro So-and-so bore his testimony and added that he was also grateful he was the scoutmaster; the boys have taught him so much.
The top baseball player at our high school gets up and sings praises to the local trouble-maker saying how he is so nice to him, you know, the one I've been having problems with ever since I asked his mom to stop letting him drive with my kids in the car while he doesn't have a license. The athlete's father is also the baseball coach and decides who makes the team and who plays in the games, so of course the trouble-maker is going to be butt-kissing, brown-nosing nice to them.
Then, theYM leader of the Teachers Quorum gets up to bear his testimony (he had t-m in his class so knows him well), and states that this is a church of MIRACLES! Since Bro. Soandso can be "grateful" to be the scoutmaster, and said trouble-maker can be a role model.
PS. Then t-m gets up there to the pulpit of testimony meeting and thanks the girl in our ward for asking him to the girl's choice dance.
LOL classic.
1 comment:
Only in Utah! LOL!
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