Kinzie hit a double past shortstop. Got an RBI
Jessie, my niece that had eye surgery and still sees double, bunted a perfect bunt and out ran the throw.
Hunter, a lefty hitter and Jessie's little sister, hit one down 3rd base line and beat the throw to 1st.
Kayleen picked up a base hit that was hit to right field and threw it to 1st (Kinzie) to get the batter out.
Morgynn (catcher) fired the ball to 1st to pick off the girl with a big lead off. A gutsy move no one in my league ever tries, but even though they didn't get her out, it made a huge statement.
Morgynn threw a girl out stealing 2nd. Josie tagged her out as the force of the hard-thrown ball pulled her mitt back and into the runner. haha
Hunter pitched 2 innings and was fabulous. She faced 11 batters and struck out 2.
We had scored four runs so far during one of our at bats. We had the 5th and 6th runs on base of a 5 run limit inning. Morgynn (the creamer-she creams it everywhere) was getting intentionally walked. However, on ball 4, I told her that I needed her to swing at it no matter what. (I needed to get the 5th run in on a passed ball and preserve Morgynn to hit in the next inning, so I needed a strike and a passed ball....) It was high and outside, so Morgynn swung at it and knocked it almost to the fence!!!!!!!!
A stinking homerun!!!!!! 3 RBI's :runs batted in:
It was AWESOME!!!
An over throw to 1st, so the runner went to 2nd. Kinzie picked up the ball and fired a perfect throw to 2nd being covered by the 2nd baseman? (a very inexperienced player who actually was covering her base) and she tagged her out!
A girl hit such a soft hit that it couldn't be considered a hit or a bunt, but my catcher, Morgynn, jumped up, snatched it up, and fired a perfect throw to Kinzie!
The last inning, I put in my star pitcher, cause I was scared of having another inning like we had last week where the other team caught up to us when we had a 10 point lead. She finished off the game quite nicely.
The very last batter hit a hard grounder up 1st base line. Kinzie scooped it up and stepped on her base for the game-ender!!!
Pick any of these moments, even just one,
and I would have called it a "good moment game".
But, look at all these moments we had.
I got to be a part of these moments with these girls,
and it makes all the nonsense WORTH IT!
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