I called Ace Whole from my game and told him the black team had enough players show up and that they were still using the two extra players off the Blue team that beat us last night.
I told him it wasn't fair and I was protesting the game. He said he'd be right over.
When he got there, he stood behind Jericho's dugout and told Jericho that I had protested the game.
With arms outstretched, and in his big booming 350 lb. voice, in the middle of the game, Jericho starts YELLING at me from the other dugout.
He repeated it twice. IN HIS OUTDOOR VOICE.
I said something about him not needing the players and getting two of the best players off of the other team and still using them in a game was cheating.
Never say the "ch" word to Jericho. He came freaking unglued at me. If I thought he was yelling before, I had another think coming. . . . .
(Remember last year when he won the game against me when my scorekeeper missed a run, and he erased it off his book so no one could tell?)
He demanded that I meet him at home plate. He is still yelling crap at me as we approach the home plate and the umpire. The umpire put his hands out to stop the boxing match that was about to happen between this 350 pound man and myself. LOL
He was calling me a bush leaguer ( a very low blow meaning you play with no integrity and you cheapen the sport.)
Ace whole met us at the plate and informed me of the "rule". Ha ha that is a joke by itself. Every time I mention a rule to him, he scoffs at me and wonders why I would even consider that one in OUR league.
San Bernedino told Ace whole that if the girls were invited to come to the game and they showed up that they were entitled to play 3 innings at least.
I have NO idea what San B would say if they knew the players were not needed anymore, but still got to play.
After Jericho said his schpeel to me, he turned on his heels and strutted away. I called to him to let me speak, but he kept walking.
Hubby was my assistant at this game and he loudly stated that HE (Jericho) got to say his part, so he needs to let me have my turn. The umpire agreed. Jericho came back to the "meeting".
The powers assured me that there was a drawing that took place.
(Oh by the way, that text was not sent to me.)
Apparently, the text said to get back to her within the hour with the names of who would play a second game tonight. Yeah, I never got it.
At home plate, they (the powers that be) let me in on the rule that I should have known cause it was in the rule book. . . . .JOKING? Hardly.
The idiots had to call freaking San Bernadino for the rule!
Why didn't they just look it up in the RULE BOOK?
If the team needed players and they were asked to come and they did, then they got to play. Regardless of whether or not they were actually needed.
I reminded them that I like to play by the rules and if those were the rules from the higher ups then I would adhere to them and withdraw my protest.
I explained to them all that since Jericho kept saying that he "invited" the girls, that I inferred that he got to pick them. Not the lotto drawing I was promised. (Remember the text i did not get?)
I offered my hand to Jericho as I explained to him that "I am NOT that hard to work with." he shook my hand and we continued with the game.
Yes, those players made a difference in the game. They each got multiple outs against my team, and they each scored a run. We lost by 2 points.
(Inserting my own speculation here that the Blue team ONLY submitted names of their best players to play with the black team against us.)
The league president BO came over to my dugout to get "the other " side of the story.
Everything I said to him he laughed at. Everything.
He even blamed me for not knowing that "pull out of a hat" rule cause it is in the rule book.
(Last year, I asked him halfway through the season why his baseball boys weren't using the dropped third strike rule. he said cause there wasn't one. I told him there was and it was new that year. How embarrassing for him, huh? So, tell me WHO is not looking at the rule book?)
This is the part that hurts the worst of everything tonight:
Bo told me he's got 36 teams, and he doesn't have any trouble with any of them, but he has controversy every time my team plays. Prejudicial and Biased? It totally sounds to me like he's already got his mind made up about any thing about me and my team.
I am here to tell you that I did nothing to cause any of this tonight.
I felt like they were breaking the rules, so I did what I was supposed to do within my rights as a coach. I protested the game.
ANYBODY would have done it.
Because, YES, a win is THAT IMPORTANT. If a win was not that important then YOU wouldn't have called San Bernadino to ask them. Take the forfeit and let's play ball for "fun" like you said we are.
I had at least 3 girls let go of their bats after batting instead of setting them down.
The ump had warned me of it already.And I had passed that warning to my girls.
Later, the ump and Jericho together came up to me about my players throwing their bat again.
One of them even hit their catcher.
I told them that the only way the girls will learn is to call them out, so call them out.
Jericho and the ump were fine with that.
Jericho came up after the game and apologized saying that his behavior is not what he wants to teach the girls. . . . . .
A lot too late for that idealism, don't you think?
After the game, I found out that a mother of one of the girls had recorded Jericho yelling at me.
The mothers on my team feel like I am being ganged up on. They see it at every game.
In a freebie part 4 of this saga. . .
An umpire that I talked to tonight had agreed that I should have gotten to count the 6th run from Thursday!!
I had a new girl pitch inning 1. Walked everyone.
I had a fairly new girl pitch inning 2. Walked nearly everyone.
I had Hunter pitch innings 3 and 4.
Hunter faced the "giant" once again, and this time she swung and missed, watched a strike go by, then she hit a ball to the right of Hunter that Hunter should not have gotten to. Hunter backhanded the ball with her mitt, picked it up, and threw it to 1st to get her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The giant was amazed! and so was their team and coaches.
Their coaches were scrambling. They came up to me to make sure she had not pitched more than 1 inning the day before. They wanted to get her off the mound.
They were getting nervous toward the end of the game of which the winner didn't matter. . . . . .
PS. I had to take a 3rd sleeping pill after 2 hours, but I did finally sleep. . . . for 6 hours.
But it felt like a full night for me, so I'll take it!