Tuesday, April 30, 2013

good ol days for Hubby

Front row, left (backwards hat)

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Un freaking believable part 3

I called Ace Whole from my game and told him the black team had enough players show up and that they were still using the two extra players off the Blue team that beat us last night.

I told him it wasn't fair and I was protesting the game. He said he'd be right over.
When he got there, he stood behind Jericho's dugout and told Jericho that I had protested the game.

With arms outstretched, and in his big booming 350 lb. voice, in the middle of the game, Jericho starts YELLING at me from the other dugout.


He repeated it twice. IN HIS OUTDOOR VOICE.

I said something about him not needing the players and getting two of the best players off of the other team and still using them in a game was cheating.

Never say the "ch" word to Jericho. He came freaking unglued at me. If I thought he was yelling before, I had another think coming. . . . .

(Remember last year when he won the game against me when my scorekeeper missed a run, and he erased it off his book so no one could tell?)

He demanded that I meet him at home plate. He is still yelling crap at me as we approach the home plate and the umpire. The umpire put his hands out to stop the boxing match that was about to happen between this 350 pound man and myself. LOL

He was calling me a bush leaguer ( a very low blow meaning you play with no integrity and you cheapen the sport.)

Ace whole met us at the plate and informed me of the "rule". Ha ha that is a joke by itself. Every time I mention a rule to him, he scoffs at me and wonders why I would even consider that one in OUR league.

San Bernedino told Ace whole that if the girls were invited to come to the game and they showed up that they were entitled to play 3 innings at least.

I have NO idea what San B would say if they knew the players were not needed anymore, but still got to play.

After Jericho said his schpeel to me, he turned on his heels and strutted away. I called to him to let me speak, but he kept walking.
Hubby was my assistant at this game and he loudly stated that HE (Jericho) got to say his part, so he needs to let me have my turn. The umpire agreed. Jericho came back to the "meeting".

The powers assured me that there was a drawing that took place.
(Oh by the way, that text was not sent to me.)
Apparently, the text said to get back to her within the hour with the names of who would play a second game tonight. Yeah, I never got it.

At home plate, they (the powers that be) let me in on the rule that I should have known cause it was in the rule book. . . . .JOKING? Hardly.
The idiots had to call freaking San Bernadino for the rule!
Why didn't they just look it up in the RULE BOOK?


If the team needed players and they were asked to come and they did, then they got to play. Regardless of whether or not they were actually needed.

I reminded them that I like to play by the rules and if those were the rules from the higher ups then I would adhere to them and withdraw my protest.

I explained to them all that since Jericho kept saying that he "invited" the girls, that I inferred that he got to pick them. Not the lotto drawing I was promised. (Remember the text i did not get?)

I offered my hand to Jericho as I explained to him that "I am NOT that hard to work with." he shook my hand and we continued with the game.

Yes, those players made a difference in the game. They each got multiple outs against my team, and they each scored a run. We lost by 2 points.

(Inserting my own speculation here that the Blue team ONLY submitted names of their best players to play with the black team against us.)

The league president BO came over to my dugout to get "the other " side of the story.
Everything I said to him he laughed at. Everything.
He even blamed me for not knowing that "pull out of a hat" rule cause it is in the rule book.
(Last year, I asked him halfway through the season why his baseball boys weren't using the dropped third strike rule. he said cause there wasn't one. I told him there was and it was new that year. How embarrassing for him, huh? So, tell me WHO is not looking at the rule book?)

This is the part that hurts the worst of everything tonight:

Bo told me he's got 36 teams, and he doesn't have any trouble with any of them, but he has controversy every time my team plays. Prejudicial and Biased? It totally sounds to me like he's already got his mind made up about any thing about me and my team.

I am here to tell you that I did nothing to cause any of this tonight.
I felt like they were breaking the rules, so I did what I was supposed to do within my rights as a coach. I protested the game.
ANYBODY would have done it.
Because, YES, a win is THAT IMPORTANT. If a win was not that important then YOU wouldn't have called San Bernadino to ask them. Take the forfeit and let's play ball for "fun" like you said we are.

I had at least 3 girls let go of their bats after batting instead of setting them down.
The ump had warned me of it already.And I had passed that warning to my girls.
Later, the ump and Jericho together came up to me about my players throwing their bat again.
One of them even hit their catcher.

I told them that the only way the girls will learn is to call them out, so call them out.
Jericho and the ump were fine with that.

Jericho came up after the game and apologized saying that his behavior is not what he wants to teach the girls. . . . . .

A lot too late for that idealism, don't you think?

After the game, I found out that a mother of one of the girls had recorded Jericho yelling at me.
The mothers on my team feel like I am being ganged up on. They see it at every game.

In a freebie part 4 of this saga. . .

An umpire that I talked to tonight had agreed that I should have gotten to count the 6th run from Thursday!!

I had a new girl pitch inning 1. Walked everyone.
I had a fairly new girl pitch inning 2. Walked nearly everyone.
I had Hunter pitch innings 3 and 4.

Hunter faced the "giant" once again, and this time she swung and missed, watched a strike go by, then she hit a ball to the right of Hunter that Hunter should not have gotten to. Hunter backhanded the ball with her mitt, picked it up, and threw it to 1st to get her out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The giant was amazed! and so was their team and coaches.

Their coaches were scrambling. They came up to me to make sure she had not pitched more than 1 inning the day before. They wanted to get her off the mound.

They were getting nervous toward the end of the game of which the winner didn't matter. . . . . .

PS. I had to take a 3rd sleeping pill after 2 hours, but I did finally sleep. . . . for 6 hours.
But it felt like a full night for me, so I'll take it!

The proposal part 2 of a 3 part drama

Since the two teams were going to be short players, and they didn't want to forfeit, the powers that be thought we could pull players from other teams to add to the forfeiting teams so that they wouldn't have to forfeit. (Remember, the win is not important. It's about the girls having fun)

I had never even heard of such a ridiculous idea. I told the errand girl that I was 100% against it. she started crying and saying that her family was suffering since she was spending sooo much time doing softball stuff. (NO kidding. . . . . .then don't take on the job!) She said it was her idea and it's for the girls blah blah blah.

I told her it was different in the Majors than it was in the Minors 9-10 and Juniors 13-14.
It was the same cut-throat way in the boys Major League only worse.

I had told them that I was perfectly fine if they pulled players up from the Minor league to add to the teams. There are 12 yr olds in the Minor league they could even use. Ace Whole said that that was against the rules.

How hypocritical is THAT?! He is the one who scoffed at me when I asked about using the safety rule about bats. and scoffed at me for asking about the pitching rule, and scoffed at me when  asked about me wearing a shirt that matched the team. and scoffed and yelled at me when I asked his team to quit screaming at my pitcher while she was pitching.

Yeah, now he's all concerned about the "rules".

Ace Whole called the Regional office to see how to handle the forfeits.
They sent him the "alternate" proposal which is exactly what they wanted to do in the first place.
I am dumbfounded!!!!!
It doesn't make sense to me at all. AT ALL.

So, that's the last I heard about any of it till my game at 5.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Tonight was so freakin' unbelievable part 1 of 3

that I can't even write about it.

All I can tell you right now is how my day started:

I took a sleep aid at midnight when I couldn't turn my mind off. At 3:45, I was still awake.

I woke up sick to my stomach about the game last night at 4:45, then I couldn't get back to sleep, even taking nyquill.

I was so nauseous that I couldn't eat anything. I finally forced a half a banana down and a cup of milk around 2:00. And I only did that so that I wouldn't pass out at my game later.
I got a call from the LL "Board" at 11, and I voiced my opinion of 100% against what they were proposing.

Then, I got a text about the ruling San Bernadino had handed down. Which was in favor of what they were proposing. . . . . .

That's all I heard about it till my game at 5.

I practiced a pillowcase dance for a talent show with some neighborhood kids, drove them home, then drove to Koby's dr. appt. that I found out yesterday that his cheer coach was demanding was done this week.

Then I got home just in time to get Kinzie for our softball game.
My first stop on the way home from the game was to get me some sleeping pills. I have taken some, so Hubby is making me put this away so that my brain can be affected by the pills.

If you want a good dose of WTFreak, you are welcome to tune in later. . . . .

Update: 2 sleeping pills and 2 hours later, here I am, yet again. . . . .

We lost an icky one.

We lost. By one point.

I hate losing when I feel cheated!

We scored 2 runs when our last batter hit the ball to the infield and got out at 1st base for the 1st out of the inning.

The only thing is that the 2nd girl that crossed the plate was my 6th run of the inning.

The other team didn't want to let me count it, but then the coach, my friend, says,
"If you feel you need it, then go ahead and count it."

He totally played the guilt trip card on me.

He says that non of the other coaches play that way, I'm the only one.

I told him that I would not take it then, and I asked him when the rule of continuation would apply. He gave me an example of if someone hit it way out there and they were still throwing it around.

I went with it at the time, but now I realize that I don't see a difference. My player hit the ball and I would have scored both runners if they had only been points numbers 1 and 2, cause their player wasn't paying attention to the play or the 2nd runner, so why don't I get to count them in this instance.

Yeah, and it lost me the game! I feel cheated.

Several major factors lined up for us to lose this one:

The other team was missing it's two smallest and worst batters. That makes a HUGE diffference.
They got to bat their best batters EVERY inning with those two missing.

My assistant coach, the father of my pitcher, was out of town. He knows how to reel his daughter back in when she's not doing so good. He knows how to keep the team up when they need it.

My awesome pitcher was feeling sick to her stomach, and in turn was walking everybody.
I had Kinzie catching for her while she was struggling and Kinzie couldn't catch a lot of her balls.
So there were a lot of stolen bases.

I hadn't planned on pitching Hunter.
But I did when I saw JC feeling so icky.
Hunter did great. She made several plays of batted balls at her. But, I hadn't arranged my 1st baseman for a "Hunter Pitch" situation. Hunter pitches slow enough that kids can hit her balls, so that means more balls thrown to 1st base. My 1st baseman missed 3 EASY outs. Therefore, they scored more runs.

I hadn't realized a girl I had on 3rd was afraid of my catcher's throws, and she missed one that went clear to the outfield.

My catcher made some throws to 2nd after the runner was already there, and those girls missed it, so more runs scored. She also missed several 3rd strikes and couldn't get the girls out at 1st.

The umpire was cleaning off the plate before my pitcher got control of the ball in the circle.  He stood up just in time to see the other team crossing the plate stealing home. UUUGGGGHHHH, that one just kills me. My catcher had moved out of his way, and was not ready for a throw to the plate. CHEATED!

My youngest player on my team just does not GET IT, and she would have tied the game in the final at bat. On a passed ball, I sent her with plenty of time. When the catcher came up with the ball, instead of running to the plate and touching it, my player stopped 2 feet shy of the plate and waited for the girl to come tag her out????????????????
That was the third out and ended the game. Kinzie was up to bat with two on base, and she could have won the game with a good solid hit, but if she'd have hit a grounder, I would have looked like an idiot for not sending the girl on 3rd on the passed ball. UGH! The game was right there for us to take and I can't tell you how ICKY of a feeling it is. Dang that girl for stopping. WHO DOES THAT?! No one!


there were a couple of good points:

My pitcher struck out the girls at the end like a champ when we needed her to.

Jessie is a bunting queen! She laid down some beauties and beat the throws. One of her bunts was 6".
That's right, it went 6 inches.

Hunter bats lefty and hit one down 3rd base line and beat the throw to 1st base.

I don't mind losing when they deserve to beat us. This time, they didn't deserve it.


Monday, April 22, 2013

Cutest picture EVER!

as long as it happens for REALS not till at least 2016 ! ! ! !

Way too funny!

PG moment ahead. . . . . . . .

The occasion:

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Kyson was a hit at college...

I don't know why or how he was in charge of making chicken tacos for 100 people, but he had help from his "friends" across the hall.

They used MY RECIPE that I posted on here several months ago.

It was a HIT!!!

Everyone from the Stake President to the Stake RS Presidency was asking him for the recipe!!!!

Yeah, he was pretty freaking popular for making such good crock pot chicken.

You're so welcome, Kyson!

Love you.

PS Are you staying off of DotA?

Kort's day at the ballpark!

Kort's coach bragged to me about one kid on his team that's 8 for 8. I was unaware of Kort's stats

Korts pitching to the first two batters: 7 pitches, 2 strikouts.

next batter: full count base on balls

next batter: 2 balls 2 strikes, batter hit the ball to Kort. He threw it to 1st base. Kid dropped the ball picked it up and got the kid out.

Next inning: kort struck out 2, walked one, then one hit the ball to 1st base. picked it up and got kid out.

Bases loaded, Kort has a full count on him, he hit the ball hard through the infield passed shortstop and the ball kept going. Kort's coach sent him, of course, and he got a grand slam!


Not many of my kids have that on their resume.

fun game to watch.

and yes, I do owe him a full course meal from In N Out for this game!!!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

KINZIE !!!!!

First time up to bat, she fouled her only strike, then walked.

Next time up to bat, first pitch, she hit that ball so hard it went halfway to the fence! (Huge field)
The left fielder was still chasing it as she rounded 3rd, and she's not all that fast of a runner.

Third time up to bat, she hit a long hard fly to right field. I don't know why the fielders play in so far, but she got a triple, but scored because someone missed the throw.

Way to show up, Kinzie!!!!!

Oh, my heck! Grow up!

The opposing coach lit in to me tonight, all because of 1 run.

I thought I wanted my runner to try to get it. He thought I was ridiculous for even wanting it.

He is 6'4" and 270 lbs. and he came over to me , 5'4", at 3rd base in front of his whole team and demanded to know if that one run was that important. He asked me 3 times very sternly.

Uh, duh! I thought this was a contest to see who could score the most runs, not a contest to see which coach could try to intimidate the other coach the most. FREAKING BULLY!

So, I beat him by 12 runs in 5 innings. lololol

We still had 20 minutes to play, but the mercy rule came into effect.

I have never even coached against him before. He was gone when we played them last time.

I wish some of these men with a chip on their shoulders would grow up before they sign up to coach Little League. Just because we beat you doesn't mean we are gonna come and kick your dog.

Good Grief!
Yeah, it's a game.
We won.
I definitely have the better team.
Get over it!

I am not gonna tell my team to quit trying to hit the ball when the score is within 10. (see previous example of when the other team almost caught up from a 10 point deficit.)

And I am not gonna punish my best pitcher by NOT letting her pitch, just because your team can't hit against her. She should get to pitch as often as the rules allow.

The last time we played this team, some idiot had made a new rule for us to use pitchers in a game that we have not had time to practice with. We had to try out new pitchers against this team. We struggled against them. bad. It was the walk-a-thon I wrote about the other day.

I had my best pitcher come in for the last inning of that game
and strike them out looking. . . . 3 up 3 down.

Because the coach was an idiot to me when he took over the field for practice last Saturday, I decided to make myself feel better the best way I know how. . . .

I saved my best pitcher to pitch against his team! : )


I really did nothing to piss him off. Really, I didn't.
Even if it had been my goal, he was probably mad at me before the game even started. ????

Three big dads stood behind him the whole game and yelled at the umpires with the coaches.

The 14 yr old base coach called their runner out for leaving the base early and they all 5 had a come apart at him.

I saw the girl leave the bag and the base ump had time to point at her before my pitcher even released the ball.

I let the plate ump know that the kid had made a call, cause the kid was not being vocal about it. The plate ump asked him about it and the 5 amigos yelled at him for letting me make the call. . . . .

Then, they all yelled at the kid for making the call! Holy Moly!

Then, they yelled at the ump for every one of my runners that left a base, whether they left early or not.

We all lined up to slap hands after the game. I was the last person. As I got to their end of the line of girls, one coach shook my hand, the other coach turned around and went elsewhere as soon as he passed the person in front of me.

GROW UP! Oh, my heck.

Friday, April 19, 2013

I live for these moments that these girls get..

Kinzie hit a double past shortstop. Got an RBI
Jessie, my niece that had eye surgery and still sees double, bunted a perfect bunt and out ran the throw.
Hunter, a lefty hitter and Jessie's little sister, hit one down 3rd base line and beat the throw to 1st.
Kayleen picked up a base hit that was hit to right field and threw it to 1st (Kinzie) to get the batter out.
Morgynn (catcher) fired the ball to 1st to pick off the girl with a big lead off. A gutsy move no one in my league ever tries, but even though they didn't get her out, it made a huge statement.
Morgynn threw a girl out stealing 2nd. Josie tagged her out as the force of the hard-thrown ball pulled her mitt back and into the runner. haha
Hunter pitched 2 innings and was fabulous. She faced 11 batters and struck out 2.
We had scored four runs so far during one of our at bats. We had the 5th and 6th runs on base of a 5 run limit inning. Morgynn (the creamer-she creams it everywhere) was getting intentionally walked. However, on ball 4, I told her that I needed her to swing at it no matter what. (I needed to get the 5th run in on a passed ball and preserve Morgynn to hit in the next inning, so I needed a strike and a passed ball....) It was high and outside, so Morgynn swung at it and knocked it almost to the fence!!!!!!!!
A stinking homerun!!!!!! 3 RBI's     :runs batted in:
It was AWESOME!!!
An over throw to 1st, so the runner went to 2nd. Kinzie picked up the ball and fired a perfect throw to 2nd being covered by the 2nd baseman? (a very inexperienced player who actually was covering her base) and she tagged her out!
A girl hit such a soft hit that it couldn't be considered a hit or a bunt, but my catcher, Morgynn, jumped up, snatched it up, and fired a perfect throw to Kinzie!
The last inning, I put in my star pitcher, cause I was scared of having another inning like we had last week where the other team caught up to us when we had a 10 point lead. She finished off the game quite nicely.
The very last batter hit a hard grounder up 1st base line. Kinzie scooped it up and stepped on her base for the game-ender!!!

Pick any of these moments, even just one,
and I would have called it a "good moment game".
But, look at all these moments we had.
I got to be a part of these moments with these girls,
and it makes all the nonsense WORTH IT!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Back injuries AWAAAAYYY!

I am ready for my life back.

I spent an hour picking up softballs a week and a half ago. I used a pitching machine at practice, but the picking up the many balls turned my back into a knotted mess.

I have visited Uncle Mike 3 times, and each time, the stiffness and soreness that follows the adjustment makes me wonder if it is worth it.

Holy Cow, i am ready to be normal again. No legal drugs even touch the pain anymore. For a few days Naproxen Sulfide (Alleve) helped, but it doesn't seem to anymore.

Every position is painful. Even lying down.

Ice and stretching constantly.

I want my life back!!!!

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Kortlen: a scout is cheerful...

a scout is . . .obedient, cheerful. . .

me: explain what those mean.

Kort: obedient is when you obey.

me: what about cheerful.

Kort: cheerful is what moms are when you obey!

I wonder if my three older boy scouts have figured out that connection yet? lol

Saturday, April 13, 2013

I did it! I made it through a whole night

of baseball and softball without pissing off any MEN!!!

It's a good thing I wished myself good luck.

Starting with Kort's game, he got to pitch to two batters to end an inning.

Then, it was my turn:

It was a game like games should be played. A couple of good pitchers striking people out, a few good batters hitting the ball, a couple of good catchers throwing people out stealing 3rd, a few amazing catches, and a nail-biting finish.

I was missing a couple of players, and that made all the difference.

I could stack the deck like crazy like the other teams do, and still not sit anyone for 2 innings.

We won or it would not have been such a fun game....

They had bases loaded twice and our pitcher struck out the 3rd out.

We were ahead 10-0 in the bottom of the last inning. My pitcher walked 5 in a row including their last 3 batters at the bottom of the line-up... all of a sudden it was 10-7 with two away and two people on base and their best batter up to bat. (The last inning is a "score as many as you want" inning.)

Someone overthrew someone and the ball bounced off the dugout. The Ace whole coach sent the runner. My pitcher got to the ball before their girl was even half way, made a perfect throw to my catcher, she tagged her out no question for the game ending 3rd out. My catcher went to take the ball out of her mitt and the ball fell to the ground. The crowd erupted with craziness and the coaches pleaded with the umpire to acknowledge his mistake!!!!!

The umpire assured everyone that it was an out. I don't know what happened next cause I turned around...I couldn't watch. haha

The game was over, and IT FELT SOOOOOOOO GOOD!

I just want to make sure you know it felt SO GOOD.

Then, Bruce tells me he would have called her safe. But this is him seeing the play from 20 feet away and from behind. I assured Bruce that he was seeing from the wrong angle. From where I was, she tagged the girl, the umpire called her out and a full 2 seconds maybe 3 before she dropped the ball. Her right arm was going up to her mitt to take the ball out and she still had the mask on, so she couldn't see the ball. The game was over anyway, so it didn't matter what happened with the ball. She wasn't concerned about the ball at this point.

Hubbies parents had come to watch the game. He must have told them about it.

My back is KILLING me! I have taken every legal drug I have and it still does not touch the pain. I went to Mike this afternoon, so it is still really sore. I had gone to Mike on Monday, too. But my back slipped back out.

The other coach, my buddy Russ, teased me about it the whole game. "You need to get that fixed.... you look like you need to go to the bathroom..." haha

Russ also told Bruce that he has no problem with him umping our game. Russ remembers when he, Russ, was playing ball with my brother, Doug, and my Grandpa was umping the game. He said how biased my grandpa was toward his team. Doug was pitching and his strike zone was way smaller for him than it was for the other team. HAHAHAHAHAHA That was a story worth hearing!!!

There was also a TEMPER TANTRUM thrown at the game. I will give you a hundred dollars it you can name who it was..... NOT,
cause if you are reading this blog, then you already are familiar with the stunts of such an Ace.

His daughter was playing 3rd base and the catcher threw her a perfect throw. Then she chased my scared runner halfway back to 2nd before she made a bad throw to the base. Then, my runner was able to score.

I was the 3rd base coach, and Ace's team was in the 3rd base dugout. All of a sudden I hear things like the garbage can getting kicked, I heard bats clanging throughout the dugout, and I heard what sounded like a helmet landing against the back side of the dugout. Yep, he was throwing a freaking temper tantrum because his daughter threw the ball to 2nd.

Kinzie said how she is so glad she is not his daughter. Can you imagine how embarrassing that would be to have your dad acting like that at your expense (in public)? Can you imagine trying to do anything right with the knowledge that if it's not perfect every time that you get that kind of response?
Holy Moly.

Russ' baby daughter saved my best hitter from getting a triple. She stuck her mitt up at the exact moment it flew over her head and snagged that hit right out of the air. I had to give her a high five for that, then I assured everyone in earshot that her dad could never have made a catch like that!! haha

One hit went off the bat so fast that I couldn't tell where it went. The pitcher had caught it, boom, just like that.

Kinzie hit the ball hard a couple of times. She tripped on a ball at practice Saturday and rolled her ankle. She can run on it, but not play catcher. It was a perfect excuse to put her on 1st base where she played the most last year.

This is the team that thought I was conspiring to get a really good player by telling her to have a crappy
tryout. Of course I didn't. They picked her, my neighbor, before I could, and I begged that team the whole night of drafts to trade her to me for J.

Tonight, J played 3rd for me the whole night. She made a play I called "flypaper". She should not have gotten the ball, but she stuck out her mitt and snagged that ball. She also hit a hard line drive right past their all-star 3rd baseman. She was smokin' hot tonight, and I couldn't help but wonder if they were kicking themselves for not trading me. My neighbor plays right field for them.

My lone 9-yr-old, stopped a grounder at 2nd base with her arm instead of her mitt! She picked that ball up off the ground and made the out at 1st. Oh, I was so happy for her. She has a good welt on her arm btw.

My catcher and pitcher were unbelievably awesome!

You should have seen the parting of the green sea every time a pitch was made with a runner on 2nd. In unison, my 3rd, short stop, and left fielder would move to cover and back-up the base. It was awesome!

All their batters were standing in the back of the batters box since my pitcher is so smoking fast. That would explain why my catcher was called for 2 catcher interferences when she would forget to adjust her depth.

My two nieces were hitting the ball. Jessie is still trying to adjust to having her eye surgery to straighten it out. Seeing two balls every pitch, she still hit it.


and it was a fun one!

And I didn't piss off any men!

: )

Friday, April 12, 2013

Not a fun, forced, base on balls contest.

So, with the powers that be, all one of him, deciding on Monday that we should not pitch pitchers two days in a row after they retardedly scheduled all our games every Thursday and Friday, we were forced to use pitchers in a game that we have never seen pitch before.


At least give us a Saturday practice to work on it.

So, tonight, each team went through 17 batters before there were 3 outs made per half inning. (We each got the 3rd out in the 3rd inning)


We have a rule that you can only score 5 runs per inning, so we would bat 5 or 6 till they had all walked, stolen all the bases, and scored. Then, we would switch sides and do it all again, but for the other team.

Base on balls contests ARE NEVER FUN!

What else is dumb is that in these contests, the score will inevitably be tied
after 3 innings at 15 to 15. It's a safety net so one team doesn't smear the other team, and we can get 4 innings done in 2 hours.

Another crappy:
The umpire (the same one who I joke around with at Kash's games) claimed to the umpire in chief that "that woman coach came after me, and I put her in her place."

As if!
I walked up to him and quietly told him that he was wrong in the call he just made. He got all mad and denied that I was right. He tried to explain his reasoning-still wrong, but got madder at every second. I stuck to my guns and told him I would show it to him in the rule book.... I was still wrong. He was yelling at me in front of the whole crowd by the time he was done telling me the call was the right rule "well it is in THIS game!"

Bases loaded, passed ball. My runner on third didn't have enough time to score, so she came back to third. The runner on second had run to third, and I sent her back to second. The runner on first was now standing on second and we yelled for her to go back to first.

The defense threw the ball to first and waited for my runner to get there. Someone in the crowd yelled that it was a force, and that she didn't need to tag the runner. Before the girl even tried to tag my runner (she was too scared and inexperienced to get in a pickle) the ump called her out on a force.

Okay, for reals. He looked at me like I was an alien when I told him that a force can only happen when the batter hits a ball. He argued that the girl had no where to go so it was definitely a force out. I told him she could go to second, and he yelled at me that she could not go to second cause it was occupied and so on about third. "But they could leave their bases and advance," that was all he could take and yelled at me that it was a force in THIS game.

He apologized to me later cause he felt bad for yelling at me. He said he'd had like 10 people stop him and ask him why he'd yelled at that coach, and he felt bad now.

I had even told him to calm down halfway through all this. I never raised my voice, I never got mad, I never showed a holier than thou attitude. But he told the umpire in chief that I had come after him and that he'd put me in my place. hahahahahahahah
The umpire in chief is my "friend" that I always complain to.

I can't wait for him to go home and look up that definition! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !!!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!! ! ! !!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Another couple of these just in case you missed it:

Straight out of the rule book: A force play is a play in which a runner legally loses the right to occupy a base by reason of the batter becoming a runner.

Oh, we did win the game. 19-14. A little sneaky maneuvering with my runners put us ahead. We didn't get our last at bats. I hate that.

One inning with my 5th run on 3rd base, with bases loaded, my heavy hitter knocked it clear to center field and all 4 girls scored. 8 runs in one inning. "the law of continuation."

I hate winning like that, but I will take it. Especially with all the "new rules" thrown at me.

Ace whole asked if we had a good game. I told him,"no." then he said to me, "at least you won, that's all that matters right?"

He was patronizing me. Like I would win at all costs, and who cares about the girls.
Yeah, Ace, my little neighbor that I wanted on my team has played right field every inning on your team. I at least switch my little girls around.

And, if it is in your teams capability to win, then why in the the heck wouldn't you try to win?

We play his team next, and you better believe I saved my best pitcher to pitch to his team.

My goal for this game is to not piss off the men that surround me. : )

I am wishing myself Good Luck.

Cute pic that's not mine :)

Monday, April 8, 2013

I TOLD YOU there was more to come.....

I asked Ace a week ago if we were gonna play with the pitching rule,
 and he looked at me like I was an alien and said, "NO!"

I got this email today:

The board has decided to enforce the following rule:  A pitcher may NOT pitch back to back nights.  This effects all of the Majors because you play that way each week.  We are doing this to protect the girls that are pitching so that they will not injure themselves and also so that you can develop more girls into pitchers.  We realize that this will effect every team as most teams only have 1 main pitcher they use.  This may be difficult the next few weeks until you develop other pitchers - but in the long run it will benefit the girls and the league.

If you would like to look at this rule please refer here:

pg. 38 in Little League 2013 Softball Regulations and Playing Rules



I feel like throwing up, because they are OBVIOUSLY targeting me and my team, 
cause they know no one can hit my pitcher.

But, I am also laughing inside, because I have another pitcher, so JOKES ON THEM!

HA! I actually have 2 other pitchers..... and a possible 3rd pitcher that hits every batter.....HARD!


Friday, April 5, 2013

The Giant and the Hunter!

We played another softball game tonight. 
We played against the coach who cheated me out of a run last year 
and cheated us out of a win. 
Oh, Boy....here goes.

Unbelievable things happened!

If you'd have told me KD (the coach's daughter) the best player in the league
 was going to strike out tonight, I wouldn't have believed you for a minute.

I would have bet you money that it wouldn't happen. A LOT of MONEY.

If you'd have told me WHO WOULD BE STRIKING HER OUT,
I would have told you to shut the front door!

In her Major League Softball pitching debut, 
(first time pitching in a game-ever)
with bases almost loaded and TWO outs, 
my itty bitty niece, 


struck out the league giant.

FOR REALS!!!!!!!

It was incredible!

Did you hear me? It was INCREDIBLE!!!

The first batter hit to third. 
The second batter knocked one right back to Hunter, 
and it spun out of her mitt. She picked it up and threw it to 2nd for the force out.

The next batter hit it to 2nd base and was thrown out at 1st.

The next batter snuck one through the infield to center.

The next batter walked with a full count. 
The next batter walked cause she had no strike zone. (very short).

The last batter was the giant. 
She's as big as a college player. 
She's the one I told you about that went up 
to the 13-14 yr old league to play on another team.
(I had Hinter pitch the 2nd inning to purposefully avoid having 
to pitch to this girl who could
hit this ball hard back at Hunter.)

The count was 1 ball and 2 strikes, and she swung and missed!
A slight delay in the "out" as my catcher had to pick up the ball and tag her out, then the rest
IS IN THE HISTORY BOOKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only 2 runs scored on little ol' Hunter.

My other pitcher is a fast pitcher, the best in the league this year and last year. 

We won the game by 8 points, but it felt like we were tied the whole game. 
Holy stress. 
My assistant coach is the father of the pitcher and he is the BEST!! I love having him help me; he is always so calm and caring of the girls, and tonight I found out that he stresses 10 times worse than i do since his daughter is the pitcher. 
He trained his daughters to pitch since they were little, and he has also been helping Hunter with hers.

The ump tonight, I joke around with at Kash's games. He umps all of them. 
He came over to me to tell me to hurry it up between innings, and I thought he was serious. 
He couldn't believe how stressed I was over a girls softball game. 
He told me I was supposed to be having fun. lol

I told him that when the game gets over, THEN it would be fun. lol

Oh, yeah, the mom who brought treats tonight brought GREEN GATORade.
HAHAHA How cool was THAT?!!!!

(It might have taken me 5 minutes or so to figure it out....
okay, okay, Hubby had to explain it to me....)


GATOR BAIT clap clap GATOR BAIT clap clap.

What an Ace!

We played his team tonight. He was my best friend when he traded me a helmet for one that I had been given that was broken. And still my best friend when he gave me a score book and when we swapped line ups.

We were in the last inning of the game when his team of girls in the dugout started screaming (just screaming) in unison at my pitcher. Their screams would get louder as her pitches went from wind up to delivery. Then they started chanting "Pitcher, pitcher, look at me, I'm a monkey in a tree."

I walked over to the ump and informed him that their team is not allowed to scream jeers at my pitcher. The ump agreed and told me to go tell the COACH!


He said, "yeah, he's right there behind you..."

HUH? I am not supposed to reprimand the other coach, he is.

But, I obediently turned around and told Ace they weren't allowed to do that.

First, he denied that they were doing it, then he scoffed at me, rolled his eyes, and said,"Oh my HECK." but that's not what he said...

He was scoffing that I was making an issue of something he considered trivial. It's anything but trivial to me when a young girl has a crowd yelling at her, and she is trying to concentrate on pitching strikes in a close game.

He stormed over to his dugout to discuss it with the other coach.

In the meantime, the ump had gone over to the nice coach and told him to have them stop.

My pitcher struck out the next batter, and the game was over. We didn't get our last ups cause we were 2 points ahead. (We had lost a 7 point lead by making bad throws at base stealers.)

Gave low fives to the other team and the nice coach congratulated me with a handshake.
So the icky coach did too.

Then, the Ace of a coach was still fretting and denying his team had screamed and jeered at my pitcher. He thought it was juvenile that I would make a case of it. He told me that we're here to have fun and they are just a 12 yr old LL team. He said it again as I reminded him that it was in the rule book. Then he said it again with his hands in the air as he spun on his heels and walked away from me as I was still talking to him. (sort of like what you'd expect a girl to do when she shows you her hand, only there was no hand...just his back)

He was striding away as I yelled at him, "That's right, Ace, they are 12 yr old girls, and my 12 yr old pitcher doesn't need to be heckled by your team!"

EWWWWEEE! What an Ace!

And boy oh boy was the baseball/softball board gonna hear about this.

Wait, he IS the softball board!

As I was cleaning up my dugout and equipment, he appeared at the dugout fence, and said his girls HAD been yelling cheers at my pitcher and he apologized!!!!

Have you ever heard of a split personality? This has got to be one of those times.

I still went and told a friend of mine, who happens to be on the baseball board, about his horrid sportsmanship....

Now, for a funny gotcha.

Our game ended 5 minutes early. We have a rule that we can only score 5 runs per inning, but the last inning is open for as many as you can get. So, it has to be decided as the time winds down which inning will be the last one. The ump made a judgment call that this would be the last inning since they had just scored 5 runs and there was only 5 minutes left. Ace didn't like that call. ( My brother, the ump that got cancelled, said he would have kept playing, which means the other team could have had a chance to win.)

Another gotcha.

The other teams in my league had already warmed up to play next. They couldn't start their game cause the ump scheduled to do their game was still on the baseball field umping the baseball game.
You remember, the ump that got switched cause he was related to 4 people on my team...
Yeah, they switched Bruce from my game, and the baseball game he got switched to went 20 minutes long, so they shot themselves in the foot and had to wait 30 minutes for him to get done before they could play the next softball game.

Yeah, kinda funny.

Stay tuned, I'm sure there'll be more....

Good news: Kinzie played catcher for one inning for the first time, and she did fabulous!  I was so proud of her.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

As the softball world turns.....

The best ump in the league was scheduled to ump my game. One who actually knows the rules.

He doesn't get to ump my game tonight.

The opposing coach (Ace) is afraid he will be biased in my favor since the ump  has 2 girls on the team and his sis is coach!

HAHA! I was afraid we'd get biased treatment since he would be trying to prove he wasn't biased.

So, he got blacklisted from my game by Ace. (The guy in charge who wasn't gonna let me coach this year.)

I have a knew nickname for Ace. He earned it. I has something to do with him being such an Ace.

: )

The other day, Ace freaked out at me for suggesting that the fields be groomed in the afternoon instead of morning of a game day when the kids have a vacation day from school. Yeah, cause I know I am NOT allowed to have practice on the fields on a game day and there was a game at 7 pm that night.

So, in other words, the city fields that I help pay for are off limits to me if there is a sacred game that will be happening in the next 24 hours.

I have had Ace freak out at me a few too many times, over nothing, to give him the benefit of being a good guy any more.

Hubby thinks he's scared of me. Hubby thinks it's funny.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

YES! More softball crap to post...:)

The Allstar coach from last season is now coaching his daughter B in the Junior (13-14) age league I will call team T. The only other team is team R.

B's friend that caught on their team, K, was one of the best players in the league; best arm for sure. The girls were having a "spat" at the time of softball signups and tryouts, so K didn't tryout for softball.

According to the rules, she should be drawn out of a hat to see who gets the ones who don't show up for tryouts. It didn't happen like that.

Team R's coach is one of the coaches helping with the high school team. Since he wasn't there for tryouts, his assistant picked the team. The assistant picked two girls for the team that the coach had cut from the high school team, and for whatever reasons, those two girls chose to quit the LL team after the picking was done. Maybe cause it was the same coach who cut them? who knows?

That meant that team R was now down 2 of their top picks.

Team T, in the meantime, had another player decide to play and so called a board member to okay the deal and got it okayed to add this new signup. No one knew it was K from the all-star team. The girls had patched things up, and now Coach Allstar wanted her on his team. (or so they say)

Team R found out about this illegal transaction and demanded two players off team T to make up for losing their best players and to make the teams more equal. Team R got two players off team T: one of the best players off team R and one of their worst players.

Then, I am speculating that Allstar Coach must have thought he was short players, so now he has pulled a 12 yr old from one of the teams in MY league to play on his team. I looked it up, and it is legal for her to play in both leagues.

But, here's the deal. The 12 yr old is as big as a college player and can play like one as well. So Team R got a good player and a bad player so that team T could then pick a fabulous player to take their place? I am crying FOUL!

My best player on my team could have played up in that league if that was the case of being short players, then team R wouldn't have to take another crappy player. And my player would have the chance to play twice as much and practice twice as much and progress twice as fast.

Let alone that her dad is asst. coach of team R, and her sister is on that team, and they would have much preferred to have his own daughter who pitches than someone who can't play.

So, Allstar coach has pulled some pretty fast ones in his league so far, and it doesn't surprise me. The only thing is the Allstar coach isn't smart enough to come up with these ideas on his own. He doesn't know the rules well enough. I am wondering who is helping him . . . .?