I just joined THAT statistic that I never wanted to be a part of.
You know the one: teenage driver gets into an accident
within the first 2 days of driving.
You know the other one, too,
of an unexperienced teenage driver on a motorcycle,
and not living through the learner's permit.
Just got him insured a week ago.
Just paid the money to get the scooter registered 3 days ago.
Just put the tags on it 10 hours ago.
Just let him take his first drive on the street 9 hours ago
(watching him the WHOLE time.)
Just let him take it out of our neighborhood 6 hours ago.
He has less than 2 hours of experience on it.
So, why was he driving it on a suicide street like Red Cliffs Dr?
I never would have given him permission
to ride it on that street this month.
Too many places for cars to pull out and not see a motorcycle.
Which is what happened.
A young male driver
(smoking) (therefore, distracted)
trying to cross the street, didn't see him on the bright YELLOW scooter.

Thank you-know-who that they BOTH slammed on their brakes and lessened the impact.
Kyson hit the car and went over the handlebars and landed on the hood of the car.

He came away with a scratch on his leg-can't even call it road rash, cause it's so minor.

He was very excited after we got home.
He had to call all his friends.
I've always told him that you only get to crash
on a motorcycle once, cause you're usually dead.
I think he realizes that he is lucky to be coming home
tonight instead of going to the hospital
in the ambulance that had arrived to take him there.