Friday, January 23, 2009

Solve THIS Mystery! I've had a few lately.

I lost Kyson's Zune!

I would count this as # 3 on my "2009 Sucks" list,

but keep reading.

I left 2 DS's, my purse, an inverter box, and Kyson's Zune in the car when I went to his swim meet.

The next morning, the Zune was GONE!

I had hidden everything so it couldn't be seen. I realized it had been stolen, cause I couldn't remember if I had locked my car.

After quite a bit of murmuring, whining, wailing, weeping, and knashing of teeth, I realized that I must have left it at the gym where I set it down to help Kinzie untangle some headphones.
(We were there to watch Koby do a pre-meet)

It was Sat morning and there was no way to check till Mon afternoon.



Hubby had gone through everything in the car. I had gone through everywhere in the car. I thought I had put it under my car seat, but I had LOOKED there 3 times and even stuck my hand under the seat to feel for it 3 TIMES. (It was in a case the size of a large diaper, so not an easy thing to miss).

Well, I was looking for something else in the car on Sun night, and stuck my head under my seat AGAIN.

It was right where I had put it.


Kyson laughs at me for thinking he

took it, denied it, then put it back after he saw how I freaked out when it was missing.

I am still not so sure.

Seriously, I either believe in MIRACLES, LIARS, or GHOSTS for sure.


Cheryl said...

So the same thing happened to me while I was working 2 weeks ago:

This kid comes in for a recheck of blood in her urine. Meaning if there's still blood, send her for labs. The labslip was ALREADY written out, by the provider, from the previous visit. So I got her to pee in the cup, tested it, took another patient back, and by the time the provider was ready to see her...


It had not been taken out of the chart (it was loose), it was not in the lab. We looked through the chart four times each. NOTHING.

So I had to re-write it.

After the patient left, the provider FOUND it IN THE CHART.

You know, where we BOTH had looked 4 times each? I thought I was going crazy!

Jana said...

Well, we have a vortex in our apartment. That's right, a vortex. Anything important gets sucked into it never to be found again. We have three copies of our ward directory, but do you think we can ever find one when we need it? No. The vortex is at work. Glad you found the zune.