After the Christmas Eve party on the "D" hill.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
12 SECONDS?! Are you kidding me?
How is is possible to get a "best" time by 12 seconds?
In the 100m Butterfly?
I don't know,
cause Kyson told me I didn't need to come watch him lose.
Yes, he lost the race, against all the Srs.,
but if you've ever raced, then you know that
beating your best time BY 12 SECONDS in a distance of only 100m is HUGE!
There was only 1 freshman in our region faster than him.
Then he shows me this....
That's right, his relay team took 3rd in region and received medals.
Okay, okay, there were only 3 teams racing,
but you didn't know that till I told you.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Solve THIS Mystery! I've had a few lately.
I lost Kyson's Zune!
I would count this as # 3 on my "2009 Sucks" list,
but keep reading.
I left 2 DS's, my purse, an inverter box, and Kyson's Zune in the car when I went to his swim meet.
The next morning, the Zune was GONE!
I had hidden everything so it couldn't be seen. I realized it had been stolen, cause I couldn't remember if I had locked my car.
After quite a bit of murmuring, whining, wailing, weeping, and knashing of teeth, I realized that I must have left it at the gym where I set it down to help Kinzie untangle some headphones.
(We were there to watch Koby do a pre-meet)
It was Sat morning and there was no way to check till Mon afternoon.
Hubby had gone through everything in the car. I had gone through everywhere in the car. I thought I had put it under my car seat, but I had LOOKED there 3 times and even stuck my hand under the seat to feel for it 3 TIMES. (It was in a case the size of a large diaper, so not an easy thing to miss).
Well, I was looking for something else in the car on Sun night, and stuck my head under my seat AGAIN.
It was right where I had put it.
Kyson laughs at me for thinking he
took it, denied it, then put it back after he saw how I freaked out when it was missing.
I am still not so sure.
Seriously, I either believe in MIRACLES, LIARS, or GHOSTS for sure.
So, What Did I Do?
So, I ended up dropping Kash off at pack night while hubby picked up Koby at gym.
Then we met at the school down the street to watch Koby present his project to the school board for approval.
Then I left to go to my bball game which the other team didn't even show up. Dumb.
When hubby got done at the school board
(stayed so Koby could fulfill one of his last requirements for his communication merit badge)
he picked up the kids at my game and picked up Kash at scouts
(we had his leaders hold most of his awards till next time)
then to the HS to pick up Kyson.
(who only swam the 100 IM, added 7 seconds to his time
AND got DQ'd for a turn he's done all season w/o getting dq'd)
AND the team didn't stop to eat afterwards.
He was not happy about any of it last night. Hopefully he'll do better today.
He does the 100 Butterfly (which is a very tiring race if you can even DO the butterfly)
and the 400 freestyle relay.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
What's A Girl To Do...
Koby getting done at gymnastics and presenting a project for approval for his Eagle project.
Kyson region swim meet at SUU. (Freshmen compete against the Srs.-so no big hopes)
Kashton 2nd to last pack night. Getting a lot of awards.
My women's ward basketball game. (Most of my team will be at pack night.)
All at 7 pm tonight.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Kort's Quirks
My friend called me this morning to see if I was coming to play basketball.
Kort answered the phone and said,
"She's not here. Call her cell phone, but I don't know the number."
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Kyson's schedule from yesterday:
Swim team practice 5:00 am to 6:45. Ride the bus to school.
Mom picks him up at the school at 2:45pm.
Gymnastics practice 3:00 to 5:00.
Baseball practice/clinic (pre-tryouts) 5:00-7:15pm.
Back to the gym for more practice 7:30-8:30 pm.
OK, now he can come home (has to be up for 5 am practice to do it again today.)
Mom picks him up at the school at 2:45pm.
Gymnastics practice 3:00 to 5:00.
Baseball practice/clinic (pre-tryouts) 5:00-7:15pm.
Back to the gym for more practice 7:30-8:30 pm.
OK, now he can come home (has to be up for 5 am practice to do it again today.)
(I'm wiggling, because I'm dancing to "slap that", I know how much it embarrasses him.)
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Kauri's Queries.....What's Your Name Again?
That's what Kauri asked me at dinner.
My name was written on my cup and she said,
"I know how to spell your name.....d a wait,
your name is spelled m o m,
I don't know how to spell that name." (that's on my cup.)
"What does that say?"
I told her.
"Why does that say Danette, your name is mom."
How weird is that when you realize that after all this time,
"mom" is not "mom", and that she has a different name altogether.
I helped her spell my name.
We ate for a few minutes, then she saw my cup again and asked,
"What's your name again?"
Saturday, January 10, 2009
I Love It When My Mother-in-law Treats Us
Because she always treats us so well.

Sorry, I don't have a picture of this restaurant. I felt dumb taking my camera in there with all my in-laws. We were skeptical at first, but it is a very recommendable place to have someone else buying dinner for you. It's called Anasazi Steakhouse or something like that. It's pretty new-out on Sunset by Arctic Circle. Your steak comes to you browned/raw on a 7" x 7" flat lava rock heated to 700 degrees. You cook it yourself as you eat it. You cut a piece of meat off and press it against the rock and it cooks each piece in 15 seconds. So, cut 5-6 pieces and piece #1 is ready to eat by the time you cut #5 and so on. If it takes you a long time to eat a steak, your steak stays seering hot for the whole meal as the lava rock stays that hot for 45 minutes.
It was different, but if I had a choice, I'd pick it "on the rocks" every time.
It was fun to hear the Stake President brother order his steak "on the rocks."
The word of mouth must be getting around, cause the manager said he averages 45 customers on a Friday night (and that's all he had planned for,) but the Fri. night we were there, he had 145 +/- and we were there from 7pm till 8 pm. so maybe more after us. They were way short handed, but we would have sat there visiting that long anyways.
Then, we visited more at the house, ate root beer floats as always, told jokes,
reminisced, took pictures, and laughed till our guts were sore:
Brother Stan checking his zipper.
We did manage to get a few serious ones.
All 6 brothers, wives, and NO children.
The BEST way to party.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
I'm Gonna Beat You Up!!!!!
says Kyson, age 14, to Koby his brother.
"Good luck with that," says Koby, age 12.
"Thanks for that," says mom, age 29 1/2.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Our Christmas Eve Party
This was our attempt at being entertaining.
I think it might have been more like torture.
The girls sang the verse and Kortie sang the echo of "Rudolph."
Koby is playing the drums and did a heckuva job.
He started practicing them 4 days earlier.
We took this "show" on the road, and played for
Grandmas Myrtle and Mona on Christmas day.
It might have been good that Myrtle couldn't hear very well.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
So far, 2009 SUCKS!!!
In just 2 days, 2009 (or is it really 2013 in disguise) has cost me
some serious Heaven points.
I'm hoping that the bad things that come in 3's can count
the lost DS that happened 3 weeks ago. That way, my series is complete.
You must know that Y2K is REAL!!! It just came 9 years later.
It is called Z2K9 these days. Owners of Zune 30GB know
what I'm talking about, so I know none of you will understand.
ALL 30 GB's froze on New Year's Eve.
In every country! All of them.
I own 2 of them.
No big deal, wait till the battery dies and it will be "better"
after the internal clocks change to 1/1/09,
so says Microsoft.
(Something to do with a bug in the clock
and it not understanding a leap year?)
Not so with mine, another internet source told us how to fix it.
Hubby had to "pop" it open not once, but twice to
unhook the battery. Both of them.
Then, I discovered that the Program on my computer that
runs my Zune was mysteriously set to "SYNC all" instead of "manual"
like I had it on. This was right after hubby accidentally erased
ALL of the movies on the computer that we had
transferred into the Zune format.
(about 1.25 hrs. per movie and about 60 movies.)
Then, I plugged Zune in to the computer, and it deleted
every movie! every cartoon! every music video! from my Zune.
Then today, Kauri took Kortlen's 7 day old DS outside
and dropped it off the slide platform onto the concrete.
No, it doesn't work.
Yes, she sat in a timeout for hours.
1. lost DS
2. Zune freeze
3. lost all video files
4. deleted my Zune
5. dropped DS
Oh, crap! I've got 1 more thing coming to make an even 3...
I'll make a prediction for the next one:
1 I'll drop my camera or camcorder or both and they will break.
(wait, that only happens when I'm about to deliver a baby.)
so I'll change it to my treadmill will quit working.
I'll let you know.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Happy to you, too!
we watched Horton. He always puts himself to bed early.
Of course our teenager had a party to go to.
bothering him that I have to cut off.
We played Cranium, Family Fun: stand up with a
We played Elefun.
block on your forehead.
My tip: lick the block.
My tip: lick the block.
On a side note. We had a very intelligent teenager load
our dishwasher the other day. We checked it to see if it had
soap before we started it, and this is what we found.
The lid thing was closed and everything--ready to go.
We got a kick out of it.
We won't tell you her name starts with a K and ends with an isti.
Thank you.
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