Monday, May 7, 2012

Taking Advantage of the Rule Book?!

All the other coaches (men) in my girls fast pitch softball league have had freak-outs at the ball games but me.
The most mellow coach of all had a freak-out session on the young base ump at my last game. They were down by 12 points, with 2 outs, no real chance of coming back, and the ump made a call of the girl leaving early. The coach just lost it. He had had a very emotional day sending his son on the plane on a mission.... (long story)

The head umpire who is my friend, told me he's had nothing but problems with the coaches in my particular league. I reminded him that I have not freaked out yet, so how is he having problems with me?
He told me that more than one person has complained to him about me using tactics that are not necessarily okay to be doing at this level.....

Did you hear me??!!!!!       AT THIS LEVEL!!!   SINCE THEY ARE GIRLS!!!  

He said they are complaining that I am taking advantage of the rule book!!!!!!!!!

Should I be laughing? I don't know, he wouldn't discuss it with me.

O M Gosh!

They say I am using the rules to my advantage, and there is no rule against what I am teaching these girls!!!

For example, their catcher can peg the center fielder in the forehead with the ball if she wanted to. Am I gonna steal third with her catching? Probably very cautiously.

So, instead, I tell the girls to get a good lead off of 2nd base, and as soon as the catcher throws the ball to the pitcher, THEN steal 3rd. (a runner must immediately go back to the base or go to the next base as soon as the pitcher has the ball inside the pitcher's circle)

So far,(twice) it has been easy. Apparently, it is above the level of play for 11-12 year old girls. If they were boys, not a chance.   (I just realized that one of the complainers was the one ump I was telling you about the other day.)

The head umpire says he thinks it's kind of funny that they are complaining that I am using the rules that I know pretty well that were made for a reason to my advantage.

This whole subject just tickles Hubby's funny bone. He keeps saying that I got these other men coaches running scared!

I am not trying to cheat anybody here. I just want to give these girls every opportunity to learn tactics that other coaches (say like at all-stars) will be using against them so our league does not look so stupid when we face them. For reals, do they think these girls can't learn to play?

What I am teaching these girls about base running is EXACTLY what I used to do when I played Little League baseball when I was 12.

AND IT MADE IT FUN!!!!!  Isn't this all about having fun?

I still have not heard of any parents of my girls complaining about me. They all get to play infield, they all get to sit out, and they never bat last every time. Can't say that about ANY OTHER coach in my league.

I cannot take credit for our wins, however, I got lucky to have 2 pitchers who do a good job. Without them, winning is not possible.

"To Steal Or Not To Steal?"

That is the question.


Cheryl said...

That's funny. "Utah men" are so narrow-minded. (Yeah, that is a stereotype.)

I'm so glad your team is doing well and you are playing by the rules. They are idiots to use that as their complaint.

Those girls are lucky to have someone so devoted to teaching them how to play and be good sports.

Jana said...

I agree with what Cheryl said.

With such low expectations of these girls, who will play high school ball in a few years?