Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Desperate People Do Rotten Things

We were ahead 12-6 after 3 innings.
You are only allowed to score 5 runs each inning until the last inning, then  you are allowed to score unlimited runs.

The black team scored 6 runs to tie it at 12.
We were home team and did not score in the last inning, so we had to go an extra inning.


The other coach said to the umpire after the 3rd out, "So, it stands, then?"
I wondered what that meant... brushed it aside and got ready to start the next inning.

The umpire informed me that the game was over.

I asked him what he meant, the score was tied, do we end in a tie?

He told me that the score was 11-12. My mind soared. I knew that meant we were 11 since we had just gotten our last at bats. I panicked.
I told him no it was not 11-12. He said that is what my scorekeeper had down.
My scorekeeper was the "official" score of the game.
I knew there was nothing I could do.

I keep a score sheet in my hand during the game and keep the score for myself, so I know how many runs we have left to score in an inning and how many outs we have, etc.
I had checked with the scorekeeper at the end of each inning to make sure she didn't score the black team's run that came across on the 3rd forced out.

During the 3rd inning, the scorekeeper passed the book on to her husband and walked away.
He was doing a fine job, but missed a girl scoring on a passed ball. There was nothing going on except for this girl crossing the plate. There was not even a play at the plate, and the girl scored and didn't even slide. The next two batters got out, and it didn't even don on me to check on the score.
I usually have Lennette keep the book for me and she gets so much detail on the book that I can almost tell what color of underwear the girl is wearing. but, Lennette was across town at Jessie's game.

I grabbed the book and checked the score to mine, and pleaded with the umpire to believe me. I knew he did believe me. He said there was nothing he could do, and I knew he was right.

I told the umpire that I already knew how Jerico, the other coach, would react if i asked him to be fair. He acted EXACTLY how I figured he would:

I said," You're not really going to go with this, are you?"
He said, "Absolutely, I am!"
I pointed to the score sheet in his hand that I know he keeps during the game, and reminded him,"I know you've got this score on your sheet..." pointing to the one on my paper.
He pulled his score sheet away from my view and said, "No I don't, that's the official book!"
I threw in his face that, "You've been complaining about ME the whole year...and you're going to do this?"
As he cuts me off and says, "you're darn right I have." about complaining about me.
(He is the coach that called me and my assistant "bush leaguers" for sending a walked girl to 2nd base on a passed ball.    Like every other league does at every level.)

I haven't posted about the last time we played them, we lost. So both of our teams were tied for 1st place.

It made sense to me, now. When Jerico asked the umpire if the score stands as written in the "official' score book. He knew the score keeper had missed that run.
You don't say, "does it stand" if the score is tied. So, he knew he was cheating to take the win. There were at least 5 of his players standing around him while all this was taking place, so now they know they cheated to win this game.
I can't help but wonder how the girls feel about their cheated win. I'm not sure I would be proud of my win and the trophy knowing I had cheated to get it.

On the flip side, my girls are DEVASTATED!

I had to walk back to them and tell them we had lost the game, because of a score keeper's error. They don't understand, and I can't expect them to. My one girl is so upset at her grandpa for losing our game that she won't even talk to him, now.

I was so in shock that I didn't go slap hands. I was too busy paying attention to the fact that the cheater coach did not go slap hands either. (Remember, I got talked to by the LL Board for not doing it on the first game when I didn't realize I was supposed to until too late?)

The umpire came off the field with me to talk to me, and I pointed out a few things to him: Jericho had not slapped hands (which the ump was flabbergasted to hear), and the little rant Jerico had had at a "ball" call. Jerico also got on my case when my base runner on 3rd was challenging his catcher to throw the ball at her.

That one went something like this: "Danette, are we going to do this all NIGHT?!"
I pointed out that this was the FIRST time this had happened (3rd inning) this game, and I had NOT even told the girl to do it...                HA TOUCHE!

The little rant went something like this: umpire called it a "ball".
J. then starts yelling at the ump that he "needs to give us the strikes!!!
Then J. turns around, tucks in his garments, and for the full length of the dugout starts praying to the Gods....
But they were both in his conversation that I clearly heard from my base coaching box.
Gosh Darn it! Jeepers Creepers! and that is NOT what he said!!!

There were 3 little girls sitting in the dugout that DID NOT NEED TO HEAR THAT!!!
and that was all because of a BALL. It was not even an out call, or a missed run call. It was over a "BALL" call.......

Hubby is still convinced that J. hates me, because I am a woman and I beat him the first game.

If the shoe fits.....    

  He has NO other reason to be so mad at me all the time. Other than I teach my girls how to steal the bases against his daughter, the catcher.

I had what felt like a Bishop's interview with the LL Softball president whom I had gone to school with. I told him everything from my point of view. He listened to me like he was a bishop or something. He is so mellow and nice that I don't think he will do much about J.
J. will get a talking to though. The umpire had also talked to the softball pres.
That was until a girl warming up for the next game got hit in the mouth with a ball and got 3 of her top front teeth knocked backwards.

Highlights from my game!!!!:
Kinzie, the little stinker, was playing 3rd base. The pop fly went over the short stop's head. She ran over to the short stop's position and caught that pop fly! Then she threw the ball to first base for a double play, but the first baseman jumped to catch it and didn't need to jump, so she missed it.

My brand new girl, whose dad played pro ball, was playing 2nd base. A pop fly came to her and she CAUGHT IT!!! I was so excited for her! Last game, she even hit the ball and got on base for the first time in 9 games.

The girl, who Jerico announced during "the drafts" was undraftable, picked up a grounder at 1st base to get a girl out. Then had some crucial catches at 1st base. Ha, in your face, Jerico! This girl DOES have potential!  I love it so much every time this girl has proven him WRONG!

Okee dokee, that about does it for tonight.

I am soooo glad I am not the one who cheated to win that game! I would have a hard time with that one. I would have an even harder time wondering what my softball girls think of me teaching them that it is okay.

I blog these things hoping I can get to sleep easier. Not sure it's gonna work this time.


Jana said...

I don't even know what to say about all that.

Will your girls still go to play-offs or whatever? Or is that the end of the season?

Penny said...

We played our co-ed team against a bunch of foul mouthed players from the opposite team and I got them thrown out. It is against the LAW in Utah to swear in front of a minor. My whole neighborhood knows this and I make sure that everyone around me knows that especially if there are little kids around. I was at the DI looking for shoes for a play Josh and Sophie were in last week and the guy on the other side of the isle let a couple fly and I looked through the isle at him and said, "Excuse me! I know you didn't just day that in front of me." He got so embarrassed and apologized. I think people need to be put in their place when they are out in public. And I'm just the person to do it. My kids think it's funny. I'm glad I can be a good example to them.

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

Our team was tied for first place with Jerico's team until he cheated us out of the last inning. We were coming to the top of our line-up and he was on his bottom of his lineup had we played another inning. Now there is no way to come back and take the top spot. He only has 1 game left and we have 2 against a tougher opponent.
He has been the All-star coach for 4 years in a row as I understand it. That position automatically goes to the 1st place coach.
Last year it was for the girls, the 3 before, it was for the boys Majors.