Friday, May 4, 2012

College graduation!!!!!!

for Hubby and for Kyson!!!

Remember this post?

C'est La Vie
This time Hubby is the star of my blog.
Two years ago, he realized that he needs an Associates Degree to apply to certain jobs that he wanted to try for, which included substitute teacher (or so they told him).
He went to school for that semester (nothing else to do), and finished up the requirements (like 3 credits) he hadn't finished 22 years ago. However, the rules had changed and now he had to take 10 credits to finish up. So he finished those credits for the degree.
Then, work picked up for him and he didn't need the Degree any more, so he didn't apply for it.
Now, he is out of work again. With promises of work coming up (that didn't pan out),  he didn't register for classes this semester. So, he went to the college to square up his Degree.
The local college has changed the rules again. He no longer qualifies for the Degree. Now he is short 7 credits to get it. If he had applied for it when he earned it, he would have it.
I told him I think God is trying to tell him to stay in school and GET IT FINISHED, and to get the heck out of the concrete (beat the crap out of your body till you can no longer move if you are ever able to retire) business.
C'est La Vie


I wrote a little letter:

Hi, My name is "Hubby". I was born and raised and have lived my whole life in "this area". I attended "the local college" 20 or so years ago.  I was a few credits short of having enough for an Associates Degree when I left to pursue money making opportunities.

When the economy took a dive a few years ago, I could not find work in my field of concrete contracting any longer. I found that most places I wanted to apply for a job required an Associates Degree. I returned to "the local college" in the Winter/Spring of 2010 to finish up my Associates Degree. As soon as I completed the requirements, work picked up, and I went back to work to provide for my family. Applying for the Degree just slipped my mind as it was no longer at the top of my priority list.

I have been out of work for over a month with no real prospects of finding any soon. As I approached the college about my Associates Degree, I was informed of the new requirements for graduation. I am now 7 credits short of achieving this goal. I would really like to be grandfathered in for an Associates Degree since I finished the requirements in 2010, but I just failed to apply for it then.

I have 7 kids living at home from the ages of 17-2.  I need to find work ASAP to provide for them. I need my Associates Degree to apply for certain jobs I want to try for. I don't have time to wait for the Fall Semester to take more classes to finish up the new requirements that took effect less than a year ago. I would really like to get my Degree and graduate with my 17 year old son. (He is in Success Academy and will get his Assoc. Degree this Spring.)

I don't know who to turn to to plead my case. I am hoping that this letter will find the right authority for consideration.

Thank you so much for your time.
"My Hubby's Name".


they are giving him his Associate's Degree!!!!!!!!

In a few hours, Hubby AND Kyson will get to walk through the "D" together!

YAY           and alphabetically, Hubby will get his before Kyson!!!  whew.

Kyson just turned 18 and has been doing an early college high school for 3 years.
Basically, a LOT of hard work and sacrifice for a nearly free Associate's Degree 2 years early!

Pretty sure I'm gonna cry.

1 comment:

Jana said...

:) What a big accomplishment for both of them! And you!!!