What's the best thing you've ever been thrown at a parade?
Candy? got it! (at least 4 lbs.)
got it! got 2!
pens (good ones)? got it!
Hello Kitty band-aids? Got it!
Yes, Domino's dropped a whole pepperoni pizza in front of my family.
And I did a "victory dance."
I've been to a lot of parades in my day living in this town, but this one topped them all! There were 70 entries and it lasted an HOUR. (in contrast, the big, rodeo parade had 105 entries~a lot of them were commercials.)
This is the medical students' entry. This guy was swinging that plastic tube over his head like a lasso. Correct me if I'm wrong, Cheryl, but is that a
catheter? - cause I know that yellow thing is a urine bag!
More medical students. This was very funny from the front, but I was laughing so hard at the whole catheter/lasso thing, that I didn't get a good picture.
I thought this was very creative of the LDSSA. They are riding on a crane.
Had a girl sitting on a basket/swing thing.
There were short people.
LOUD people. We're like: "They're not gonna shoot that thiBBOOOMMM!ng, are they?"
and COLD people.
Lots and lots of COLD people.
I think I need to move to a warmer climate.
This cold front full of Canadian air is for the BIRDS!
the black and white, wobble on the ground kind!
Yeah, pretty sure that was a catheter. I haven't had too much experience with them, but uh, yep, pretty sure.
Sounds like fun. That's what a miss - smaller town parades. Mesa has a parade or two - but really lame ones, mostly jr. high bands and some walkers. All the big parades are in Phoenix - and I mean big! Have to get their hours early to get a seat in front to see them! My kids are parade deprived!
It's so good to see pictures of St. George! A whole pizza, wow. Were they handing them out to a lot of people? And while you were all freezing, we had a hot spell. Steve thinks we have an affect on the weather--hot air follows us. So brace yourself for a cold winter in the desert!
I can't believe I got a pizza!
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