Tonight, I know that all that time was
W A S T E D ! W A S T E D ! W A S T E D !
I teach my team how to play aggressive ball like any 12 year old should play. Like every player at the all star tournament. And our coaches are not even having them steal the bases, cause they might get thrown out. Not even trying. Pathetic !
The coach, who I used to respect, threw our team under the big fat LOSER BUS ! ! !
The worst player on the team, can't hit 1 practice pitch out of 45, (I was there. I saw it.) came to 3 practices out of 16, is only an 11 yr old player, not only got to play the WHOLE GAME, but also got to pitch the first two innings !!!!!!!! !!!!! !!! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
She walked the first 5 batters. I don't mean that she almost struck them out ! she didn't even pitch them 1 strike. She literally ROLLED THE BALL across the plate for each batter at least once. Two pitches to each girl had the catcher literally jumping as high as she could to catch the pitch.
She has no wind up. She doesn't know how to wind up. The catcher throws the ball back to her, and she can't even catch the throw backs.
She only made the team because her dad was a coach. All those men coaches were buddy buddy with each other.
We have two good pitchers, and both were eligible to pitch the whole game.
I have no idea why this coach refuses to try to win OR even do well !
This is All stars after all. This is NOT the time to let everyone try to figure out how to pitch.
I would tell my players that wanted to pitch during the regular season that if they walked 4, then I would give someone else a turn. I had a lot of girls that wanted to pitch and had only 4 innings per game. So, I had to make it fair for the ones who actually practiced at home.
What this coach, Russ, did tonight was so unfair to the whole team. Some of them have put in a lot of time at practice the past two weeks. Some of us have cancelled plans to go out of town to make sure we could have our girl at practice. (So the team would not suffer by our daughter doing poorly.)
Kinzie, for instance, missed 1 practice out of 16 ish. she is one of the better players, she is 13 not 11. Her only time to play 12 yr old all stars and SHE GOT BENCHED FOR HALF THE GAME.
All the 11 yr olds got to play the whole game. All of them have a "daddy coach". All of them missed at least 8 practices. All of them are really poor players.
The first inning ended with bases nearly loaded and 5-2.
The second inning, Russ put that same girl in to pitch AGAIN !
She walked in 8 runs before the coach took her out and put in his own daughter who is one of our only good pitchers. She has not had a turn to pitch yet . . . . . ? I don't know why, either.
She pitches super fast, but a few inches off every time, so she walked several.
The short stop could not catch a ball, so when the girls would steal bases, they would get another base for the missed throw. Kinz was always backing her up, but the ball would tip off the short stop's glove and spin past Kinzie. It made Kinzie feel like the error was her own fault.
After 2. Score was 14-2.
Our 3 best hitters struck out for no reason. Kinz was one of them.
Then Kinz got taken out of the game.
Several of the girls on the other team were leaving the bases early which means an automatic out. It took like 5 times of me telling the ump before he did anything about it. Then when he did, HE made the call instead of the base ump AND he missed the play at home plate because he was making the call. The girl at home was out, but got to score cause the ump was doing the other guy's job.
I told the guy in charge and he didn't seem interested in doing anything about it right then. Ugh.
They finally got called out for leaving early a second time, and they were 12 runs ahead of us by then. Dumb runners.
They didn't even score on us the last time up to bat.
I was so mad at Russ by the end of the game. I will never respect him as a coach again. I used to think I would pick him for the job. Never again. He's a stupid coach when it comes to game time.
Why waste all our time and money in gas getting to practices and to games if we are not trying to do our BEST????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hubby said to me on the way home that he might make me coach next year ! ! ! ! ! ! !
(This coach is a good friend of Hubby's as well as mine.)
Ha haha hahahahahahahaha hahahaha !
Update: Now that it's morning, I can tell you that I couldn't sleep, because I was so mad and disturbed about the game.
When I did fall asleep, I had nightmares about it.
The Ace whole coach will be in charge on Friday's game. I don't even know who will help him.
But, it won't end well. I already feel it.
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