Thursday, July 18, 2013

I amaze myself sometimes!

We were given a bag of clothes from a cousin, 
and found a super cute skirt in the bag, and it fit Kinzie perfectly. 

Only one problem: the zipper was broken.

and it was an "INVISIBLE" zipper!

I have never put in an "invisible" zipper before.  . . . . .
it was lined.
I have never put in this kind of lining before.

Okay, so that was 4 problems. . . .

Dang it, well, 
I guess I will have to try to fix it somehow.
 It's too cute
of a skirt to not to.

I could have taken shortcuts and made it easier on myself,
 but I was experimenting with my patience.
 I wanted to know if I could actually do it the way the skirt maker did it.

The hardest part of the process was getting my butt to the store and finding a zipper to replace it with. I don't usually go to craft stores or fabric stores, so it was a bit out of my way. 

and I was able to fix it back the way it was. : )

Except . . . that it is a SIDE ZIPPER. . . . . .




Penny said...

Good job! I would have asked my sister to fix it and wouldn't have even tried.

Jana said...

I would have put it in a bag of clothes and given it away. :)

I have no doubts about your sewing abilities.