Wednesday, May 29, 2013
Friday, May 17, 2013
We beat that "play off" game that wasn't a play off game by 12 runs.
Me and my assistant coach were so fed up with Ace Whole, that we decided to stack the field and try our best to cream them.
We did just that.
Kinzie didn't have such and awesome game since their pitchers weren't throwing strikes. I told her to hit it anyway, and she did her best with a high ball.
Then the base running when awry for her and she got called out at home on a passed ball since she did not touch home plate at all. She didn't want to slide so she stuck out her foot to the base and it never quite got there. She was nursing her scraped knee that she had just gotten sliding in at 3rd.
Our awesome pitcher did her thing and threw strikes. Hardly anyone swang at them.
The trophy is ours and YES, Ace Whole, I WILL sleep good tonight!
Me and my assistant coach were so fed up with Ace Whole, that we decided to stack the field and try our best to cream them.
We did just that.
Kinzie didn't have such and awesome game since their pitchers weren't throwing strikes. I told her to hit it anyway, and she did her best with a high ball.
Then the base running when awry for her and she got called out at home on a passed ball since she did not touch home plate at all. She didn't want to slide so she stuck out her foot to the base and it never quite got there. She was nursing her scraped knee that she had just gotten sliding in at 3rd.
Our awesome pitcher did her thing and threw strikes. Hardly anyone swang at them.
The trophy is ours and YES, Ace Whole, I WILL sleep good tonight!
Oh, my heck, I got in trouble again!?
The score keeper of the other team missed a batters "at bat", stopped the game to correct it, then blamed ME for her mistake. . . . . . Holy Crimonoly!
It was MY fault cause I didn't put numbers on the line up.
Then, another time, she brought the whole Home Team in off the field for the 5th run scored when OUR 5th RUNNER HAD JUST MADE IT TO 1st ON A BASE ON BALLS! Holy Moly.
I didn't go over and ask her if that was my fault as well.
Her coach NEVER puts numbers on his lineup either, and my score keeper has never had a problem. She just writes their number down as they come up to bat. Huh, what a concept, just like almost every other team in everywhere.
It was MY fault cause I didn't put numbers on the line up.
Then, another time, she brought the whole Home Team in off the field for the 5th run scored when OUR 5th RUNNER HAD JUST MADE IT TO 1st ON A BASE ON BALLS! Holy Moly.
I didn't go over and ask her if that was my fault as well.
Her coach NEVER puts numbers on his lineup either, and my score keeper has never had a problem. She just writes their number down as they come up to bat. Huh, what a concept, just like almost every other team in everywhere.
Wednesday, May 15, 2013
Koby's home!
Koby went to Florida with his friend's family with 6 kids.
They got home last night at 10:30.
They stopped and got Krispy Kreme donuts.
Not for anyone in the car!
They brought Hubby and I a dozen KK donuts to
tell us thanks for letting them "borrow" our son for the last week and a half!!!!!
Kidding me???
He got to tour the whole Southern tip of Florida and they bought ALL his food for 10 days!!!
And they thanked US!
He must have been a good boy!
They got home last night at 10:30.
They stopped and got Krispy Kreme donuts.
Not for anyone in the car!
They brought Hubby and I a dozen KK donuts to
tell us thanks for letting them "borrow" our son for the last week and a half!!!!!
Kidding me???
He got to tour the whole Southern tip of Florida and they bought ALL his food for 10 days!!!
And they thanked US!
He must have been a good boy!
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Have you ever felt ice running through your veins? Part 2 of 2
That's what it felt like to me when I found out Ace Whole changed his mind again.
Panic and adrenaline similar to a nightmare of someone chasing you with a knife, and you wake up in a cold sweat with ice running through your veins.
Panic and adrenaline similar to a nightmare of someone chasing you with a knife, and you wake up in a cold sweat with ice running through your veins.
I sent an email to all my players telling them about the game.
One mother emailed me back in the morning obviously frustrated with the whole situation.
First, we take first place, but then they change their minds 5 days later. Not fair.
I called Bo to make sure he knew that Ace Whole had told me 5 days ago that the season was over on last Friday, and that my team was in first place. If we tied with win/losses then the tie breaker comes since we beat them two times and they only beat us once.
Bo didn't know anything about the make up game that Ace had fixed to happen. He wanted to verify that what I was saying was true, so he 3-wayed Ace on the phone with us. What happened was basically those two guys sided together and it felt like they were ganging up on me and beating me down together.
Ace Whole, at one point, threw out the ol' "well, if YOU want the win that badly, then we'll just give you the win and we'll just play!"
I threw it back at him by telling him that he doesn't know his girls very well if he keeps saying that at me...
He interrupted me to tell me that, "I know my girls BETTER than YOU do!!!" so mature.
After he was done spouting off and bragging, I told him that at least one girl on his team bragged in my face that their team beat ours. He demanded to know who it was. There's no way I was gonna tell him.
I did tell him, however, that another of his girls would laugh at my daughter at school every time we lost a game. And her best friend on the black team would laugh with her at my daughter until my daughter has to walk away from them. And that the girl on his team wouldn't even talk to her best friend when the best friend's team would beat her. And when we beat their team, my daughter would get the cold shoulder from them both for the whole day.
Ace Whole then threw it all back in my face that I am pointing my finger at him, but that I had plenty of fingers pointing back at me. That my girls wouldn't slap hands with certain girls on teams and wouldn't slap hands with some of the coaches. (I can't imagine why....)
He missed my whole point like he always does. I reminded him that I wasn't telling him that to point fingers, I was telling him that so he would realize just how important the "win" was to more people than just me like he keeps trying to throw in my face.
Bo pointed out that it wouldn't be fair to Ace's team if they were in a playoff position and they didn't get to play it. I told them I understand that, and if the season wasn't over, then he shouldn't have told us that it was. He shouldn't tell us we were in first place if we were going to have makeup games later.
Ace whole kept saying over and over that he never said we were the first place team. He only said we were going into the tournament in first place.......
Do you see what I mean? He's a freaking idiot and you can't reason with an idiot.
Why would we be going into the tournament in 1st place if we were not the first place team, and the tournament was for fun and not counting toward the season, so what is left to knock us out of first place? Nothing.
But he kept saying over and over that he never said we were the first place team.
We kept referring to our records. They have 3 losses and we have 3 losses. So, whoever wins the game on Friday wins the league. He kept saying that we take first place no matter what because we beat them more times.....
It took Ace like 15 minutes to realize that when I said we have 3 losses and they have 3 losses that we are tied for first place, that it meant that we both have the same amount of losses, and who ever won the game won first place. Bo even had to point that out to Ace.
Like I said: Idiotsville.
Bo asked how it was decided to have a playoff game. Ace told him the board decided. I said I thought nothing happened without Bo's approval...
Ace said he got Bo's approval. Bo said Ace asked if there was a tie that there should be a playoff game. Of course Bo said there should. Ace didn't fill him in on all the details. I reminded Bo that when I called to ask him about it, bo didn't know what I was talking about.
I asked who the "board" was that decided this stuff.
Ace named himself and his head coach and another head coach on another team. I snickered at them into the phone. Bo reminded me that I needed to be on the "board". He has said that to me two other times before. I told him the same thing each time. I have too many kids to have any time to be on the board. But, this time, I told him that if I had known the other coaches were on the board, then I for sure would have been on the board.
There was an eerie silence for a fraction of a second as it felt like people were realizing the situation was breaking all kinds of little league rules. "Manager/coach representation on the board shall not exceed a minority." Page 22!!! A minority? How about the fact that our board is 100% manager/coach?!
Holy Moly infraction of rules......
I told them I wanted to play Ace's team again, but that my girls were feeling slighted, and their parents were mad. We were told we were done, and now all of a sudden we have to play a playoff game? always.
As we were hanging up, I told Bo "thanks" for his time. : ) (haha, but not Ace)
None of it made me feel any better. I just really wanted to OUT Ace Whole for the sneaky, rule non-conformant that he is.
Thirty minutes later, Ace calls me and is all of a sudden my best friend. He confesses that he DID tell me the season was over, and that he DID tell me that we were in first place. He said they decided that we would end the season with 11 games, and that we did take first, and we will play on Friday for a 12th game that won't count towards the season.
Bo and Ace are hunting buddies, so I didn't expect that I would ever get my way.
But, I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall.......
Holy Moly infraction of rules......
I told them I wanted to play Ace's team again, but that my girls were feeling slighted, and their parents were mad. We were told we were done, and now all of a sudden we have to play a playoff game? always.
As we were hanging up, I told Bo "thanks" for his time. : ) (haha, but not Ace)
None of it made me feel any better. I just really wanted to OUT Ace Whole for the sneaky, rule non-conformant that he is.
Thirty minutes later, Ace calls me and is all of a sudden my best friend. He confesses that he DID tell me the season was over, and that he DID tell me that we were in first place. He said they decided that we would end the season with 11 games, and that we did take first, and we will play on Friday for a 12th game that won't count towards the season.
Bo and Ace are hunting buddies, so I didn't expect that I would ever get my way.
But, I sure wish I could be a fly on the wall.......
We took 1st, no, wait, we didn't. I will have to ask Ace Whole for permission for the season to be over. Part 1 of 2
I just found out that 3 of the softball coaches are on "the board". Two of them are the coaches on the 2nd place team. The other was also one that bullied me to my face.
The headmaster of "the board" is Ace Whole. Ace Whole told me last Thursday that we were not going to make up the game between our teams. Our team would go into the funsies tournament as the 1st place team.
To me that meant that the season was over last week, since the funsies games don't count as season games.
To me that meant that my team took 1st place.
"The board" decided that we will not play the funsies tournament since most of the girls have school performances coming up on the first night of the tounament.
That leaves just one day left to have games. So, "the board" decided that we will make up the game we missed because the fields were double booked.
Right now we have the same win loss record as the blue team. So, this will be the championship game.
Yeah, now that all my girls and their parents have been living for 5 days knowing their girl's team took 1st. Now, we will have to gear-up and try to do it again.
The hypocrisy that abounds in this league is RIDICULOUS!
I had felt good last night. I had felt relieved. I had felt a big burden gone from my shoulders. I know I will never coach again, and it is such a big relief. (Kinzie won't let me; she is tired of seeing how these men coaches treat me.)
Then, at midnight, I found out about "the board's" decision to change their mind.
Now, a lot of my team's parents are mad. They can feel the frustration that I felt the whole season.
I can't wait to go to the LL meeting to vote Ace Whole off the island.
I hope to never have to work with him again.
The headmaster of "the board" is Ace Whole. Ace Whole told me last Thursday that we were not going to make up the game between our teams. Our team would go into the funsies tournament as the 1st place team.
To me that meant that the season was over last week, since the funsies games don't count as season games.
To me that meant that my team took 1st place.
"The board" decided that we will not play the funsies tournament since most of the girls have school performances coming up on the first night of the tounament.
That leaves just one day left to have games. So, "the board" decided that we will make up the game we missed because the fields were double booked.
Right now we have the same win loss record as the blue team. So, this will be the championship game.
Yeah, now that all my girls and their parents have been living for 5 days knowing their girl's team took 1st. Now, we will have to gear-up and try to do it again.
The hypocrisy that abounds in this league is RIDICULOUS!
I had felt good last night. I had felt relieved. I had felt a big burden gone from my shoulders. I know I will never coach again, and it is such a big relief. (Kinzie won't let me; she is tired of seeing how these men coaches treat me.)
Then, at midnight, I found out about "the board's" decision to change their mind.
Now, a lot of my team's parents are mad. They can feel the frustration that I felt the whole season.
I can't wait to go to the LL meeting to vote Ace Whole off the island.
I hope to never have to work with him again.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Wednesday, May 8, 2013
Kyson, Car, and Picante Sauce Rescue
In Scipio.
At least it wasn't in Mona like he broke down the first time.
He was able to baby the car and get it from
mile marker 233 to mm 188 and save hubby and I an hour of driving.
He would wait a few minutes, and the car would work for 2 to 3 miles at a time.
We made chicken tacos for dinner on Sunday before we realized
we were out of salsa or picante sauce.
Kyson told us he had a full bottle in the car with him.
Hubby's nephews
all together for the first time in 7 1/2 years.
Jake in the middle getting married on Sat. Jared in the Beach shirt just returned from a mission in Germany last Thursday. McKay in the NY shirt leaving soon to go to N. Carolina to continue school for 4-6 years.

My neighbor is in a mental hospital
He wasn't allowed visitors very easily in the jail. Someone tells me you can only visit people in this jail by video. You don't get to talk to them face to face.
This was in a newspaper:
A 76-year-old Washington City man charged with murder after allegedly beating his wife to death with a hammer was found incompetent to stand trial. David Keith Benson, charged in 5th District Court with first-degree felony murder, was ordered last week by Judge John Walton to the Utah State Hospital for treatment.
I don't know when this hospital stay was ordered, but I did just find out he is up north in the hospital being treated. You know, the one his family was trying to get him in the very day he killed his wife, but for some reason the hospital postponed his arrival by a week...
His family is allowed to visit him in the hospital.
I hear he still does not remember killing his wife.
His house around the corner from me is still vacant. One of his sons and family are expecting to move into it some time this summer. They have a daughter Kinzie's age.
This was in a newspaper:
A 76-year-old Washington City man charged with murder after allegedly beating his wife to death with a hammer was found incompetent to stand trial. David Keith Benson, charged in 5th District Court with first-degree felony murder, was ordered last week by Judge John Walton to the Utah State Hospital for treatment.
I don't know when this hospital stay was ordered, but I did just find out he is up north in the hospital being treated. You know, the one his family was trying to get him in the very day he killed his wife, but for some reason the hospital postponed his arrival by a week...
His family is allowed to visit him in the hospital.
I hear he still does not remember killing his wife.
His house around the corner from me is still vacant. One of his sons and family are expecting to move into it some time this summer. They have a daughter Kinzie's age.
Friday, May 3, 2013
I had a much better night tonight than I did last week.
First of all, I didn't have to talk to Ace Whole.
Second of all, HIS TEAM LOST TONIGHT to a team they have beaten 3 times!!!!
I hope that was the Karma that I was promised by a lot of well-wishers.
That puts my team in first place till next week's games.
During that game, my friend's daughter was pitching. She pitches pretty fast, but she hits a lot of batters. I think she had hit 4 batters before a dad on the opposing team came up to the fence and started yelling at Russ that the game was getting dangerous, and they needed to do something about her hitting girls. Russ yelled back at him defensively, that the batters have helmets on.....
The pitcher was flustered at the man's comments, so the umpire called timeout and went to talk to her. He told her she was a great pitcher, and that she wasn't going to get in trouble for hitting the girls. He told her that if that man said anything else to her that he would take action against HIM.
Later that night, Hubby gets a call from the pitcher's dad, Russ. He wants Bruce's address so that they can bring him a loaf of homemade bread and his favorite treat for handling the situation so well. : )
Remember, Ace Whole won't let Bruce ump our games? He was umping that one.
My team won tonight by 13 runs in the 4th inning. Shortened for the 10 run rule.
I had a girl pitch the first inning that has never pitched before. She did pretty good, but the other team managed to score 5 runs against us. I panicked and played my best pitcher the next 3 innings. Since we don't have a game tomorrow night, I was able to use her all I wanted.
I always keep score in my hand so that I can keep track of when we get 5 runs. But, I wasn't aware that the mercy rule had come upon us so quickly. By the time we got up to bat in 4th inning, we could only score 1 run before the game ended.
In our last at bats:
The first girl walked, then the next girl hit a triple, but I held them up on the bases so the game wouldn't end. (More girls wanted to bat.) My best hitter hit a pop fly to 2nd base that was missed, so the bases were loaded when Kinzie got up to bat. She hit it HARD, super hard on the ground between 1st and 2nd. I don't even know where the right fielder was, but Kinzie ran her 1 mile an hour pace and was able to score. (I don't know why she won't run fast anymore?)
So, anyway, a Grand Slam! It made her happy and feel really good. And now I owe her the menu from IN n OUT: Grand Slam= burger, fries, and a shake.
Earlier, Kinzie hit that ball so hard foul that it sent me scampering away from 3rd base. Then, she hit the ball super hard for an easy triple through the infield between SS and 3rd. The left fielder put her mitt down and the ball bounced right in. I think Kinz only got a single because of that lucky grab.
Some of my other girls got very good hits to the outfield as well.
My best batter hit a home run with 2 runners on and she was the 6th run. One girl threw a perfect throw to catcher and my runner got called out for not sliding on a close play. Crappy!
I had to miss most of Kort's game; mine was right after and I had to warm up my team. He got a hit to third, but stretched it into a triple after a bunch of bad throws.
I had to miss all of Kash's game; mine was at the same time.
Second of all, HIS TEAM LOST TONIGHT to a team they have beaten 3 times!!!!
I hope that was the Karma that I was promised by a lot of well-wishers.
That puts my team in first place till next week's games.
During that game, my friend's daughter was pitching. She pitches pretty fast, but she hits a lot of batters. I think she had hit 4 batters before a dad on the opposing team came up to the fence and started yelling at Russ that the game was getting dangerous, and they needed to do something about her hitting girls. Russ yelled back at him defensively, that the batters have helmets on.....
The pitcher was flustered at the man's comments, so the umpire called timeout and went to talk to her. He told her she was a great pitcher, and that she wasn't going to get in trouble for hitting the girls. He told her that if that man said anything else to her that he would take action against HIM.
Later that night, Hubby gets a call from the pitcher's dad, Russ. He wants Bruce's address so that they can bring him a loaf of homemade bread and his favorite treat for handling the situation so well. : )
Remember, Ace Whole won't let Bruce ump our games? He was umping that one.
My team won tonight by 13 runs in the 4th inning. Shortened for the 10 run rule.
I had a girl pitch the first inning that has never pitched before. She did pretty good, but the other team managed to score 5 runs against us. I panicked and played my best pitcher the next 3 innings. Since we don't have a game tomorrow night, I was able to use her all I wanted.
I always keep score in my hand so that I can keep track of when we get 5 runs. But, I wasn't aware that the mercy rule had come upon us so quickly. By the time we got up to bat in 4th inning, we could only score 1 run before the game ended.
In our last at bats:
The first girl walked, then the next girl hit a triple, but I held them up on the bases so the game wouldn't end. (More girls wanted to bat.) My best hitter hit a pop fly to 2nd base that was missed, so the bases were loaded when Kinzie got up to bat. She hit it HARD, super hard on the ground between 1st and 2nd. I don't even know where the right fielder was, but Kinzie ran her 1 mile an hour pace and was able to score. (I don't know why she won't run fast anymore?)
So, anyway, a Grand Slam! It made her happy and feel really good. And now I owe her the menu from IN n OUT: Grand Slam= burger, fries, and a shake.
Earlier, Kinzie hit that ball so hard foul that it sent me scampering away from 3rd base. Then, she hit the ball super hard for an easy triple through the infield between SS and 3rd. The left fielder put her mitt down and the ball bounced right in. I think Kinz only got a single because of that lucky grab.
Some of my other girls got very good hits to the outfield as well.
My best batter hit a home run with 2 runners on and she was the 6th run. One girl threw a perfect throw to catcher and my runner got called out for not sliding on a close play. Crappy!
I had to miss most of Kort's game; mine was right after and I had to warm up my team. He got a hit to third, but stretched it into a triple after a bunch of bad throws.
I had to miss all of Kash's game; mine was at the same time.
Thursday, May 2, 2013
All together again. . . . . I wonder who will survive : )
Plans change as fast as the wind direction sometimes.
Kyson had a good job and expected to work full time all summer and make enough to pay for his portion of a mission.
But...he accidentally slept through his alarm clock more than once and missed the start time of work, and his boss quit calling him to come in.
He will take his last final exam tomorrow, then pack our car, and head down to live and work at home for the summer.
His dad is so excited to have him cause he is a WORKER! and Hubby has been busy lately with his own work. It has been 2007 since I have been able to say that.
Kyson will be of great help to him for the summer.
So, now to clean out the "play" room and make it a bedroom. Yikes!
Kyson will also get here just in time to sub work at the gymnastics gym and allow Kash to go to the region track meet. Kash was subbing for Koby who will be going to Florida for 10 days with a friend from college.
Kyson had bought a scooter and tried to get it inspected and registered, but found out it was a piece of junk that required way too much money to get street legal, so he was able to get his money back from the guy.
Kyson has been renting our car for the last 7 weeks in Logan. His rental agreement is up, and he was planning to bring the car home soon anyway, but as it all turns out, he is coming home to stay for the summer, work for his dad and possibly put in some work hours at the gym coaching.
Like, I said, I wonder who will survive.. . . . . . . : )
Kyson had a good job and expected to work full time all summer and make enough to pay for his portion of a mission.
But...he accidentally slept through his alarm clock more than once and missed the start time of work, and his boss quit calling him to come in.
He will take his last final exam tomorrow, then pack our car, and head down to live and work at home for the summer.
His dad is so excited to have him cause he is a WORKER! and Hubby has been busy lately with his own work. It has been 2007 since I have been able to say that.
Kyson will be of great help to him for the summer.
So, now to clean out the "play" room and make it a bedroom. Yikes!
Kyson will also get here just in time to sub work at the gymnastics gym and allow Kash to go to the region track meet. Kash was subbing for Koby who will be going to Florida for 10 days with a friend from college.
Kyson had bought a scooter and tried to get it inspected and registered, but found out it was a piece of junk that required way too much money to get street legal, so he was able to get his money back from the guy.
Kyson has been renting our car for the last 7 weeks in Logan. His rental agreement is up, and he was planning to bring the car home soon anyway, but as it all turns out, he is coming home to stay for the summer, work for his dad and possibly put in some work hours at the gym coaching.
Like, I said, I wonder who will survive.. . . . . . . : )
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