Thursday, November 6, 2008

Zune Happy

Thank Heaven Zune finally made some updates to their software that now allows a normal person to easily change her music videos into a "videos/music" file instead of crammed in with all the other "videos/movies". I know most of you won't understand this one, but Mich and Jason should!!

Warning: Commercial ahead.
P.S. If any of you have children that watch videos, and you can get one of these for a decent price, I suggest you do it. My 3- yr- old uses mine a lot: visiting teaching appts, long car rides, long swim meets, regional conference at the college, etc. My 30GB has a TON of movies and music on it. She can watch her cartoons from TV, or listen to children's music I bought 14 years ago (that no one else in my family wants to hear anymore.)
It also keeps the "teaser"and/or the "easily annoyed" locked in his own little world for hours and promotes peace and harmony in our family/car.

And if any of you know of any new ones for a really good price this season, please let me know. I could use 2 or 3 more of them.


Micheline said...

Dani would HATE me taking her to all the kids ballgames. Can you believe one of my kids isn't into sports? So - I put some Scooby Doo Cartoons, disney cartoons on my Ipod - and she would sit and watch them the entire game and be happy! Hadn't thought about it for VT. Carson won't keep headphones on yet, but he'll get there!

Jana said...

We aren't so technically advanced at our house yet. When we have to be in the car for a long time (longer than 10 minutes) the kids listen to books on tape from the library. They actually look forward to it!

Anonymous said...

I have a Zune, too! I saved up all summer to buy it, and got it a month or two ago. Mine is an 80 gig - I listen to it when I am doing homework and in the bus/car. Hooray for updates!