Monday, November 3, 2008

More Halloween Tales

I sent Kash up a tree to hang my jack-o-lantern.
This is what it looked like 4 hours later.
I took the 3 youngest around the hood. We hit like 10 houses per hour. It was slow even with our wagon. Kyson and Koby had me drop them off at the edge of our ward.
By the time they made it home, they each had 6.5 lbs. of candy. Kash also went with a group of friends. They all had a blast.

Kauri is looking at a monster in the doorway. She almost doesn't dare get some candy. Can you tell we just came from a scary spook alley down the street?

Grandpa gets a visiter.

Cortney takes a turn handing out goodies.Kort needs some, too.

One of my neighbors is a HUGE Red Sox fan. Here he is cooking up "Fenway Franks" for anyone who stops by. Also, chip bags and big Costco cookies, sodas, and a movie- while you eat. This guy reminds me of my brother, Doug. He has mannerisms, sense of humor, and speaks just like him.

Kyson caught up with his friends around 10 p.m. Here he is getting taught by the missionaries. The kid in the green is Burke Staheli's boy (for Doug). The girls are Bruce and Lennette's neighbors.
Ghost track worked off-and-on like it does every year.

This ghost is motion-sensored. It used to hang in the front of the door where the spider is. It worked out really well to have it in the graveyard. It would howl everytime someone passed it to get to the candy.


Micheline said...

So creative with your house! Looks like you all had a fun evening!

Jana said...

Your house looks so great! I love the jack-o-lantern in the tree.

Jeremy Jo and EmmaLee Tiny said...

wow, looks like halloween is a big event for you guys! How fun!

Micheline said...

Doug said your neighbor must be an awesome guy (if he reminds you of him).