Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Kort's Turkey Project

He was supposed to decorate a turkey.
I knew the stale sunflower seeds would come in handy someday.

He painted seeds red, white, brown, grey, and yellow. Then we glued them on his picture.

I was so glad to be done with the turkey that I forgot to get a picture of it.

I was spreading out the seeds and didn't move my hand out of the way fast enough.


Jana said...

How creative! We just colored Jaydan's turkey and wrote what we're thankful for on the feathers. Boring, I know.

Micheline said...

How could you forget the picture? Just kidding. I do stuff like that all the time!

Tina said...

Sydney was supposed to disguise her turkey, so we cut out and pasted a "ghost costume on it".
(It's still halloween.) It turned out really cute.