Friday, August 29, 2008

Kauri's Commentary

Kauri hasn't showered with daddy for a couple of years, because she notices things, AND because she would tell him about it...

Last week, she showered with me to save time getting ready for church. And, just to put all you doubters to rest, I have BIG "muscles"!!

Kauri said so.

Later, when she was rocking with daddy, she discovered that he has "little muscles". He thought that was pretty funny.

I sat down at the computer to add to my blog, and I couldn't get on the computer. Someone had erased the username, and noone knew what it was. We had to restart the computer.
But, before we did, I hit an unknown key, and the perpetrater's name came up in the username space: kauri556525.

No! Way! It isn't possible... I sat her on my lap and told her to spell her name using the keyboard. This is what she typed:


I left it just as she typed it by herself.
I couldn't believe it, nor could I erase it. Enjoy!!

Kaibab's waiting,

see you in a few days.


Jana said...

Big muscles, how funny! She is amazing to be able to type her name at 3 years old! Have fun at Kaibab. We have a ward campout tonight at a park in town. We left all our camping stuff behind, so we'll be coming home to our beds to sleep. (Bummer, just kidding! I always like my bed better than camping.)

Micheline said...

Your posts are too funny! I'm jealous of your camping - Doug and I wanted to take the family this weekend - but with high schoolers, scheduling is a pain - football, etc, etc. Ughh!