Saturday, December 8, 2012

This extra warmth is killing me!!

Never, since I have put up decor on my lawn in December have I had to WAIT this LONG to put out my decorations.

The lights are on the house, but the leaves are still in the trees!!!!!

For those of you who are undecorators, that means if I try to put up all my lawn ornaments and stake them down, I will have to rake leaves in and out and around the decorations and the strings when they finally do fall. So, I just wait till the trees are empty, clean it up, then decorate. (remember, I have A LOT  of lawn ornaments...)

PS. The weather has to get COLD enough to kill the leaves, then the weather has to BLOW them down--IN THAT ORDER!

The wind has blown an itty bit, but it blew before it got cold enough to kill the leaves.

December 9th and we still have 25% of the leaves still hanging on the trees.

Cold spell tomorrow night....we need WiND!! BRiNG IT!!!


Jana said...

Oh my! We have been extremely warm here too (50s), but yesterday and today we are in the feels like negative range! With no snow! Not even fair, I know.

And thanks for explaining the raking thing. I now understand more why it's such a big deal. Although now I'm wondering why you don't just employ your six remaining children when the time comes for such tedious labor. ;)

Cheryl said...

We have the perfect weather for that here today: 30* with a nice, chilly wind! Brr!

Is it even going to be worth putting them up for 2 weeks?? Want a year off??

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

The smallest of my 6 remaining is the CUTEST to watch rake. She can't wait for her turn with the rake! She puts all her heart and soul into every swipe...just adorable.

Not sure if Jana means to have my kids rake around the tethers? if so, then the risk is them swiping too hard and puncturing an airblown, or untethering a tether, or smashing out miniature lights or strands of deer.
They have each filled up 3 or more big garbage bags already.
Most people don't go looking at lights this early anyway, cause they know that the closer Christmas gets, the more lights there will be to see. So, yes, we will put them up for just 2 weeks and it's okay, cause it's mostly just plugging in airblowns. That's easy.