Thursday, December 27, 2012

Days 1 thru 4....

Day 1: soft cozy blanket. 
I had no idea what was going on...

2nd day of Christmas: 

Mr. Potato Head full of potato heads was a major hit, and still is.
Kamarie's favorite thing to do in the nursery.
Fruit by the foot is my kids favorite thing to sneak out of the pantry.
Kams loves to play Hedbanz. She just LOVES to tell people what they are...:) 

3rd day:

Kyson was especially excited since he had just been there to see the lights at the temple.

4th day:

Super cute books.
I LOVE look-alike books...

That's all for now...
I need to download
my card to get the rest.


Jana said...

Waiting for more, and I've never heard of look-alikes...

Jana said...

P.S. I love your hot dog roasting snowmen. :)