Thursday, December 6, 2012

Things I have learned today...

I LOVE my candle warmer.
It made a nice smooth candle out of my ugly messily unevenly burnt candle.
The fumes from the melting wax with a lighted wick burn my throat, and so far,
 the candle warmer has not burned my throat.
AND I can't wait to use it to keep my mug of hot chocolate warm when it finally cools off enough here to drink hot chocolate.

You'd think that since crusty honey softens and liquefies in the microwave that the bottom scrapings of the Nutella bottle would do the same.......I learned that I will NOT find out.
Let's just say that it's a good thing I was standing by the microwave "in case" I needed to put out a fire that started because of the teensy weensy microscopic piece of foil that was left on the rim of the jar.

I SUCK at cooking white beans with ham! I don't cook beans a lot because
Hubby is DEATHLY ALLERGIC TO BEANS! He would DIE if he ever had to eat one.
At least he said he would RATHER die than eat a bean.
Who knew all the water would cook off while I was gone to the store and the beans would burn.
HAHAHAHA now you know WHY I learned item number 1 !!!!!!!! lololol

1 comment:

Jana said...

You just made me smile. And wonder where my candle warmer is. My favorite Christmas candle is warped to the side of the jar.