Sunday, October 28, 2012


This post could be continued several times every month.

This time, however, I fixed my cruise control for $18.21.

Yes, that's right, I , I , I  fixed it.

Well, me and Mr. Google.

I refused to take another trip in my 5 year old Suburban if the 

cruise control did not work.

I was needed to help drive the cheer team to the state playoffs for football, so there were some
things that needed to be done: oil changed, tires rotated, evidence of 7 children cleaned out, but
most importantly, the cruise fixed!

I found a forum where the people were talking about the cruise control not working on this year of Suburban, and some of them said to try checking the brake light switch.
I knew ours was having problems for years, cause the trailer brake
we have in it has a light that stays on all the time.

I took Kams and we went to the Chevy store and bought the part
the "forum" had said to buy.

Hubby switched out the part, and I couldn't wait to try it out.

Hubby also did all the other "honey do's" on the list. 
In the morning, I got a phone call telling me to bring my little car instead.
I had to wait an extra day to even find out if the new switch fixed
my cruise control.

It did!!!

I can't be a happy driver without my cruise control and that's that.

Hubby wanted to take over driving on our last long trip to Logan, cause I
was too tired to drive.
He thought I was too tired to drive, cause I couldn't keep the car on the road.

I explained to him that it is impossible for me to keep it on the road when
I have to look down at the speedometer every 20 seconds to see how fast
I am going (late at night with no one to follow.)

Up a hill down a hill up a hill down a hill....
You know how it is in Utah....
Yay for Google, and yay for cruise control.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

HalloweenJunkie dot blogspot

I made a new site for my Halloween projects and their detailed instructions.

I did this so everyone on pinterest doesn't visit my family's adventures/gossip column site.

So, if you feel like you want to see more pics of the mausoleum in progress, check out my halloweenjunkie site.

Candy Corn Creations! HA! I think it's a funny title! Cause seriously, I am sooo creative sometimes. Unfortunately, it really is a "seasonal" creativity that only comes once a year.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

My Mausoleum !!!! It's Done!!!

It's a little overwhelming to look at.
 A little confusing: like you don't know where to look first.
But, I am happy with it.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Found some skeletons in Cedar--still sooo close.....

Some more snipits
to drive my sister crazy...

This was the most fun part.

Stinky,    but fun.

I used a soldering iron to carve names into the foam.
Works like a hot knife through butter.

Painted them all at once the first round.

Tricked the kids into thinking it was fun to paint the cut out letters. haha not fun.
There were A LOT of letters to paint.

Cutting the "stickum".

My favorite picture of the entire project!!!

See if you can guess what the HECK I am doing....

NO WAY YOU GUESSED IT !! I will tell you in a minute....

Don't use E 6000 on foam, haha, it EATS it right away!!!

This is construction adhesive for $2 at Wally's World.

Then, I had to "age" them...

Then, I had to garnish a few of them....

I have to wait for the glue to dry on the skeletons,
and I had to make a giant fake sucker.

I am soooo close
to the big


of course if you live in my town all you have to do is 


Oh, yeah, what was I doing?

I was boiling my magnets! hahahahahha


Hubbies idea.
magnets were sooo old and bent from being rolled up so long,
 that they would not relax enough to sit flat on metal surfaces
 and would not work.
So, I heated them in boiling water for 10 seconds 
and stuck them on my fridge and smoothed them out.

Friday, October 12, 2012

Sooo Close!

Every part of my "this year's project" has been fairly easy.

Time consuming.

But, easy.

I am sooo close to being done!

I am having a hard time finding very-cheap, small skeletons.

(That's one of my requirements of projects.
Each part has to be very cheap.
There are usually several parts to each project, so if it's not very cheap, it can get pricey in a hurry.
If I wanted pricey, I would buy it already made in a store.
 How much fun is that? NONE! )

(But then again, this particular project can't be bought in stores!!!! )

Okay, here is a little snipit of what I'm attempting.


I made 32 tiles.

that IS a lot!!!

Some of my tiles are SOOO stinkin cute, you'll be proud of me if you ever get to see them.

(Especially since I only get the "creative bug" 
once each year-
some time between Aug and Oct 31.

I'm not sure the whole concept will work,
I'm not even sure my "stickum" will hold them on the garage door,
I'm not sure where I will store them from year to year.

Oops, guess I should've thought that one through...

I have to go to Cedar for 3 volleyball games plus drive time!
That's gonna take my whole stinkin' day.

of these days
my project will make it to the OUT doors.

just wish
I could find some cheap skeletons

or bones!

I'm sooo close!

Horse Shoes

Kauri: Mom do you have any horshews in that bag of mixed nuts?

Mom: Do you mean cashews?

Kauri: Yes! I LOVE those!

Monday, October 8, 2012

The Record Is Only 35!

Guinness was in Texas 3 days ago to record a 16 yr old girl setting the world record in back flipping. She had to beat 32. She did 35!
Kyson had already planned to do 35 at the next home game at Utah State!!!
He wasn't going for the most flips, he just wanted to go 100 yards!!!!
Certain people have promised him $100 to go 100 yards.

Heck, I might even pay for his last 3 months of cell
phone bill (which is more than $100 for sure.)

The next home game is on Oct. 20.
It might be the last time to try this before it gets tooooo cold.

Now, if I could just figure out
to  get
Guinness there, so
Kyson could get a free t shirt as well....
oh, yeah, and the record.
Even if holding a record might only be for a week or so 
before someone else breaks it.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

A Laugh A Minute

My family is watching Mirror Mirror. So far, they are enjoying it a LOT.
It is rated PG and stars Julia Roberts.
All my big kids are laughing every few seconds, including Hubby.

Grape Leaf Skeletonizer

Yesterday, I noticed we have found these things crawling out of our lawn out back. 
Oh, great, they might be killing my lawn.
Nope, not that I know of.
But, when I found them crawling out of my lawn out front today and all over my house, I had 5 kids come outside and kill about 25 a piece. didn't even make a dent.
I went to the side of the house to see how far they went around my house.
I noticed right away that my 8 ft by 10 ft of grapvines were completely dead,
 and it was crawling with these stupid caterpillars.
I had my kids come out and squish some more. They each squished about 100 and so did I. 
That's nearly 600 of these gross things, and we didn't even make a dent in what is out there!!!!!
I made a phone call to Grandpa Kay to find out what they are,
and he'll come over tomorrow and spray them.
Yay, for Grandpa Kay!!!
(He is the bonus grandpa my kids got after Hubby's mom got remarried. 

Before him, my kids had NO grandpas left.)

This is not what my vine looks like:

Mine don't have any green on them any more.
am so ready for them to be gone.
They killed my grapevines in just a couple of days!!!
According to a site I visited,
it says the hairs on these critters is irritating to the skin and will sting
and will cause welts.
Hubby thought one of them had bitten him, because of the big welt it left on him.