So, I had a birthday.
I decided that I would try to get a personal record in honor of me being so oldish.
My furthest I have ever run is 5K without stopping or walking.
3.1 miles.
I have done it once.
For my birthday gift to myself I wanted to show myself that I could do it again!
So I did!!!
But this time I ran 3.25 miles.
Running is not ordinary for me.
I don't "get it".
I don't "love" it.
It will never be an addiction.
Some days I can run a mile without even feeling it,
and some days I can't even run 100 yards.
Well, yay for me to even run another 5K
in the same year I ran my first one!!
I don't think it will happen again very soon.
It seems that the muscles around my lungs give out before anything else does.
But, one day I am gonna invent a wrap around screen for treadmills,
so that I can pick my scenery each day.
I like to control my surroundings (not running in cold or hot or dodging cars or pushing a stroller),
so one day, I hope to run through a forest or on a beach while in my house.
I can only dream, I'm sure.
Did you have a birthday? Are you 39 yet? Hey, I ran 5k on my birthday last year. Maybe we should give ourselves a 5k on every birthday. Or not. Either way.
Yay you. Have yet to run 2 miles straight. That I can remember.
Totally with you on the treadmill thing and would totally finance the wraparound for one.
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