Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Day7: I took it down and reloaded it, ...
....because the last one was too poor of a quality to get the best effect.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Friday, October 21, 2011
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
Monday, October 17, 2011
Day1: CJ The Bus Driver
asked Kinzie, as she was getting off the bus, who was visiting at our house...
It's ON!
Day 1: Our "visitor".
A 5'4" MommyMummy!
A 5'4" MommyMummy!
Booed Twice
Apparently, my 2-yr-old found our
"We've Been Booed"
sign and took it down out of our front window.
We got carmel-white chocolate apples last night!!!!
That totally beat the snickerdoodles we got a week ago.
We need to figure out the right timing for this:
the sign up long enough
for the "boo-ers" to see we are playing the "game"
so as to not offend anyone,
have it come down
at the right time
as to get
and AGAIN!!!!
If you'll excuse me,
I have to go make some more cookies...
and some more boo signs....
Sunday, October 9, 2011
PR on my BD
So, I had a birthday.
I decided that I would try to get a personal record in honor of me being so oldish.
My furthest I have ever run is 5K without stopping or walking.
3.1 miles.
I have done it once.
For my birthday gift to myself I wanted to show myself that I could do it again!
So I did!!!
But this time I ran 3.25 miles.
Running is not ordinary for me.
I don't "get it".
I don't "love" it.
It will never be an addiction.
Some days I can run a mile without even feeling it,
and some days I can't even run 100 yards.
Well, yay for me to even run another 5K
in the same year I ran my first one!!
I don't think it will happen again very soon.
It seems that the muscles around my lungs give out before anything else does.
But, one day I am gonna invent a wrap around screen for treadmills,
so that I can pick my scenery each day.
I like to control my surroundings (not running in cold or hot or dodging cars or pushing a stroller),
so one day, I hope to run through a forest or on a beach while in my house.
I can only dream, I'm sure.
Friday, October 7, 2011
PVHS Drama Team
The girl who got voted Homecoming Queen a month ago was late for cheer practice this morning.
She didn't hear the announcement to be at the game at 6:00 tonight instead of 6:30.
They needed to hand out shirts for the cheer clinic girls at 6:30.
Since she was late for practice, she got demerits PLUS she had to sit out of the first half of the game.
Since she was late to the game, she got more demerits PLUS she had to sit out the second half of the game.
It was SENIOR night!! and she is a SENIOR!!!
Another girl, Kim, didn't even hear that they were to be there at 6:00, so she started cheering with the team.
Then the coach pulled her to the sideline and wouldn't let her cheer either.
None of the game.
Her mom has been best buds with the coach. Not any more!
(A total of three girls sat out the whole game.)
On a sidenote!!!
After the game tonight, the mom of the cheerleader that left in tears the other day, came and told me how awesome Kyson is.
The cheerleader told her mom what happened with the "therapy session".
The first thing she told her mom was that Kyson was the only one that came after her.
He hugged her and told her that he thought she was a great cheer captain.
That meant the world to her daughter.
The mom cried the whole time she was telling me.
Koby was about to get up and tell her,
but saw that Kyson was already and thought Kyson would get mad at him for copying him.
Haha probably right.
Kauri got a lot of oooohs and aaaahs tonight when Kyson put her above his head like he does with the other cheerleaders.
She was smiling so big.
Then she got to do her cheer clinic cheer for half-time.
She had a good night.
She didn't hear the announcement to be at the game at 6:00 tonight instead of 6:30.
They needed to hand out shirts for the cheer clinic girls at 6:30.
Since she was late for practice, she got demerits PLUS she had to sit out of the first half of the game.
Since she was late to the game, she got more demerits PLUS she had to sit out the second half of the game.
It was SENIOR night!! and she is a SENIOR!!!
Another girl, Kim, didn't even hear that they were to be there at 6:00, so she started cheering with the team.
Then the coach pulled her to the sideline and wouldn't let her cheer either.
None of the game.
Her mom has been best buds with the coach. Not any more!
(A total of three girls sat out the whole game.)
On a sidenote!!!
After the game tonight, the mom of the cheerleader that left in tears the other day, came and told me how awesome Kyson is.
The cheerleader told her mom what happened with the "therapy session".
The first thing she told her mom was that Kyson was the only one that came after her.
He hugged her and told her that he thought she was a great cheer captain.
That meant the world to her daughter.
The mom cried the whole time she was telling me.
Koby was about to get up and tell her,
but saw that Kyson was already and thought Kyson would get mad at him for copying him.
Haha probably right.
Kauri got a lot of oooohs and aaaahs tonight when Kyson put her above his head like he does with the other cheerleaders.
She was smiling so big.
Then she got to do her cheer clinic cheer for half-time.
She had a good night.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Double Jeopardy-Alive and Kicking on the PVHS Cheer Team
Here's the skinny:
There was a cheer clinic scheduled.
Each of the girls on the squad were given tickets to sell.
They had 10 days to sell 10 tickets.
Or get 4 demerits.
If you get 21 demerits between May and Feb, you are off the team.
Late to practice or game =2. Miss a game assignment=4.
Not wearing the right bow or hair-do=? (We don't need to worry about this one.) etc.
Koby forgot about one game, slipped his mind. (They cheer for volleyball which has two games a week, JV football, and Varsity football.)
Kyson couldn't find his uniform one day, and made Koby late to the game.
Koby got 2, and Kyson got 4 that day.
Somehow they are adding up quickly.
We found out late on day 5 of the ticket sale that my boys were supposed to be selling tickets also.
They got their tickets on DAY 6!
Here's my beef.
1. My boys and MW are in the same ward.
All 3 are competing for the same 15ish girls that they know of to sell 30 tickets to.
2. Only girls are invited to come to this clinic, so my boys are at an automatic disadvantage since they don't keep tabs on who/where all the little girls are.
(ALL the cheer leaders agree that it seems a little creepyish for them to have to go find little girls to sell tickets to.) Not to mention the fact that MW has probably babysat all the girls in our ward, knows them well and, they would do it cause they like her.
3. My boys have 4 days to sell them, not 10.
4. My boys only know of the same girls, and don't want to go door-to-door, nor do they have time.
We called many on the phone. Koby rode his bike a mile away to try to sell them. Everyone was too busy.
5. The team was promised that they would get demerits if they didn't get all 10 sold.
We decided that the demerits would be worth it to not have to worry about it anymore, since we weren't even getting close.
The task seemed impossible, and all the girls were complaining everyday that it was impossible.
Only 6 of the 22 cheerleaders got all 10 sold. (There were still 200 girls at the clinic.)2
When the cheer team showed up on judgement day, the demerits were handed out.
Then, somehow, the punishment changed.
6. Now, it was going to be that the non-10 sellers were now going to be punished by having to cheer at the volleyball games on Tue. and Thurs.
And the sellers, had those days off.
How do you like that, volleyball players?
The cheer team cheers for you, because it is their punishment!
Well, certain boys on the cheer team have COLLEGE classes.
with REAL college professors.
Okay, both of them do.
The Senior has 16 college credits!!
And he has to go to 4 hours of high school on top of that.
And 2 hours of cheer "practice"1 every morning.
Not gonna mention that there is also 2 hours of swim team practice at 5 am every morning.
He has his college professors dictating his life pretty much.
He has tests scheduled that HAVE to be taken by a certain day.
He has to take this test on Tuesday night.
Oh, wait, he has to CHEER? on Tues. night in Hurricane (an hour of drive time) as his punishment.
7. With only a day's notice!
Wait, his punishment was the 4 demerits that he had agreed to previously.
So, my boy being the smart boy that I raised him to be :), decided that he didn't want to get a 0 on the college test, so he had to miss the game.
I had called the coach and told him there was no way Kyson could make it, and it was ridiculous for him to expect him to miss the test to go, and that Kyson shouldn't be getting punished for missing the game for a COLLEGE test he already had scheduled.
Kyson didn't have time to call them, so I called every cheerleader that wasn't "punished" to see if someone would "take his place," since this would get him off the hook for getting demerits for missing the game. Four couldn't cover, and 2 wouldn't cover.
8. I told the coach that potentially, Kyson could get 12 demerits for missing that one ridiculously unfair assignment if, by chance, he couldn't go to the game on Thurs.
9. The coach didn't see it that way.
He said he'd talk to the cheer advisor and Kyson in the morning about it.
That didn't happen.
He just simply told Kyson that he got 4 more demerits for missing the game.
10. Key word there being MORE. He had already been punished for the non-sell.
Here is where I throw in the definition of double jeopardy:
The defendant may not be punished twice for the same offense. In certain circumstances, however, a sentence may be increased. It has been held that sentences do not have the same "finality" as acquittals, and may therefore be reviewed by the courts. Sentence increases may not, however, be made once the defendant has already begun serving his term of imprisonment.
(The sentence in this case was added to after they got their demerits.
My boys both think that the girls who sold the 10, got to decide the harsher punishment of the added two volleyball games after the promised punishment of demerits had been given out!)
Kyson never even had a chance.
He already had this college test scheduled.
The 5th Amendment: just in case you had forgotten.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
1 Practice is in quotes, because it isn't what you would think of as a practice. My boys explain it as a lot of talk, talk, and more talk, about the same issues over and over. Drama. Drama. and more Drama. Mind you, the cheer coach is MALE. Shouldn't be drama, right? According to both of my boys, he creates 80% of it.
And, he is constantly telling the team that they suck.
2. The clinic had no adult supervision.
Several of the moms were mad, mad, mad to see their $25 had bought them Duck, Duck, Goose games. They taught them the dance for Friday's half time and for the breaks, they would play DDG games.
They didn't even spend more than 10 minutes teaching them cheers.
In case you are wondering, Kyson thinks he is up to 18 demerits now. Three more and he is OFF THE TEAM!!! All because he was expected to sell to little girls in less than half as much time as the rest of the girls who couldn't even do it.
Can you imagine him not on the team? He is the ONLY reason to watch them. He is in on EVERY good stunt performed. He is one of only 3 on the team that can tumble decently. The crowd LOVES him. The crowd responds better because of his constant "LOUDER" and "YELL IT" through the megaphone. The parade crowds only respond to our cheerleaders after he does his 10 back handspring-in-a-row passes down the road. Everyone on the team loves him to pieces!
In case you are wondering, if Kyson is kicked off, I will be pulling Koby off the team, too!
He can't tumble anyway, because of his injured elbow, and I will be in no mood to support the cheer team at all anymore.
PS. The coach couldn't make it to the game in Hurricane, cause his dog had surgery, and it couldn't be alone, so he called me to go act as the supervisor. You would have been appalled to see the girls as they showed up. They all looked like they were there as a punishment. Some of them even barely went through the motions for the cheers. They booed silently to each other when our team would score, because it meant that they had to stay longer. Four girls were late, 3 by 7 minutes and 1 was 40 minutes late. The cheer girl in charge told coach everyone was good.
PSS One of the girls on the team is there only cause my boys are there.
She would quit if they weren't.
She is one of them that wouldn't sub for him the other night.
Oh, the irony that if he gets kicked off, it would be partly just because she wanted to go to YW.
And then he won't be even be there for her anymore.
There was a cheer clinic scheduled.
Each of the girls on the squad were given tickets to sell.
They had 10 days to sell 10 tickets.
Or get 4 demerits.
If you get 21 demerits between May and Feb, you are off the team.
Late to practice or game =2. Miss a game assignment=4.
Not wearing the right bow or hair-do=? (We don't need to worry about this one.) etc.
Koby forgot about one game, slipped his mind. (They cheer for volleyball which has two games a week, JV football, and Varsity football.)
Kyson couldn't find his uniform one day, and made Koby late to the game.
Koby got 2, and Kyson got 4 that day.
Somehow they are adding up quickly.
We found out late on day 5 of the ticket sale that my boys were supposed to be selling tickets also.
They got their tickets on DAY 6!
Here's my beef.
1. My boys and MW are in the same ward.
All 3 are competing for the same 15ish girls that they know of to sell 30 tickets to.
2. Only girls are invited to come to this clinic, so my boys are at an automatic disadvantage since they don't keep tabs on who/where all the little girls are.
(ALL the cheer leaders agree that it seems a little creepyish for them to have to go find little girls to sell tickets to.) Not to mention the fact that MW has probably babysat all the girls in our ward, knows them well and, they would do it cause they like her.
3. My boys have 4 days to sell them, not 10.
4. My boys only know of the same girls, and don't want to go door-to-door, nor do they have time.
We called many on the phone. Koby rode his bike a mile away to try to sell them. Everyone was too busy.
5. The team was promised that they would get demerits if they didn't get all 10 sold.
We decided that the demerits would be worth it to not have to worry about it anymore, since we weren't even getting close.
The task seemed impossible, and all the girls were complaining everyday that it was impossible.
Only 6 of the 22 cheerleaders got all 10 sold. (There were still 200 girls at the clinic.)2
When the cheer team showed up on judgement day, the demerits were handed out.
Then, somehow, the punishment changed.
6. Now, it was going to be that the non-10 sellers were now going to be punished by having to cheer at the volleyball games on Tue. and Thurs.
And the sellers, had those days off.
How do you like that, volleyball players?
The cheer team cheers for you, because it is their punishment!
Well, certain boys on the cheer team have COLLEGE classes.
with REAL college professors.
Okay, both of them do.
The Senior has 16 college credits!!
And he has to go to 4 hours of high school on top of that.
And 2 hours of cheer "practice"1 every morning.
Not gonna mention that there is also 2 hours of swim team practice at 5 am every morning.
He has his college professors dictating his life pretty much.
He has tests scheduled that HAVE to be taken by a certain day.
He has to take this test on Tuesday night.
Oh, wait, he has to CHEER? on Tues. night in Hurricane (an hour of drive time) as his punishment.
7. With only a day's notice!
Wait, his punishment was the 4 demerits that he had agreed to previously.
So, my boy being the smart boy that I raised him to be :), decided that he didn't want to get a 0 on the college test, so he had to miss the game.
I had called the coach and told him there was no way Kyson could make it, and it was ridiculous for him to expect him to miss the test to go, and that Kyson shouldn't be getting punished for missing the game for a COLLEGE test he already had scheduled.
Kyson didn't have time to call them, so I called every cheerleader that wasn't "punished" to see if someone would "take his place," since this would get him off the hook for getting demerits for missing the game. Four couldn't cover, and 2 wouldn't cover.
8. I told the coach that potentially, Kyson could get 12 demerits for missing that one ridiculously unfair assignment if, by chance, he couldn't go to the game on Thurs.
9. The coach didn't see it that way.
He said he'd talk to the cheer advisor and Kyson in the morning about it.
That didn't happen.
He just simply told Kyson that he got 4 more demerits for missing the game.
10. Key word there being MORE. He had already been punished for the non-sell.
Here is where I throw in the definition of double jeopardy:
The defendant may not be punished twice for the same offense. In certain circumstances, however, a sentence may be increased. It has been held that sentences do not have the same "finality" as acquittals, and may therefore be reviewed by the courts. Sentence increases may not, however, be made once the defendant has already begun serving his term of imprisonment.
(The sentence in this case was added to after they got their demerits.
My boys both think that the girls who sold the 10, got to decide the harsher punishment of the added two volleyball games after the promised punishment of demerits had been given out!)
Kyson never even had a chance.
He already had this college test scheduled.
The 5th Amendment: just in case you had forgotten.
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.
1 Practice is in quotes, because it isn't what you would think of as a practice. My boys explain it as a lot of talk, talk, and more talk, about the same issues over and over. Drama. Drama. and more Drama. Mind you, the cheer coach is MALE. Shouldn't be drama, right? According to both of my boys, he creates 80% of it.
And, he is constantly telling the team that they suck.
2. The clinic had no adult supervision.
Several of the moms were mad, mad, mad to see their $25 had bought them Duck, Duck, Goose games. They taught them the dance for Friday's half time and for the breaks, they would play DDG games.
They didn't even spend more than 10 minutes teaching them cheers.
In case you are wondering, Kyson thinks he is up to 18 demerits now. Three more and he is OFF THE TEAM!!! All because he was expected to sell to little girls in less than half as much time as the rest of the girls who couldn't even do it.
Can you imagine him not on the team? He is the ONLY reason to watch them. He is in on EVERY good stunt performed. He is one of only 3 on the team that can tumble decently. The crowd LOVES him. The crowd responds better because of his constant "LOUDER" and "YELL IT" through the megaphone. The parade crowds only respond to our cheerleaders after he does his 10 back handspring-in-a-row passes down the road. Everyone on the team loves him to pieces!
In case you are wondering, if Kyson is kicked off, I will be pulling Koby off the team, too!
He can't tumble anyway, because of his injured elbow, and I will be in no mood to support the cheer team at all anymore.
PS. The coach couldn't make it to the game in Hurricane, cause his dog had surgery, and it couldn't be alone, so he called me to go act as the supervisor. You would have been appalled to see the girls as they showed up. They all looked like they were there as a punishment. Some of them even barely went through the motions for the cheers. They booed silently to each other when our team would score, because it meant that they had to stay longer. Four girls were late, 3 by 7 minutes and 1 was 40 minutes late. The cheer girl in charge told coach everyone was good.
PSS One of the girls on the team is there only cause my boys are there.
She would quit if they weren't.
She is one of them that wouldn't sub for him the other night.
Oh, the irony that if he gets kicked off, it would be partly just because she wanted to go to YW.
And then he won't be even be there for her anymore.
To add just a note to the previous post:
The other morning they had a "therapy" session.
The coach had each girl stand up and everybody take turns telling her what they thought of her, but no bashing.
The first couple of girls got up and nobody said much, then the team captain stood up and the girls let her have it in a non-bashing way.
She left in tears, and the coach spent the next 20 minutes bashing the team for bashing her.
They only got through 6 girls.
When Koby came home and told me about it, he was laughing.
My jaw hit the floor, and all I could say
was, "Oh, NO HE DIDN"T! Oh, no he DIDN'T!"
I'm not mad about it, but in a huge amount of dis-belief.
I have boys; they are a novelty, so everyone loves them,
and even if they didn't, my boys could care less.
So I didn't care that they had the meeting, but I can guess there aren't going to be so many good feelings between the girls on the team anymore.
Of course, Koby is laughing as he told me about it.
He couldn't believe it was happening at the time, either.
And everything that was said just made him laugh even more.
Especially when the coach keeps saying that they will not put up with the DRAMA.
Koby is the mildest-mannered, most 10-commandment-keeping person that I know, and he was the first person to tell me that the coach is the one CREATING all the DRAMA.
He had to hide his face behind his hands, cause he was laughing so hard.
Kyson told me later that he, himself, was also laughing in disbelief.
The moms that I have talked to about this are enraged.
They are scheduled to "finish" this therapy session tomorrow.
Me, I'm wondering when they are ever gonna start practicing more stunts and dances?
The coach had each girl stand up and everybody take turns telling her what they thought of her, but no bashing.
The first couple of girls got up and nobody said much, then the team captain stood up and the girls let her have it in a non-bashing way.
She left in tears, and the coach spent the next 20 minutes bashing the team for bashing her.
They only got through 6 girls.
When Koby came home and told me about it, he was laughing.
My jaw hit the floor, and all I could say
was, "Oh, NO HE DIDN"T! Oh, no he DIDN'T!"
I'm not mad about it, but in a huge amount of dis-belief.
I have boys; they are a novelty, so everyone loves them,
and even if they didn't, my boys could care less.
So I didn't care that they had the meeting, but I can guess there aren't going to be so many good feelings between the girls on the team anymore.
Of course, Koby is laughing as he told me about it.
He couldn't believe it was happening at the time, either.
And everything that was said just made him laugh even more.
Especially when the coach keeps saying that they will not put up with the DRAMA.
Koby is the mildest-mannered, most 10-commandment-keeping person that I know, and he was the first person to tell me that the coach is the one CREATING all the DRAMA.
He had to hide his face behind his hands, cause he was laughing so hard.
Kyson told me later that he, himself, was also laughing in disbelief.
The moms that I have talked to about this are enraged.
They are scheduled to "finish" this therapy session tomorrow.
Me, I'm wondering when they are ever gonna start practicing more stunts and dances?
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Saturday, October 1, 2011
Grandma's life BORING?
I was delayed getting to the bank. As I finally got in my car to go, I turned on my police scanner which I never have in my car, especially with fresh batteries. I never even listen in on the scanner.
I just happened to turn it on and within 30 seconds I heard D's name. Not many have that name so I became very attentive. When I heard A's name as being on the phone with the cops, I knew that I knew who it was. A was worried about her 8-yr-old daughter seeing the cops with their guns and getting scared.
A., D., and their dad have lived with my grandma for almost their whole lives.
I listened on the police scanner as this whole story played out!!!!!!!!!!!!
It was so exciting that I called my mom and had her on the phone with me too.
They said the older woman had health issues and it would take her a while to get out of the house.
(Right here I am imagining my gma refusing to leave, cause she knows it is nothing.)
They even called for backup for a 4th car. As you can see, there were more that showed up.
I heard them reporting that they were sneaking around the back of the house to the shed.
Every time they would say something, I would have to shush my mom on the phone so I could hear them talking. lol
The radio went quiet for a few minutes before they reported that the house was "clear."
What an exciting 20 minutes I had!
Then I woke up to my sister in Texas giving me the heads up on a story that was in the newspaper today.
Story on the front page of the Spectrum today...

All three live with grandma.
This picutre was on the front page of the paper today:

In this one you can see A, D's dog, and A's 8-yr-old daughter.

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this photo.
I also have my own version of a similar photo in my gallery.
I will try to post it in a minute.
D. called 911 and reported shots fired in the shed in the backyard.
Cops had to clear out the house to make sure there was no one in there.
Turned out to be a false report and D was arrested.
My sister had been at the house less than 30 minutes before D called 911.
She said that D was acting VERY strangely. More so than usual.
Word is she is on pain meds for a back injury she got from a car crash in the gorge.
Don't know what drugs she was on at the time of this incident.
If you know my grandma, you can understand why she looks so calm in these photos.
She knows nothing is wrong.
The police, however, don't know, so they had to act accordingly.
Here's the story in case thespecttrum has it blocked:
ST. GEORGE - Police responded with assault rifles drawn Monday evening to a St. George house after receiving what was later discovered to be a false report of multiple shootings in the house's backyard shed.
St. George Police Sgt. Johnny Heppler said officers rushed to the house on the 30 West block of 300 South with lights and sirens at about 5:30 p.m., secured a perimeter and entered the premises with weapons drawn.
"The only thing we knew was someone was saying someone was shot," he said. "We took tactical positions, so we had cover."
After determining no crime had occurred, police arrested 24-year-old Daphne Sue Alldredge on charges of 911 abuse, providing false information to a police officer and disorderly conduct. Alldredge was booked into Purgatory Correctional Facility on $1,486 bail.
"What she told the dispatchers didn't happen," Heppler said.
Alldredge's father, who declined to give his name, said his daughter suffered from mental issues and had a history with substance abuse. He said he hoped Monday's incident would result in his daughter getting the help she needs.
"I think it was a big cry for help," he said. "I think it was heaven sent."
It was still a scary event for the family inside the house.
Alldregdge's father was the first to encounter police as he walked out the front door to do some yard work.
"I came out to finish the shrubs and saw they were hiding out there with guns," he said. "I didn't know what to think."
Alldrege's sister, who also declined to be named, said she called 911 after seeing the officers as a way to ensure the situation wouldn't escalate.
"I said, 'You tell me what I need to do,'" she said, adding that she was fearful what effect seeing the guns would have on her 8-year-old daughter.
"I was freaking out for her," she said.
Police then questioned the family, searched the house and back yard, and left with Alldredge in custody.
Heppler said police take all reports of criminal activity seriously, adding that Monday's incident wasted resources that could be better utilized elsewhere.
"It definitely has an effect on the available officers at the time it is going on," he said of false reports. "We could be somewhere else taking care of an actual emergency."
Dan Larsen, who was working at his rental property across the street when the incident occurred, said he was glad to see officers make such brave moves.
"They were looking for action," he said. "They've got to do their job to keep us safe."
St. George Police Sgt. Johnny Heppler said officers rushed to the house on the 30 West block of 300 South with lights and sirens at about 5:30 p.m., secured a perimeter and entered the premises with weapons drawn.
"The only thing we knew was someone was saying someone was shot," he said. "We took tactical positions, so we had cover."
After determining no crime had occurred, police arrested 24-year-old Daphne Sue Alldredge on charges of 911 abuse, providing false information to a police officer and disorderly conduct. Alldredge was booked into Purgatory Correctional Facility on $1,486 bail.
"What she told the dispatchers didn't happen," Heppler said.
Alldredge's father, who declined to give his name, said his daughter suffered from mental issues and had a history with substance abuse. He said he hoped Monday's incident would result in his daughter getting the help she needs.
"I think it was a big cry for help," he said. "I think it was heaven sent."
It was still a scary event for the family inside the house.
Alldregdge's father was the first to encounter police as he walked out the front door to do some yard work.
"I came out to finish the shrubs and saw they were hiding out there with guns," he said. "I didn't know what to think."
Alldrege's sister, who also declined to be named, said she called 911 after seeing the officers as a way to ensure the situation wouldn't escalate.
"I said, 'You tell me what I need to do,'" she said, adding that she was fearful what effect seeing the guns would have on her 8-year-old daughter.
"I was freaking out for her," she said.
Police then questioned the family, searched the house and back yard, and left with Alldredge in custody.
Heppler said police take all reports of criminal activity seriously, adding that Monday's incident wasted resources that could be better utilized elsewhere.
"It definitely has an effect on the available officers at the time it is going on," he said of false reports. "We could be somewhere else taking care of an actual emergency."
Dan Larsen, who was working at his rental property across the street when the incident occurred, said he was glad to see officers make such brave moves.
"They were looking for action," he said. "They've got to do their job to keep us safe."
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