Sunday, December 20, 2009


When Hubby and I got home from
Kyson's band concert,
the kids showed us what had come.

There was a present for every person
even Kamarie......
every person's name was spelled correctly!!!
except for Kamarie, but they got the a in the middle
which makes me suspect someone in the ward or access to our ward directory.
our kids' dentist.
Noone ever spells all our names right.

Somehow, these "friends" knew exactly which kinds of books
each of my kids like.
Kashton even got book #3 of the series he just started.
and he is a picky reader.
Kamarie got a board book.
Kortlen got one he could read.
Hubby got one about coaching baseball.
Mine is "Joy of Believing"
Kys and Kob were science fiction or something.

Cheerios mix and Chex mix to eat while we read,
gift card
to Walmart!?!!
Who ARE these people?
We have had soooooo much fun
waiting with hope and anticipation
each and every night.
have no idea who it is.
We don't know anyone rich enough to
pull off a stunt like this one.
Well, we do, but they
are not likely candidates.
and they certainly don't know us as well
as these people seem to know us.


Unknown said...

It's so funny that Kristi is reading two series of books that you guys got.Enjoy you're reading!! Dani

Joshua said...

Hello, peoples!
My mom and I just finished reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians and The City of Ember.
PS: Poptrpoica has Counterfeit Island for early admission