This evening we were finishing up with the Christmas lights that we felt were a necessity for our reputation. (Maybe 25% of what is normal, but it was just the first day of decorating...)
I made everyone hurry and get done
with what decorations they were helping with
so we could get in the house and our "friends" could come.
We were going to go get pizza for a party that we got the night before.
(My house was semi-clean and I didn't trust leaving any of the kids home for fear of it getting messed up.)
I peeked out the window to make sure we weren't going to leave just as our "friends" got here, and there was no sign of anyone, so I yelled, "quick, get in the car, let's go!"
While my kids were getting in the car, (and they are always so quiet about it....NOT!) our friends came.
Koby thought he heard someone knock on the garage door but didn't think anything of it.
As we backed out of our garage, the package was off to the side of the garage door.
We put it in the house, and when we returned from picking up the pizza, we opened it.

This is a new fangled snow sled.
Chile, hot cocoa, candy.

Now, we just need snow!