Thursday, September 25, 2008

If You're Sleepy and You Know It...

Kort and Kauri are on the computer desk watching an older sibling play games. Or at least Kort still is.


Somethings missing.......
He wanted it pulled, but dad was gone with the scouts. He let me try it once, and when the pliers slipped off, he wouldn't let me try again, and wanted to wait for dad to do it. The bottom tooth was pulled 2 days ago and the tooth under it is already showing.
Kort asked me if he could play gamecube today. He said that since yesterday was school picture day and his hair was spiked for the pictures, that it must be long enough to spike so he should get to play gamecube now. He hasn't played it since he cut his hair. I told him he couldn't play it again till his hair grows back, so I can spike it.

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