My day started by Kortlen calling his cousin, Jaydan, in Bellvue, Nebraska. He used a feature I rarely use on my phone. Caller Log. He scrolled through the numbers that had recently called me, until he got to the one that started with a 6. Don't they all? The one he called the day before, that he thought was his dad's, happened to have Jaydan on the other end. So he did it again. And again this morning. So, Jana stayed on long enough to wish me a "Happy" Birthday.
I did something on my birthday that I have NEVER done in my life. I did it JUST so that I could say I did it. I ran 2.5 miles on my treadmill without stopping! Not bad for a non-runner. My furthest was 2 miles that I had done 6ish months ago.
I was almost done with a project that I had been working on all week, and I wanted to finish it, so I didn't go to lunch. Although Cafe Rio was probably where I'd have gone.
My son, Koby, is a space fanatic. He painted glow in the dark constellations all over in his room. I promised him a "silky" blanket but put it off forever. Anyway, here's the finished project.
Then, my hubby got done bidding the 400ish plans at work that took a whole week, and came home and made his "Once A Year" cake he has to make.
It doesn't really matter the flavor of the cake as long as the frosting is
the one on the Hershey's Cocoa box.
Then, he cleaned the dressing on his wound.
Warning, Graphic images. Do not look.
.Then, Kinzie got home from school, and he redressed hers.
The picture didn't turn out, but the expression on her face had to be posted.
The doctor, who we found out is a 17th cousin, once or twice removed, told us wrong.
He put in 6 stitches, not 5.
Kauri decided to take a nap. Or, it just sorta happened.
Grandpa was brave enough to feed a 5 month old homemade ice cream. She attacked the spoon trying to get it to her mouth. Soooo cute.
I wasn't going near that pastel green shirt with chocolate ice cream.
My day really started out with me finding a pile of wet, rotten, smelly dishrags in the laundry room (pet-peeve,) and being out of clean underwear, I had to dig out some maternity ones, (don't you even think I don't think YOU'VE ever done that.) And ended with me finding at midnight, that Kauri hadn't made it to the toilet after her nap, and the carpet under my toilet (that had just been shampooed for my b-day present) was sopping wet and stinky (pet-peeve.)
Therein lies the pressure of everyone wishing you a "Happy" B-day.
So, I will tell the BEST part last...
Kortlen wandered into my room just after I'd finished the blanket. I was sitting on the floor. I asked him if he knew who's birthday it was today. Of course, he did. Jana had told him when he called her that morning. I asked him if he knew how old I was. He didn't. So, as he was twirling circles in front of me, I told him. He was repeating what I'd said as he twirled, "Twenty-nine..."and just as he was finishing his circle, stopped, crouching, with his face right in front of mine, "AND A HALF???!!!!!"
Love that kid.