Tuesday, May 13, 2014

uh, eww

Yesterday, Castle kissed Beckett and Kamarie, age 4, says:

Eww, I hate it when they kiss!!!

Carl kissing me goodnight tonight as Kamarie walks in:


We keep kissing for more reaction.

After a few seconds, she says:

uh. . . EWW!


"I hate it when you kiss on the lips; it's so gross."


Jana said...

Who are Castle and Beckett?

Jtchapman said...

Aunt Jana Castle and Beckett are characters off of a show called Castle.

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

Castle is a crime solver show. Beckett is a cop, and Castle is a famous, rich book writer who tags along with Beckett to get writing material for his books.
They fell in love.
They are engaged.
They can't get married, cause everything keeps going wrong, and because he drove off a cliff on the way to the wedding....season finale.
See you next season!!!!