Monday, January 30, 2012


We have a hacker at our house and it's not Kyson.

It is Hubby. He caught the cough that is going around. He caught it so well it turned into Bronchitis!
The cough started off horrible, and it is still horrible.
It makes him throw up, it's so horrible.
Now he can barely talk. He thinks he might have ripped a vocal chord, cause it sounds like it, and because he spits up blood. yuck.

He's been out of work for 5 weeks, and he got called to come to work. Finally, he gets work, and he can't go, cause he has to go to the dr., and he feels yucky.

C'est la vie.


Jana said...

Well, what did the doctor say?

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

doctor said bronchitis.