Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How'd you do that?!!!!! another one

Our family drove to the ranch.
When we got there, everyone climbed out of the car.
I was the last one to get out, because I had to get the baby.
As the car door shut behind me, the car "clicked."
Meaning that the car locked itself.
(Someone had leaned on the "lock" button as he got out of the car.
Then when the doors all got shut, the car locked itself.)
Why, yes, of course the keys were still in the ignition.
Luckily, I had gotten the diaper bag out, so I had diapers, and a bottle of water, and gas drops.
Our options, as we could tell, were these:
1. Kristin could drive me home in her car to get the spare keys. (I couldn't take the baby, as her car seat was still in the car.)
2. Hubby could borrow g-mas car to go home to get keys. (But we were at the ranch to do work projects and that would put a big hole in our efforts to get stuff done.)
3. I could feed the baby, leave her with g-ma, and drive home in either Ann's car or Kristin's car to get the extra keys. (90 min round trip)
4. We could call home and have Christopher get our keys and meet us at the edge of town.
5. or whatever else.
we didn't use any of these options, but you get to guess as to how we got our car unlocked or how we got home.
I'll give you a hint in a few days.
First hint: no hide-a-key.


Jana said...

Did it involve a crowbar? Did you accidentally leave Kauri in the car so she unlocked the door for you? Did Mom drive up to give you your spare?

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

No, no, and no. But good guesses. Did I ever tell you about the time Kauri locked herself and the keys in our car in Vegas when she was 1?

Unknown said...

a wire through a window to the button that rolls down the window... We had to do that once at scout camp....

Sweet Tooth Sulli said...

good guess too! but nope!