Thursday, August 13, 2009

6 reasons to get out of bed today!!!

1 kid left at home
2 buses
3 kids ride the buses
4 different schools
5 kids in school
6 hours of
no fighting, arguing, piano practicing,
canned laughter (iCarly, Hannah Mont. Wizards of WP, etc.)
His day starts the earliest.

1 girl and 8 boys at this bus stop

Dressed and ready (and WAITING) with backpack on at 7 am.
(School doesn't start till 9)
Am I gonna miss you guys?????

Noone excited here....

Okay, I'll miss HIM.

and HER.


Micheline said...

Yea for you! and I say the same for me - YEA! Carson and I get to hang out for 6 hours too.
My kids start leaving at 6:45 am and the last one gets home at 6:30 pm. Jason drives a car to school (YEA for being a JR and getting a parking pass) - and picks up some other kids, Kristi has to be at her bus stop at 7, and I take Dani to school. Even when Dani gets home at 2:15, it's still so quiet and no fighting because Kristi doesn't get home till 4:30. I love the school year!

Cheryl said...

yay for quiet time! my kid only took 1/2 hour nap today. the baby is ornery cuz she just got shots 2 days ago. yes i gave them. i have a black maternity shirt you can borrow if you like.

Diesel Dave's Zoo said...

Danette, tell Kenzie her teacher lives in our neighborhood/ward. Nice guy. Congratulations to you mothers who are now home to enjoy a fairly quiet home while school's in. I have the honors of going to work and seeing who's kids I can poison for the day/week.....(that wouldn't be one of your kids would it?) :-)

Jana said...

I thought I commented on this one. HMM. . .

I love the pic of you celebrating with the bus driving away behind you!