We might as well call it a "tie".
Kyson got his highest score ever at the level he's at.
Koby has never gotten a better all-around score
than Kyson in the same year.
This last meet, Koby had Kyson beat!!!
Till one of Koby's best events: the vault.
Koby hit the vault table wrong with his hand
and got the worst score he's gotten in a long time.
Kyson beat him by .1 in the all-around score.
His high score last year was 3.0.
His best this year is 6.0 at the 1st meet.
This was his 2nd meet. This meet he got a 12.7.
In case you don't follow this sport,
getting your "best" score by 1 point is HUGE.
Four weeks ago, he couldn't even do the routine.
Before the meet, he couldn't do the WHOLE routine.
He just "went for it." He did the whole routine.
I'm so proud of him.
Kyson got his best score on the high bar by 1.3 points.
Good thing, or Koby would have passed him up!
Kyson got his personal best score by 2.3.
Koby got his best score by 9.7 !!!!!!
Kyson, you'd better kick it up a notch,
or you're gonna be hard to ride home with.
Luv, Mom
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