Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's VALENTINES Day, people, not the prom!

You get a box of Valentines, tape a piece of candy to each card, and give it out at school (x5 kids)!

What are some people thinking?!

Kinzie got this "Valentine, You Rock!"

and Kashton got this wrapped around some chunky candy bars....
in a mini baggie with a matching label stapled at the top.
Kortlen got several baggies with 3-4 snack size candy bars in each.
I just keep telling myself that each of those families only have one kid.
Good news though,
we used up the candy that the kids didn't eat
after they went Trick-or-treating ...



Jana said...

GOOD IDEA, giving out Halloween candy. We now have Halloween, Christmas, and Valentine candy all mixed together! I can't believe those specialty printed candy bar wrappers. That's nuts!

Anonymous said...

I HAVE wonder exactly HOW those parents got so rich! Anyway,I hope you had a great Saint Valentine's day!

Micheline said...

Hey - I saw the "you rocks" idea in the Family Fun magazine. I guess someone else must have seen it too! I think the papers were probably from an digital scrapbooking line that they printed off and put on their candy bars. As for me - I have always just done like you Danette - a valentine with some candy hearts attached. But this year - Valentines were the same price at target as a 24 pack of special Valentine Fun dips - so that's what Dani did. It had a place to put to: & from: Easy enough - valentine and candy in one!! She got about 3 back from other kids!

Photography By Jo said...

lol good way to use up your Halloween Candy!!