Monday, February 23, 2009

One tenth!

We might as well call it a "tie".
Kyson got his highest score ever at the level he's at.
Koby has never gotten a better all-around score
than Kyson in the same year.
This last meet, Koby had Kyson beat!!!
Till one of Koby's best events: the vault.
Koby hit the vault table wrong with his hand
and got the worst score he's gotten in a long time.
Kyson beat him by .1 in the all-around score.

Koby on p bars.

Koby got his best score on the high bar of the last 2 years.

His high score last year was 3.0.
His best this year is 6.0 at the 1st meet.
This was his 2nd meet. This meet he got a 12.7.
In case you don't follow this sport,
getting your "best" score by 1 point is HUGE.
Four weeks ago, he couldn't even do the routine.
Before the meet, he couldn't do the WHOLE routine.
He just "went for it." He did the whole routine.
I'm so proud of him.

Kyson got his best score on the high bar by 1.3 points.
Good thing, or Koby would have passed him up!

Kyson says this is his favorite event now.

Those other boys are 12.
Kyson got his personal best score by 2.3.
Koby got his best score by 9.7 !!!!!!

Kyson, you'd better kick it up a notch,
or you're gonna be hard to ride home with.
Luv, Mom

Sunday, February 22, 2009

An ordinary, uneventful weekend...

Getting ready for the "slam dunkin'"
basketball party...

Cooking "Sulli-dogs" at the "Sullivan Dome"
(cut in half, fried on a grill,
with or without dill pickle, mustard relish)

Kashton's fave gift. MONEY!

These are most of the boys in his scout group. 3 boys couldn't come.
(yes, poor scout leader...)

The man of the (3) hour(s).
Then.......We had a choice between
and cold showers.....
guess which one we chose?
The hand cart was a clearance special at Toys R Us
years ago. Has come in handy many, many times.
Also doubles as a children's toy.
Then, our ward had an un-birthday party.
This is our Bishop and the scoutmaster
trying to win musical chairs.
The scoutmaster won:
at the very last second,
he dragged the chair with him and sat on it.
We also played scattergories,
pictionary, and the newlywed game.
Then, we came home to find out that today is THE DAY!!!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Like I said

I love 11-year-olds when they're
There are 11 11-yr-olds playing night games
at my house for Kash's party right now. (Help Me!!)
But, I guess I didn't have to tell you that.
Cheryl can hear them and I'm sure Jana can, too.
Only 98 minutes to go.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

I Love 11-year-old boys

when they're asleep!
his choice for dinner............
my choice for the "family" cake........

all he wanted was a ds to replace the lost/stolen one.
(We think my hiding spot must be a good one.)
Thank Heavens, back in the day,
we used to spend $15,000 a month on concrete & materials.
This ds is compliments of Amex points,
or he might have gotten socks for his b-day.
I call this:
Cake From the Devil
1 choc fudge or dark chocolate cake
2 eggs
1 t. almond extract
1 can cherry pie filling
Spray pan.
Mix and bake according to directions.
Or 350 degrees for 25-30 min. Check with toothpick.
1 c. sugar
5 T. butter
1/3 c. milk
Mix together. In a sauce pan boil 1 minute
take off heat, stir in:
8 ounces milk chocolate chips
Cool cake, and let frosting cool a little bit.
Pour frosting on warm.
This cake is from the Devil,
cause unless you hate chocolate or cherries,
you will eat the WHOLE thing!!!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Kauri's Commentary

It's hard being a princess.....
Laughter from the front seat of the car...
It's not funny......

Sunday, February 15, 2009

It's VALENTINES Day, people, not the prom!

You get a box of Valentines, tape a piece of candy to each card, and give it out at school (x5 kids)!

What are some people thinking?!

Kinzie got this "Valentine, You Rock!"

and Kashton got this wrapped around some chunky candy bars....
in a mini baggie with a matching label stapled at the top.
Kortlen got several baggies with 3-4 snack size candy bars in each.
I just keep telling myself that each of those families only have one kid.
Good news though,
we used up the candy that the kids didn't eat
after they went Trick-or-treating ...


Friday, February 13, 2009

Kauri's Commentary

Have you ever remembered your vt's were coming 3 minutes before they got to your house?



So, as I am running around clearing counters and corners,

I looked out the window and noticed my VT's

had just pulled up to my house 7 minutes early.

I told Kauri, "They're here...."

She prompltly replied, "I'll answer the door."

I frantically pleaded, "DON'T open that door till I tell you to...."

The doorbell rang.

I scooped the last of the easy-to-hide stuff into a basket

to hide in a bedroom

when I heard her yell out the front window,



"Don't come in yet!"



Thursday, February 12, 2009

Here is my strawberry surprise!

Surprise! It actually tasted pretty good.

It is a strawberry jell-o poke cake with cream cheese cool whip frosting.
She wanted to be in the picture with him.

His piece.....





The tail end of the spanking machine.

Too bad our kids think he's 43.

He doesn't even try to hide it like some of you out there.


Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kauri says:

Happy Birthday, Daddy!
I love you so much!

You make me so happy!

You are my King!

Monday, February 9, 2009

You should've seen the look on his face

when he found out what dvd I redboxed (rented).
It was Mamma Mia.
But truth be known, he chuckled the whole way through it.
We got Madagascar 2 for the kids; it was pretty funny.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Our weekend:

I don't know what he's been whining about, this looks FUN!
The leaders made a lein-to against the baseball backstop to the left.
Then hubby borrowed some handy-dandy heaters
from his brother-in-law, Bruce.
They put the heaters inside their "tent",
and stayed cozy all night-except for when the wind
would blow and drip ice water in hubby's face.
Koby's scout troop has 21 (add more after today) boys in it.
Only 16 of them went on this camp-out. This is how wet he got from digging his snow cave.
It's a good thing he took Kyson's snow suit, too.
He slept in his cave all night and stayed warm.

Kort says, "Eww, I HATE broccoli!"

Here he is 5 minutes later asking for some more.

This is my Broccoli, cheese, French fry soup.
(The French fries kind of dissolved.)
It was yummy.

Here's some legs......

Here's some arms.......
Which one belongs to which?
Hint: they belong to boys.

He ended up being on an alternate team for an alternate team.
Didn't swim.
But, was convinced that if he shaved his arms and legs,
he would swim faster just in case he did get to swim.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Last weekend...


Meeting with Eagle Board to get project approved.

Day 1.

A "safety line" for the kids to stand behind while they wait for their rides.

That is only half of the line.

Sealing the asphalt so that the paint will stick better.



Day 2.

Koby smashed his finger in the gate first thing.


Let the PAINting begin....

Lunch time and frozen lemonade.

Don't forget the Great lakes.

Almost done!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tetherball.....we will NOT be getting one of these at our house.

FIGHT after FIGHT after FIGHT.

Yes, I'm smiling!!!!!

Can you see it from where you are?



One campout this weekend will finish the camping merit badge

and paperwork for the Eagle Board of Review,

then 2 boys down, 2 to go!!!!!