Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The weekend Part 2: Black Friday

Me and my shopping assistant got up at 4:15. He was in the electronics line at Wmart by 4:30 while I scoped out the whereabouts of the rest of the bargains. We didn't find out till 5:15 that it was actually the wrong line. I had asked the electronics personel twice to make sure we were in the right spot for item A. Unfortunately, the manager had not gotten the word out to a certain employee who already had item A locked behind the glass around the corner.

At 5:10, I turned around to see item A being carried out by numerous people, and none of them was my assistant. The 20 people in line ahead of us were mad mad MAD!! Item A was a good deal for $22 off the regular price. We waited around to see if for some miracle, item A would soon appear. It didn't, but by 5:35, 10 of the mad people were still in line waiting. So the manager gave everyone a different item A for $30 off. But, only 1. I have 6 kids, remember.

So, I left my assistant waiting in line to pay for it, and I booked it over to Kmart to see if I could make it in time to get item A from them. (I didn't even check with BestBuy 'cause I knew they'd be out of EVERYTHING. Been there done that.) I made it there just as they opened their doors. However, the line was a block long. I knew if I patiently waited in the line like a good little girl, item A would be all gone. (My integrity wins every now and then.) I waited in the line and watched several bunches of people not wait. I got in there finally, and dodged in and out of the empty aisles and was surprised to see the electronics NOT packed. I was 3rd in line for item A and I got as many as I wanted. AND item A was a discount of $35 each (rang up separately) on account of me getting coupons for something free that I was going to buy anyway.
That's why I do it, right there.
Seek and conquer.
Those 3 successes made my whole day good.
I went back and picked up my handsome assistant, and we were off to more stores. We went to one store 4 times that day. We couldn't make up our minds. It was nice to be in BB when it was not packed, and they even had 6 of item A left.
But the discount was only $10, so not as good of a deal.

I always make my 8 a.m. stop at Blvd Home Furn, because they have donuts and hot chocolate. YUM!!! and a really cool toy I've heard about for years but have never seen in stores-only $7. Yes, I got 5 of them. Kauri is too young to use it.
And my kids tended each other quite well. Meaning-no casualties while we were gone.... for 12 hours. There, I said it out loud. And yes, I said 12.

P.S. If you think it's a good idea to take your young kids (6-14) shopping with you on this day, think again, I ran in to several of my kids' best friends and had to swear them to secrecy to not tell my kids what I was hauling around the store.

1 comment:

Jana said...

I understand your whole "seek and conquer" mentality, but I still think you are nuts-12 hours! (Although I still enjoy the mp3 player you picked up for me Black Friday 2007, thanks!) We didn't have any money to spend, so I didn't even look at the ads. I actually ended up working that morning.