Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Grandpa Kay Decorates

He put a board over the stairs to the basement, and created

this winter wonderland indoors.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Where was I?

A week or so ago, I heard a story on the local tv news that
some "guy" went to the DI and was handing out $100 bills to everyone.
I was like, "I'm gonna go hang out at the DI and wait for him to come back."
Tonight I found out who it was, because I ran into my friend/neighbor.
and her husband. The husband,
who happens to be on my scout committee
and my right hand man for Boards of Review, works for the "guy."
The guy, who is in his late 20's or early 30's,
called 10 of his buddies to come help him and he gave them
$10,000 each,
in $100 bills to give to random people they saw.
(Hey, wait a minute, he saw me, so what gives????)
I think they each got that much, because my friend
still had $5000 in his pocket when we saw him.
Anyhow, they went around town today
and this past week handing out the money.
How would that be?
You get to see the benefits first-hand and see peoples' reactions
and be a hero, without getting poor.
People would cry when they gave them the money.
My neighbor gave a homeless guy outside of walmart $600.
What a cool thing to be a part of.
Anyway, I thought I'd let you know that this kind of thing is going on.
It makes me feel good to know that I'll get to hear some of the stories first-hand.
P.S. The "guy" redid the kitchen in his houseboat,
and just gave the perfectly good older cabinets away to
That's what Chris and Courtney are using up in our "playroom."

Saturday, December 20, 2008

What Does Santa Carry In His Pack?

...when it's not Christmas Eve and it's not filled with presents?......







comfy sneekers in case his bunions start hurting...



extra shirt
(he's an honorary member of the Green Bay Packers,)
it's his favorite team, since it's the closest one to his house.

extra hats in case he flies over one of the games

and just in case one blows off.....


his flat teddy bear he's had since he was a baby

--flat because he rolled onto it.


and an extra pair of
CLEAN underwear that
Mrs. Claus always packs for him.

Don't under estimate this photo.

We were late to 3 birthday parties

and missed two Christmas parties to get this shot.

And that's just the two oldest ones.




Just Kidding

Gas is really $1.31 a gallon.
I think that is what I paid in college...
10 1/2 years ago.....

Friday, December 19, 2008

$1.37 !!!!

That's right!!!!
A dollar and thrirty seven cents a gallon
at Costco last night
in the SNOW!!!
.Strange times.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Guess what we did tonight?









Koby and Kort

all done and all wet.

Look at those ROSY cheeks!!!


drips of snow off her eyebrows.



We got like 1-2 inches at our house, and i just got word that


just a minute,

I gotta go kick some butts of some of school board members.......

Monday, December 15, 2008

It snowed ALL day,

but not much of it stuck to the ground.

When is the weatherman right?

It's SNOWING in our desert!!!!!!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

When you are desperate,

you have to create your own "wind" storms.

We need most of the leaves down and gone

before we can finish decorating our yard.
Don't forget to notice the roses in the background!!!!
It's DECEMBER, people.
PS. Did anyone see Survivor tonight? LOVED IT!!!!!!!
One of the best episodes ever.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

"GARLIC" on the Banister....

Here is Kashton posing with the decorating assignment he did.

He put the "garlic on the banister."

one fifty three

that's right! Over the weekend, I saw a station with gas at $1.53. (a gallon, not a quart...)
Also, I'm having dish netwrk problems.
Does anyone else have them and is losing the signal for any
and all local channels at any given time of the day?
They sent me a new dvr, but that didn't fix the problem.
The techs that came to my house are baffled.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The weekend Part 2: Black Friday

Me and my shopping assistant got up at 4:15. He was in the electronics line at Wmart by 4:30 while I scoped out the whereabouts of the rest of the bargains. We didn't find out till 5:15 that it was actually the wrong line. I had asked the electronics personel twice to make sure we were in the right spot for item A. Unfortunately, the manager had not gotten the word out to a certain employee who already had item A locked behind the glass around the corner.

At 5:10, I turned around to see item A being carried out by numerous people, and none of them was my assistant. The 20 people in line ahead of us were mad mad MAD!! Item A was a good deal for $22 off the regular price. We waited around to see if for some miracle, item A would soon appear. It didn't, but by 5:35, 10 of the mad people were still in line waiting. So the manager gave everyone a different item A for $30 off. But, only 1. I have 6 kids, remember.

So, I left my assistant waiting in line to pay for it, and I booked it over to Kmart to see if I could make it in time to get item A from them. (I didn't even check with BestBuy 'cause I knew they'd be out of EVERYTHING. Been there done that.) I made it there just as they opened their doors. However, the line was a block long. I knew if I patiently waited in the line like a good little girl, item A would be all gone. (My integrity wins every now and then.) I waited in the line and watched several bunches of people not wait. I got in there finally, and dodged in and out of the empty aisles and was surprised to see the electronics NOT packed. I was 3rd in line for item A and I got as many as I wanted. AND item A was a discount of $35 each (rang up separately) on account of me getting coupons for something free that I was going to buy anyway.
That's why I do it, right there.
Seek and conquer.
Those 3 successes made my whole day good.
I went back and picked up my handsome assistant, and we were off to more stores. We went to one store 4 times that day. We couldn't make up our minds. It was nice to be in BB when it was not packed, and they even had 6 of item A left.
But the discount was only $10, so not as good of a deal.

I always make my 8 a.m. stop at Blvd Home Furn, because they have donuts and hot chocolate. YUM!!! and a really cool toy I've heard about for years but have never seen in stores-only $7. Yes, I got 5 of them. Kauri is too young to use it.
And my kids tended each other quite well. Meaning-no casualties while we were gone.... for 12 hours. There, I said it out loud. And yes, I said 12.

P.S. If you think it's a good idea to take your young kids (6-14) shopping with you on this day, think again, I ran in to several of my kids' best friends and had to swear them to secrecy to not tell my kids what I was hauling around the store.

Monday, December 1, 2008

We had a weekend part 1.

Thursday, we caught some deals at Kmart before going to Pine Valley.

It was the smallest group of Thanksgivers that I've ever had in my entire life. There were just 23 of us (3 of 6 families). It was nice to not have to stand in line for food all day, though.

The potatoes and gravy were to DIE for. The secret spice in the gravy? Taco Seasoning.

We spent a lot of time talking video mp3 players, playing Spoons, playing Nerts (Like speed but in teams of 2.) We had 7 teams playing against each other at once. Playing pool, napping, looking through my ads getting my shopping order planned out.

We even took a short trip around the valley to the ranch.

Sullivan Sunset Ridge

just became Sullivan Sunset Resort!

No need to guess where our reunions will be held for the next while.

Craziness, just plain craziness.