My last son is 11. Can he do it, too?
Scouts has been pretty pathetic in our newly assigned ward.
When he got into the New Scouts, the leader was not even holding scouts
The only two boys already in the group had football practice on the "ONLY" night the scout leader could hold scouts, so they took two months off from having scouts.
Then, when baseball season started in the spring, he took two months off to coach a Little League baseball team.
What the Freak? Right?
Not to mention all the other times he cancelled for one reason or another: sick, no assistant (without even calling my hubby to see if he could fill in after we had told him several times that he could), busy (without even calling my hubby to see if he could fill in), etc.
I was warned by another scout's mom that there would be campouts planned, and then the guy would just not show up. NO WAY! That's not possible.
But guess what? It happened exactly like that. He told the boys on a Tuesday to be at the church on Saturday morning. Then, they'd call him to see why he wasn't there. He forgot!
Pathetic! (He was in the calling for about 8 months with my son.)
The next leader was a father of one of the boys, (which is almost the only way to guarantee a good 11-yr-old leader). His first quote was that there would NOT BE ANY cancelled scouts meetings.
Then, he had to work the next 3 weeks on the night of scouts and had to cancel.
He did actually care about getting the boys' books up to date, and getting them to pass off certain things, but the guy had to work on the night of scouts a lot. He got released after just a couple of months, cause he just could not fit it in with his work schedule.
Now, we have probably the best guy in the ward doing this group of scouts. And the 2nd best guy is now the assistant.
What the Freak?!!!!!
My boy has only got 2 weeks left till he turns 12!
So, so, so, so, SO VERY FRUSTRATING!
All my boys were Stars by now.
My 11 yr old has not had a scoutmaster conference or board of review for even his 2nd class or his 1st class. He got his Tenderfoot (thanks to me) 10 months ago. (Just so you know, the next level after 1st class is Star, so my other boys were 4 MONTHS ahead of where this one is now.)
Just to put into perspective where my frustration level is: the scout leader from a year ago has a son that is just getting into this 11-yr-old scout program. His son will be benefitting from our ward's BEST LEADERS and getting what he refused to give to MY SON.
Hubby used to be over 11-yr-olds a few years back, and he regularly had several of his scout group clear to STAR before they turned 12. Like 8 of the 10 scouts were to a Star! It is really NOT HARD! All he has to do is just NOT CANCEL for 2 months at a time.
So, here we go. Kort has NO chance of getting his Eagle before he turns 13 like his brothers did.
I hate it when something important to me is just taken so flippantly by somone who has nothing at stake, like a son in the program to give him motivation.
It is just out of our hands, and it just ticks me off.
PS I spent several years busting my butt to help eveybody elses boys through scouts, and now it's my turn to receive the favor, and the "turn-abouts-fair-play" did not happen for me.
All Kort has left to get his Star is serve 4 months as a leadership position, and do some service projects. That is it. Well, besides to have a Board of Review for the other two advancements.
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