Sunday, February 9, 2014

True to form...

my ward will be re-aligned again!

That has got to be around 11 or 12 in the 20 years we have lived here.

There was 1 ward south of the river when we moved here.

On Sunday, there will be 12 wards in our stake,
and I don't know how many are in the other stakes
that are out here.

We still will not be getting our friends from our neighborhood back in our ward. We were split away from the oldest part of our neighborhood 2 years ago, and we are all still wanting to be rejoined with them. They are assigned to go to the other chapel to hear the news, that's why I am confident they aren't going to be put back with us.

We do know that our bishop will be released.
He will be in Africa picking up his missionary when he is released from his 7 years of being bishop.
So, he bore his testimony today since he will be gone.

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