Sunday, February 23, 2014

Three in 2.5 years.

This morning, my neighbor died.

He was in the hospital for some reason over the weekend, and this morning he got a blood clot in his head and passed away before he could be treated for it.

He was only about 58. He lived around the corner from me.

Two and a half years ago, my friend died of ovarian cancer. She was maybe 50. She lived 3 houses down from me.

A little over a year ago, my neighbor around the corner died when her schizo husband beat her to death.

That's 3 people within a block in 2..5 years.

I didn't know this man's family very well. But 10 years ago, his 17 year old son finished a shift at a pizza store, then went to the park and hung himself from a tree. That was sad, sad, sad.

That happened just after we got split from their ward, when this man was just put in the bishopric.

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