Yep, you read that right! !
Kams had croup, but we went to Sacrament Mtg. to listen to Kashton give a talk.
When he was done, Hubby handed me the keys and told me to take her home. But, I wanted to listen to the last speaker, cause he is a friend. So, I stalled for 15 minutes.
At 9:55, I pulled into my driveway to find two strange men getting out of an older dark green 4-door car that was parked in my driveway in front of my garage!
The passenger was out of the car, the passenger car door was open, and he was standing next to it. The driver was still sitting in the car.
The car was on the driver's side of my car, so it was easy for me to ask the passenger questions.
Can I help you?
He asked me if this was Sara's house.
I said no it wasn't, and asked him why he would think someone named Sara would live in this house.
He said he was told that Sara lived somewhere around here, so they were going around asking people for her house.
I thought, "yeah, right, liar." as I was scoping out the inside of their car to make sure they didn't have a gun. I remained in my car with the door between us, but my 4 yr old was climbing out of her door during this exchange.
I asked him what made him think Sara lived in this area.
He said she lived by his uncle.
I asked what his uncle's name was.
He paused for close to 3 seconds, like he was thinking, then told me his uncle's name was Ryan. No last name, just Ryan.
I just wanted them gone, so I politely told them I didn't know anyone named Ryan.
The passenger got back in the car, and they drove away. I watched them drive down the street 2 blocks and turn off of my street.
At this point, they made liars out of themselves, cause they didn't stop to ask any of my neighbors where Sara lived which is what they said they doing in the first place.
I took down their license plate #.
377 XFE
It was a dark green 4 door sedan. I am not good with makes, but it looked sort of like a Pontiac or a Buick. The passenger door mirror was taped on pretty securely with black duct tape.
The driver looked like white male, early 20's, short, black hair that was spiked a bit. Small gauges in his ear lobes: maybe 1/4 inch ones, several facial piercings: eyebrow, ear lobes, and maybe lip and/or nose.
The passenger looked like white male, early 20's, short, blonde hair, could have been spiked or gelled, several facial piercings, and ear piercings.
Hubby urged me to call the police, but it seemed trivial to me to call the police and tell them two guys were sitting in my driveway. . . .. .
By Tuesday night, a friend had posted on fb about an acquaintance getting burglarized while their family was at church between 10:30 and 12:30 in the morning.
I commented that I had taken down the license plate number and to have her friend call me for it.
The victim did call me and couldn't believe it when I told her it was and older dark green car. People who drove a car like that had done the stone work on their new house. They have lived in their house for only 3 months.
She told me where she lives and we were both shocked to find out that it was the very next subdivision down the street from my subdivision.
We were both shocked to find that they left my house at 10 am, and her house was burglarized at 10:30 am. The burglars took everything of value: tvs, jewelry, computers, etc. Their computer had every picture of their kids on it: first steps, first words, birthdays, all of it. They had no backups.
She described the rock work installers to me and they fit the description only sort of.
The guys working on her house were in their 30's and had tattoos and lots of facial piercings including pretty large gauges in their earlobes.
The guys in my driveway were in their 20's and had lots of facial piercings including very small gauges in the earlobes. I hadn't noticed any tattoos. (I was looking for guns and at their faces.) Their hair was clean cut: one had black hair and mustache with squinty eyes, the other one had blonde hair and looked like the "boy next door".
The cops said they didn't have enough evidence from my police report, so they would not be getting a warrant to search this car. The cop also mentioned that since my house and the victim's house were so far apart that these crimes were not necessarily related.
Kidding me?! !
True, the house is 1 mile south of mine, BUT it is the very next subdivision after you pass mine. We are nearly next door neighbors in this part of town.
My neighbor in a cul de sac 2 doors down from me told me one of her friends on a walk saw a dark green car driving down the main road, slam on the brakes, someone jumped out of the car, went over to the wall that was parallel to the road and jumped up to look over it. He then got back in the car and they peeled off and around the block. The friend crossed through the properties to see where the car went and found that they had stopped in this cul de sac of my neighbor. They had gotten out of the car, were looking around, but got back in the car and left as this man was walking toward the car. This happened 3 weeks prior to my encounter.
(No mention of this to any of us neighbors. Not even the neighbors in the cul de sac had heard about it.)
Yesterday at church, a neighbor told me that a house 1 mile south and 1 mile east of my house got burglarized while they were at church. Everything was taken.
The one thing I know that my house has in common with last weeks victims is that our driveway is long and goes to the back of our house. A burglar could park there and empty our house into a truck without being seen or watched by neighbors.
My kids seem to think locking the doors will make us be okay. I stress to them that the burglars would not care about anything and would break a window in a second if they found the house was empty.
The victim's house was locked, but the burglars gained easy access through the sliding door in the back.
By the way, as I got to my front door and praying that it was locked to ease my mind, I found it UNLOCKED.
We are "lockers". We lock everything, every time. Just not when a burglar is gonna show up.
My timing is unexplainable.
If I had gone home earlier, it might have turned into a home invasion? or if not, I may not have dared to follow them to their car and may not have gotten the license plate number.
If I had gotten home 30 seconds later, I could have walked in on the burglary in progress. Holy Cow!
Are you kidding me? That's insanely scary!
I can't believe you didn't have enough information to do anything with. Seems like it all adds up.
Your timing is what I call Divine intervention.
We heard about the robbery from the Schweirmans. It's scary. It makes me want to get a big loud dog. Speaking of the Schweirmans...we are trying to help Brycen get ordained to a priest. He, his Mom and Madi have been to church with us a couple times. Brycen told us that Kashton was his hometeacher. I'm glad because he needs good friends and good influences in his life.
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