Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kort's last Pine Wood Derby (ours too)

He knows how to lead a flag ceremony so well that he is almost always
the one leading it.

He didn't care about speed this time.
All he wanted
was to have his car look like his 
new favorite pastime...

The Master Sword
The Legend of Zelda on Nintendo DS.

We had to scrounge through the tool box for anything to make the car
weigh more, since most of the wood got whittled away.
his car ended up taking 1st place of the Webelos den.

Kort's car wins one of its first races:

Kort is awarded a ribbon for 1st place of Webelos den:

They had random people put together cars out of Legos on the spot, then they
raced them in a "just for fun" race.

Only one of those cars even made it to the finish line...
Look how close 2nd place came to finishing...
2nd place might have had a chance had it not lost its back wheels
halfway down the track.... hahaha


Jana said...

That is a seriously awesome car!!!

Cheryl said...

I love it. The kid who couldn't care less about speed won. I'm sure he also had the BEST time making his and designing it. What a great way to finish!