Thursday, January 17, 2013

Competency hearing coming up.

Bro Benson has had one evaluation, and he needs a second one.
He is scheduled for a competency hearing next week.

The word on the street is: dementia is OUT. Schizophrenia is IN.
(dementia was just my own guess, anyhow, since I am so experienced in the psyche world)

I'd have never guessed schizo in a million years, never saw it in him, not once. 
But, then, I've never known any one with schizo before.
(unless my one aunt has it, I dunno, my uncle keeps claiming she's crazy, for reals,
he has "legal custody" of her and everything.)

I am not sure if the sons were able to get in to see him soon after the episode or not; I don't think they did. The jail's rule is that Bro. Benson was not allowed to have visitors for 30 days. I heard that Bro Benson did not recognize them when they came to visit.

That's a good thing.

We all knew there was something big going on inside his head that was not normal.

I heard he was combatant with the prison guards and had to be put in isolation.
That's strictly hearsay, could be true, though.

Madelin has saved the day for me so many times already.
It seems like once a week at least.
I may need a flat cookie sheet for the oven, and voila,
I find the one she gave me the week before she was killed.
I need some large serving spoons.
There they are in the bag of stuff she gave me.
Need a spice I have never heard of?
she gave me a twisting rack full of those.
My rubber gloves have worn out,
I need some ham for some soup,
I need a clean measuring cup,
another potato peeler,
I can't even remember all of them.

He told Madelin that morning that the Devil was inside him,
and that he felt like he was going to kill her.
She brushed it off and sent  him to sit on the couch to relax
while she made him some breakfast.
She was killed in their kitchen that morning.

Gosh, I miss them both.

1 comment:

Jana said...

That's so neat that she is still in your life. I still think about them often, and I didn't even know them.