Last night, Kamarie wanted me to put her to sleep,
which means sit in my rocker recliner chair and nurse her to sleep.
We were by my closet when she was making her wishes known to me.
This usually consists of her whining, pointing at the chair, and her doing her lithalithalitha thing with her tongue.
She could tell that I was undressing to get ready for bed, so she started to help me:
I have these favorite lounge pants that I wear A LOT.
(warm, thick, cozy, big, comfy)
She reached into my closet,
grabbed hold of these lounge pants that were under a nice size pile of other clothes,
pulled them out,
and handed them to me.
Kamarie has been very sensitive to gas in her intestines since she was born,
therefore, I sleep with a hairdryer next to my pillow.
When she has a gas problem in the night and can't get back to sleep,
I turn on the hairdryer and she usually settles right down.
She also like to nurse during the night when she wakes up.
I don't always want to nurse her in the night,
cause it makes it hard for me to fall back to sleep.
I have started turning on the hairdryer when she wants to nurse.
A few times it has made her fall right back to sleep,
and I have gotten to go back to sleep as well.
The other night,
she was whining to nurse,
and as I reached above my pillow to turn on the hairdryer,
she grabbed my arm and yelled at me:
(She didn't want me to put her to sleep without nursing her.)
(She didn't want me to put her to sleep without nursing her.)
Smarty pants.
She is only 18 months old.
Haha! That is so funny. Alyssa doesn't like "You are my sunshine" anymore because she knows it makes her fall asleep.
THaT is so funny!
I think they are both funny.
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