Wednesday, January 5, 2011


lidth - uh- lidth - uh - lidth - uh - lidth - uh - lidth - uh - lidth - uh
as fast as possible

until I acknowledge her or appease her.


Every time Kamarie says this, it melts my heart and makes me giggle with JOY!!!!
It is usually accompanied with her snuggling up on my lap and lifting up my shirt to nurse.



She learned how to say it a few weeks ago
when I taught her that what she wanted was called "mommies milk"



I have been enjoying her saying it ever since,

and it is distinguishable from anything else that she wants.



I just now figured out what she's saying.


I was putting milk on her cereal and asked her if she wanted milk.
Then she repeated milk to me and this is how it sounded:






It's the "il" in "milk", but just mixed up.

And the "dth" is the 'm' sound she is trying to make. LOL LOL LOL

I lOVE IT!!!


1 comment:

Micheline said...

I can't believe how big she is! Sounds like you are having a lot of fun - and joy - from her. I was (an am) like that with Carson.