The other day, I beat "procrastination".
The sink was finally cleared out,
I had access to the garbage disposal,
it was finally not clogged,
AND I felt like I had waited long enough.
I opened the plastic container of leftover mac n cheese
that had been sitting out for daaaaayyyysss.
Like I said, procrastination.
The smell of DEATH emerged
and filled my kitchen immediately.
who had climbed on the counter just above the sink to watch me,
said, "Eewww, that really stinks!"
which is what I expected her and everyone else to say.
I told her to get down
and go somewhere else
so she didn't have to smell it anymore,
and then she asked.....
"How come YOU get to smell it?"
"Because I'm the Mommy!" AKA mess-cleaner, destroyer-of-yuckiness, butt-smacker, car-driver, human-dairy, etc!
LOL from all of us! We sure miss you guys.
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